Erich Maria Remarque - biography, photos, personal life, books, quotes, death



One of the popular writers of the German Empire of the twentieth century is Erich Maria Remark. Publicist, whose statements became immortal, represented a "lost generation" - the period when at eighteenth aged the young guys called on the front, and they were forced to kill. This time later became the main motive and idea of ​​creating a writer.

Childhood and youth

Erich Maria Remarik was born on June 22, 1898 in the city of Osnabruck (German Empire). The father of the writer worked with a twist, so the house of the future publicist was always full of large number of books. From an early age, Little Erich was fascinated by literature. Especially young Genius attracted the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Johann Goethe and Marseille Proust.

Erich Maria Remarque in childhood with sisters

From the biography of the literary genius, it is known that as a child, Remarik was also fond of music, loved to draw, collecting butterflies, stones and brands. With the father of the relationship were stretched because of different views on life. When Erich turned nineteen years old, a mother died from cancer, with whom the writer had always warm, trusting communication.

Erich Maria studied in a church school, at the end of which young man entered the Catholic seminary. Then followed the years of study in the royal school seminary. There the writer became a member of the literary circle, in which he found friends and like-minded people.

Erich Maria Remarque in war

In 1916, remark went to the front. A year later, he received five injuries and was in his hospital everything else. Upon returning to the native edges in the house of his father Erich equipped the office, in which he was engaged in music, painted and wrote. It was here that in 1920 his first work was created - "shelter Dream".

Throughout the year, Erich taught at the local school, but later refused this profession. The writer changed a lot of work before he began to earn with writing. So at different times he worked as an accountant, a tutor, an organist and even traded tombstones.

In 1922, Remark left Osnabruck and went to Hannover. There he settled in the magazine "Echo Continental", in which he wrote slogans for months, piraen texts and various articles.

Erich Maria Remarque in youth

It is known that Erich also printed in other magazines. So work in the publication "Sport them Bild" opened the door to the literary world. In 1925, the self-taught journalist went to Berlin to become the editor of the illustrations of this magazine.

In 1926, one of the magazines published novels "from youthful times" and "Woman with golden eyes." This was the beginning of the creative way of the remark. From the moment he did not stop writing, creating new masterpieces.


In 1928, a novel "Stop on the horizon" was published. According to a friend of the writer, it was a book about first-class radiators and beautiful women. After a year, the light saw the novel "on the Western Front without Change." Remark in it described the whole horror and the ruthlessness of the war through the eyes of a nineteen-year-old young man.

Writer Erich Maria Remarque

The work was transferred to thirty-six languages, it was issued forty times. In Germany, the book made a furor (one million copies went over the year). In the 1930s, the work was removed by the film.

The 1931th was marked by the entry into the light of the novel "Return", telling about the life of yesterday's schoolchildren who returned from the war. Five years later, the book "Three Comrades" appears on the shelves. It was published on Danish and English.

Books Erich Mary Remarika

In 1938, Remark began working on the work of the "Love of the Middle His", which was completed in 1939. Then Collier's magazine began to print the Creation of the Writer.

In May 1946, a novel "Triumphal Arch" came out in German in German, and in the middle of the summer, Remark graduated from the work of the "spark of life". The following year, the premiere of the new film was held in the story "on the other side" (the picture was called "Other Love").

Erich Maria Remarque

The 1950s became the year of the breaking of relations with Natasha Pale (Brown) after ten years of permanent meetings, quarrels and reconciliation. In the same period, work began on the novel "The Land Promised" ("Shadows in Paradise") and "Black Obelisk".

In 1954, an anti-war novel "Time to live and time to die" was released, in 1959 in the Hamburg journal Kristall, the work of "Life" was printed, and in 1962, a separate publication of the novel "Night in Lisbon" appeared on the shelves.

Personal life

In 1925, Remark reached Berlin. There in the handsome-provincial, the daughter of the publisher of a prestigious magazine fell in love, in which he worked underwhere. True, the parents of the girl prevented their wedding, despite the fact that the writer received a place editor in publication.

Soon, Erich married the dancer Ilzeat the Zampon, the marriage with which existed for four years. Bolshaya, a slender young lady became a prototype of a couple of his literary heroines, including Pat from the "Three Comrades".

Erich Maria Remarik and Ilsa

Then the metropolitan journalist behaved as if he wanted to quickly forget his distinct past: elegantly dressed, he wore a monocle, often visited concerts, theaters, fashionable restaurants and even bought a Baron title for 500 stamps at a helent aristocrat.

