Jean wife - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



In the twentieth century, the prose was a unique artistic and aesthetic and moral and ethical phenomenon, and the writers constituted the intelligentsia of the Company, but then exceptions occurred. Their number includes a writer and playwright from France Jean wife.

Writer Jean Female

His works have no analogues in world literature of that period. The special specific theme of works of his wife became the consequence of his difficult life path. Jean adhered to the position of immoralism, which is reflected in every literary work. For this unconventional for the writer, the worldview of criticism quite coolly accepted all the work to his wife.

Childhood and youth

Jean wife was born on December 19, 1910 in Paris. On the father of the writer, biography is silent, his personality is unknown. Camila's wife suffered from severe mental illness. When Jean was born, Camila gave him to the shelter (the boy was only six months). Soon the child adopted a poor peasant family.

Growing Jean often said that he loved his adoptive parents. According to some sources, the Rainier family, adopting Jean, was a couple of homosexuals. As a child, the boy delivered a lot of problems. Jean at first there was an obedient child, regularly visited church services.

Jean Female

When Zhana turned ten years old, an unpleasant episode occurred in the life of the future writer. Earlier, the obedient child was accused of stealing their own parents who were for him the only close people. Considering that he was accused of unreasonably and unfair, for Jean it became shock. The incident left a deep mark in the soul of the boy and hardly harmed it.

Since then, the behavior of Jean has changed radically. He began to steal, for which the boy should have been placed in a colony for minors, from where his wife had escaped. By the way, no documentary evidence of the stay of the future writer in prison has not been preserved - except the collective photo, but it is almost impossible to learn from 60 adolescents in the same clothes.

Jean wife in youth

The boy is thumbnail, begging, stuck and even engaged in prostitution. At that time, homosexuality flourished in Europe, and Jean, without thinking, began to sell his body to adult men. This period of his life was later described in the autobiographical book "Vor Diary". At 15, the young man still was in prison for theft, but there became a pet due to his rich homosexual experience.

At 18, a young man to escape from prison, signed up in a military connection consisting of citizens of other states. But the army discipline did not change the habits of Jean - he stole the things of the officer and deserted. After a young man has repeatedly turned out to be behind the grille for theft and fake of documents. In prison sentences, the entire Second World War passed for his wife.


Leading a frankly asocial lifestyle, not having education, moving from vagrancy to imprisonment and back, in the 1940s, his wife opened a literary talent and began to write books. In the late 1930s, Jean consisted of intimate relations with a fraudster Maurice Pilorzh. Met young people in the army. Maurice robbed and killed his partner by the name of EcCudero, for which later was sentenced to death. This story inspired Jean Wife to create the first novel "Our Lady of Flowers."

Jean wife and Andre liquid

Acquaintance with the writer and playwright Andre by the field Guyoma Liver provided his wife's pass to the world of literature. Jean Jean with the publisher Jean Decarnal, who helped his wife publish his books. Subsequently, Decarnain and wife became lovers. The first fans, and then the writer's friends entered such famous French writers as Sartre, Cokto and others.

The last asocial act of the writer became theft of the book of Rosel, for which he threatened a lifelong imprisonment. Influential acquaintances in literary circles helped his wife to avoid legitimate punishment, after which Jean fell entirely into the literature. At the same time, Jean Books himself never read, considering it meaningless. The prone to mystials and scams, Jean often told that his wife he owes the grass of the race (in French "wife") - they say, in his childhood he was found in the field, overgrown with a trunk, and nicknamed his wife in honor of this plant.

Writer Jean Female

All the literary creativity of the writer is a description of the most nasty human defects, the exposure to the hypocrisy of society, a description of the world of thieves, prostitutes and homosexuals. Despite the lack of education and as such upbringing, Jean wife had amazing eloquence and literary talent: his peculiar tongue attracts the reader, and the whisst sense of works simultaneously disgusts, but no one else leaves indifferent.

After life, becoming a famous writer, Jean has never been ashamed of his past and the way of life, which he led in his youth - rather, on the contrary, even boasted his asociality, which he called freedom from public dogm. In the book "Our Lady of Flowers", Jean, without hiding, talks in detail about the life of prostitutes-homosexuals. Separate fragments of the book autobiographical, the author wrote their heroes, in connection with which the reader is even more difficult to psychologically perceive the work.

Jean Books Female

However, if you abstract from deliberately dirty and rude details of the plot, in the works of my wife hiding a deep philosophical meaning. The author in his works affects the theme of the loneliness of a person in the universe, moral choice, interaction with society.

And the theme of homosexuality in Jean's books is a certain metaphorical challenge to God with an ordinary person, which he meets the social riot - theft, murders, prostitution and other agencies of an association. At the same time, his wife always emphasizes the utilitarian nature of public morality and in its literary works, and in the lifestyle.

Jean-Paul Sartre is a close friend of Jean Wife - dedicated a separate book of his wife and analyzing his creativity. The work of Sartre, as well as the recognition by the Society of the Literary Talent of the former Asocial Element for Jean by a real shock, as a result of which he was exhausted morally and stopped writing.

Jean wife in recent years

Only in the late 1950s, his wife published several plays, which later were put on scenes of the theaters of the world. The author independently worked on the scenarios of the productions and even picked up the cast, stopping all attempts by directors to interpret the text of the original source to their own way.

During the life of the writer, two short-term documentaries about his life and work were removed. The short film "Song of Love", the director of whom he spoke the writer himself, was overly frank sexual character, so at that time it did not come out, and the director himself was so wished.

Personal life

Given the difficult fate of Jean, his acquaintance with the world of physical love was pretty early - in adolescence, the boy opened homosexual inclinations in himself. At that time, the ban on homosexual relations in Europe has already been removed, and Jean openly showed his unconventional orientation. Being an abandoned mother, and then escaped from adoptive parents, Jean was engaged in prostitution.

Jean wife, if not promoted, it certainly never hidden what was gay. Moreover, he openly admired the sexuality of Nazism, as a result of which the writer was banned in the territory of the Soviet Union. Given the sexual orientation of Jean Wife, his wife and children never had, as, however, and a long relationship with a permanent partner.

Jean wife and Abdul Bentaga

Among the official partners of Jean there were many public figures and writers, his wife was not distinguished in private life. The last love of the writer was the young circus-rod of Abdul. But soon after the beginning of relations, the circusch was committed by suicide, as a result of which his wife was depressed. Since then, the writer has not written any more work.

Death Jean Female

In the mid-1980s it became known that the shroud writer is seriously ill. Jean, who suffered an oncological disease, lived in a cheap hotel Morocco. There they found the body of the writer, who deceased on April 15, 1986. According to the will of his wife, the copyrights of his works belong to his last Arab lover.


  • 1942 - "Summer"
  • 1944 - "Our Lady of Flowers"
  • 1946 - "Miracle about Rose"
  • 1947 - "Celebration of funeral"
  • 1947 - "Major"
  • 1947 - "Carel"
  • 1949 - "High Supervision"
  • 1949 - "Vor Diary"
  • 1955 - "She"
  • 1956 - "Balcony"
  • 1959 - "Negro"
  • 1961 - "Shutters"

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