Dream Zhong Ki - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Zhong Ki's sleep - an actor from South Korea, talent and charm of which allowed him to be glorified far beyond the native country. Starting a career with traditional dorams (serials that, as a rule, last three months), the actor "Doros" and to more serious paintings, and the attitude of a young man to his work suggests that the Son Jong Ki will delight fans not yet one talented characteristic role .

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on September 19, 1985 in the Korean city of Thajon, which in the province of Chunchon-Namdo. Son Zhong Ki has a younger sister and an older brother.

Actor dream chung ki

In school years, the boy was professionally engaged in skating skating and even represented his hometown at national competitions. Dream Dream Zhong Ki was to get into the South Korean national team. Unfortunately, the boy seriously injured the ankle, and with sports plans I had to say goodbye forever.

Having resigned to what happened, the dream of Zhong Ki sent energy to study and soon replenished the ranks of the best students of the school. This allowed the future star to enter the prestigious Songunwan University, gaining almost a maximum of possible points on the exam. It seemed that the young man would gradually graduate with the university, but fate ordered otherwise: he studied two years, Zhong Ki's sleep decided to change the educational institution and chose the acting academy.

Dream Zhong Ki in childhood

Later, the actor is confirmed in an interview that he dreamed of childhood roles from early childhood, but this seemed completely unfulfilled. But at some point it seemed stupid not to use even a ghostly chance for success. It is known that the parents of Son Jung Ki did not support the decision of the Son, but the young man did it in his own way. And I was not mistaken: after a short time, the young man had already begun to invite to secondary roles in films and serials.


The official start of the acting biography of Son Jung Ki is the film "Ice flower", which came to the screens in 2008. And although the role of the actor was again not the main thing, this work presented a serious experience in movies to the young man. This historical drama of the talented director Yu Ha forced the whole world to sympathize with the experiences of the protagonist of the film - the emperor of the Mongolian Empire yuan.

Zhong Ki's dream in the film "Ice Flower"

A year later, in 2009, Dream Zhong Ki again returned to the ice. However, this time as an actor playing a skater. We are talking about the drama "Triple Jump", which gave the dream of Jung's first fans. In the same year, the actor filmography was replenished with episodic works in the series "My beautiful Lady", "Will it snow for Christmas?", "Case of murder in ITEVON".

The next year became for the actor fateful. Zhong Ki's dream fulfilled the role in the series "Sonagangvan's scandal". The Hero of the Lyedieuchi is anchored Lovelace and Modnik, however, the external frivolity is hidden by real devotion, love for friends and willingness to come to the rescue at any moment.

Dream Zhong Ki in the movie "Sonagangvan's Scandal"

It was these qualities that the hero was made by the pet aspect director, and the very dream of Zhong Ki - the idol of a huge number of fans of the dorams. The role in the Songungvan scandal brought a few honorable awards to the act.

Also in 2010, the actor managed to play in the painting "Sincere Pope 2", the TV series "Doctors Acouchers-Gynecologists" and the show "Running Man", which also presented the dream of Zhong Ki a few awards for a talented game.

In 2011, actor fans pleased the output of the painting "Tree with deep roots." The historical drama with a detective story was loved by the audience, giving the actor of new fans. In this film, Zhong Ki's dream played the young Emperor of Senjon, around which the picture of the painting unfolds.

Dream Zhong Ki and Moon Chhe Won

2012 In the career, Zhong Ki's sleep was marked by roles in the film "Big Robbery" and a drama called "Nice Guy", in which the actor plays a major role. His hero is a simple guy who, saving his beloved girl, is in prison. A few years later, freed from custody, he learns that the girl has already married another person. Partner Dream Zhong Ki in the shooting was the actress Moon Chhe Von.

In the same year, the audience struck another major role, played by Zhong Ki. We are talking about the painting "Winker". The touching fairy tale of the young worm, which was accepted into the human family, was loved by the audience all over the world. The film itself is often compared with the cult "twilight" with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

Zhong Ki's dream in the film "Descendants of the Sun"

In 2013, the acting career Son Jung Ki was interrupted for a year and 9 months: the actor called for a service to the army he was held in the Infantry Division. Immediately after dismissal from the rows of the Armed Forces, Zhong Ki began working on a new series called "Descendants of the Sun", in which he was invited before the call. The partner actor on the set was charming sleep he ge. On the screens the series appeared in 2015.

Personal life

In one of the interview, the actor admitted that the first girl met exactly 103 days, after which she threw it. It was when Zhong Ki's dream studied in grade 9.

Dream Zhong Ki and sleep he ge

Since then, the marriage from the actor had four novels, none of which did not become fateful. Also, Zhong Ki's sleep emphasizes that none of these four girls was a star and had nothing to do with the world show business.

In 2017, the personal life of the actor has settled: Son Zhong Ki announced his own engagement. The wife of the spectators became the actress sleep he ge. The lovers got acquainted on the set of the series "Descendants of the Sun" and no longer wanted to part.

Wedding Dream Zhong Ki and Son He Ge

Photo from the wedding actor soon appeared on the Song Zhong ki page in "Instagram", as well as on fan accounts in other social networks and on official sites of film companies. It is known that only relatives and close friends of Beloved were attended at the celebration.

Dream Zhong Ki now

Now the actor continues to be constantly filmed in new paintings and dramas. In 2017, a film was released with Son Jung Ki called "Kunham: Border Island".

Dream Zhong Ki in 2017

Here, the actor got a difficult role of man, the will of the fate of the fate of the Kunham abandoned to the island is a brigar, runaway criminals and underground revolutionaries.


  • 2017 - "Kunham: Border Island"
  • 2016 - "Descendants of the Sun"
  • 2012 - "Nice guy"
  • 2012 - "Winker Boy"
  • 2011 - "Zhadin"
  • 2011 - "Tree with deep roots"
  • 2010 - "Sonagangvan's scandal"
  • 2010 - "Sincere Paws 2"
  • 2010 - "Doctors Acouchers Gynecologists"
  • 2009-2010 - "Will it snow for christmas?"
  • 2009 - "My beautiful lady"
  • 2009 - "Five Sensities of Eros"
  • 2009 - "Triple Jump"
  • 2008 - "Ice Flower"

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