In January 1933, on the eve of the arrival of Adolf Hitler to power, a friend of Remark advised the Writer as soon as possible to leave the city. Erich immediately sat in the car and, what was, went to Switzerland. In May of the same year, the Nazis betrayed the novel "on the Western Front without change" with public burrows, and his author was deprived of German citizenship.

In 1938, the writer made a noble act. To help your ex-wife, get out of Germany and give her the opportunity to live in Switzerland, he again concluded with her a marriage that was terminated only in the 1957th.

The most important woman in the life of the writer became the famous movie star Marlene Dietrich, which is the prototype of the heroine of the novel "Triumphal Arch" - Joan Madu. Remark's compatriot, she also left Germany and since 1930, she was successfully filmed in the United States. From the point of view of the generally accepted moral, Marlene did not shine virtue.

Erich Maria Remarque and Marlene Dietrich

Their novel was incredibly tormented for the writer. In France, Marlene arrived with a teenage daughter, husband and mistress of the spouse. They said that the bisexual actress, which the remark nicknamed the puma, cohabites with them both. In the eyes of the remark, she also had a connection with a rich lesbian from America.

Because of his bordering madness, Erich was ready to forgive the artist, starting life from a white sheet. When the literary genius proposed Marlene to marry him, the woman told Mount Kavalera about what an abortion did. The father of the child was the actor Jimmy Stewart, with whom the freedom-loving special was filmed in the film "Dandy again in the saddle."

When Dietrich found out that the remark transported a collection of painting to America (including 22 work of the Cezanne field), Marlene wished to get at least one picture as a birthday present. After countless humiliations, the remark had enough spirit to respond with refusal.

Actress Greta Garbo.

It is worth noting that in Hollywood the writer did not feel a bandwidth. His money was excellent. He enjoyed success with famous actresses, including the famous Greta Garbo. True, the mishet brilliance of the filmtolitis annoyed remark. People seemed false and exorbitant to him.

Finally, swaying with Marlene, he moved to New York. Here in 1945 the Triumphal Arch was completed. Under the impression of the death of the sister, he began working on the novel of the "spark of life" dedicated to her memory. It was the first book about what he himself did not experience - about the Nazi concentration camp.

Erich Maria Remarque and Flight of the Year

In 1951, in New York, the writer met a flight of the year, which at that time was 40 years old. Her ancestors from the motherboard came from American farmers, immigrants from England, and with the paternal were Jews.

In 1957, Remark officially divorced with Uyutta, paying it $ 25 thousand and appointing a lifelong content of $ 800 per month. The next year Remark and Goddar legalized the relationship.


Remember spent the last two winters with flight in Rome. In the summer of the 1970s, the writer again refused the heart, and he was laid in the hospital in Locarno. There, the writer died on September 25 of the same year. The grave of the creator of the work of the "spark of life" is located on the Swiss Cemetery of Ronko.

It is known that on the day the funeral of the former wife sent an ex-spouse of roses, but Goddar did not put them on the coffin.

Erich Maria Remarik in recent years

The first 5 years after the death of her husband, the flight was diligently engaged in his affairs, publications, laying plays. In 1975, she was seriously ill. The tumor in the chest was removed too radically (there were several ribs), and a woman was swollen.

The beloved writer lived for another 15 years, but it was sad years. Flight has become strange, capricious and took too much medicine. During the next depression, the lady sacrificed $ 20 million. New York University, and then began selling the collection of impressionists collected by the remark.

Grave Erich Mary Remarika

It is also known that the former wife of Charles Chaplin repeatedly tried to commit suicide. The owner of the house in New York, in which she removed the apartment, did not want to take alcoholic accommodation and asked her to go to Switzerland.

On April 23, 1990, flights demanded to give it a catalog auction in which her jewelry was sold on this day. Sale brought $ 1 million, and 3 hours after graduation, the actress died. I buried the nominee Oscar award next to her husband at the Swiss Cemetery Ronko.


  • 1920 - "Shelter Dream"
  • 1924 - "GEM"
  • 1927 - "Station on the horizon"
  • 1929 - "On the Western Front without Change"
  • 1931 - "Return"
  • 1936 - "Three Comrades"
  • 1941 - "Love your neighbor"
  • 1945 - "Triumphal Arch
  • 1952 - "Spark of Life"
  • 1954 - "Time to live and dying time"
  • 1956 - "Black Obelisk"
  • 1959 - "Life loan"
  • 1962 - "Night in Lisbon"


"The greatest hatred arises to those who managed to touch the heart, and then spat in the soul" "The most wonderful city is the one where the person is happy" "Love does not tolerate explanations. She needs actions "" It is mistaken to assume that all people have the same ability to feel "" It is better to die when you want to live, how to live before you want to die "

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