Alexander Fisenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, performances, TV shows, "instagram" 2021



Now Alexander Fisenko is known for the wide circle of theatrians and film workers with bright work on the scene and on the screen. The actor executes both secondary and main roles, trying to make his characters bright and recognizable. It works organically both in the projects of the comedy genre and in dramatic roles.

Childhood and youth

Native Alexander Fisenko from the Tula region, the village of Shchekino, where it was born on December 5, 1975. He studied in the usual high school, and in parallel - in the musical in the class of accordion. Self mastered the game on the guitar.

From young age he was fond of all kinds of sports: football, hockey, sambo, acrobatics, basketball. In the power Troyboard even received the title of candidate in the master of sports. In his youth, Alexander was the ward, the soul of the company. In the district Palace of Pioneers, he created a musical group that performed rock and roll.

At the end of the school, Fisenko entered the Tula State Universer, choosing the Machine-Building Faculty. The closer was the end of study, the stronger the understanding of the fact that the future specialty was chosen incorrectly. And more and more rescued confidence that it is necessary to enter the theater university.

Therefore, preparation for the protection of the thesis on the topic "Development of a container-gantry crane with a loading capacity of 20 tons" in Tulgu was combined with preparation for admission to theatrical. The familiar teacher from the theater circle helped the creative program.

Alexander filed documents immediately into several theater universities - a school-studio MCAT, GITIS, SHUKINSKOE AND SHEPKIN SEK. In the famous Studio School, Oleg Tabakov and Mikhail Lobanov were gained at that year. Alexander overcame the competition in two hundred people in place and entered. The actor still responds to his teachers to an excellent degree. As a student, Fisenko appeared in the theater melodrama "without guilt to blame" in the role of Milovzorov.


The creative biography of the artist began on the stage of Tabakcoque, where he first spoke in 2000 in the play of "Passion on Bumbarash", in which the Red Army played. The setting attracted viewers by the fact that, unlike the film, did not include censorship "cut". The work of Alexander was appreciated, and after 2 years, the Contractor entered the TEPUPU Theater Oleg Tabakov. The repertoire of Fisenko entered bright, spectacular projects "Psych", "Arkady" and others.

Soon, the actor with a memorable appearance and high growth of 180 cm was invited to the scene of Mkhat, where Alexander played in two performances of director Kirill Serebrennikov - "terrorism" and "depicting the victim", both on the play of the Vladimir brothers and Oleg Presnyakov. In the last artist I had to try on the colorful images of Uncle Peter and Women in the pool. Together with Fisenko, Marina Blya, Vitaly Khaev played in production (which then appeared in the cinema of this black comedy), Nikita Panfilov and others.


Alexander's debut in the cinema took place in the secondary role in the melodrama Alexander Pankratov "Emigrant, or a beard in glasses and a warthog" in 2001. Andrei Sokolov, Evgeny Shaychkin and a number of other famous performers participated in the picture. Further, films involving Alexander Fisenko began to go out with enviable regularity, several per year.

The role of the Fisenko's system in the military drama "Echelon" on post-war events in the territory of East Prussia allowed Alexander to celebrate in particular in the list of casting directors.

In 2006, three films with Alexander will have seen the light. On the set of melodramas "in the rhythm tango", Fisenko worked on the same platform with an actress and singer, the favorite of the Russian audience Natalia Oreiro. The actor responded to his Uruguayan colleague as a punctual and responsible, professional with a capital letter.

After not the most visible roles in the film projects of this time, a picture appeared in the artist filmography, presented to Alexander awareness and popularity. The series "Sword" directories Rustam Urazayev and Viktor Konisevich revealed a criminal drama in front of the audience. The project was narrated by the retired employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the team of his like-minded people, such a robin hudah, whose methods of fighting crime are far from legal.

Alexander Fisenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, performances, TV shows,

Alexander played the role of the investigator Viktor Egorova, who was instructed to reveal the activity of the grouping. The series united both already experienced, with serious luggage, actors and representatives of the younger generation: Eduard Fleroov, Nina Gogaev, Boris Shevchenko.

In subsequent years, Fisenko managed to embody the most diverse images on the screen. Basically it was the role of the second plan, but bright, characteristic. The actor easily portrayed both positive and negative heroes. The list of characters played by him replenished criminal authorities, instructors in hand-to-hand combat, drivers. He even embodied in the maniac in the 2nd season of the Nyukhach project, cooperating with Cyril Kyaro. The ski skirt helped the artist to get a role in the TV series "Molodezhka".

In 2018, a dismantive drama "Line of Fire" came to the rental, where Alexander Fisenko got the role of Vasily Trofimovich Galibina, the deputy head of the fire unit. The film removed the director Alexander Kalugin, known to participate in Hollywood film projects "Chronicles of Riddick" and "Secrets of Smallville". The new works of the artist appeared in the period 2019-2020. The brightest of them was the role of Bandita Viktor in the comedy TV series "Unprincipled" based on the story of Alexander Tzapkin.

Personal life

Alexander Fisenko's personal life is calm and stable, while practically closed from prying eyes. Alexander married in 2006 at the childhood friend of Julia. She is his countryman, from the village of Shchekino. Wife has no relation to the cinema. In the family, three children: daughter Lisa and sons Kirill and Anton.

Fisenko does not share work and family, for him it is the links of one chain. The actor does not lead accounts on social networks, but in "Instagram" appear photos with him. Hunting, music and motorcycle have been added to the children's hobby hockey over time.

Alexander Fisenko now

In 2021, the actor continued to work in the theater and cinema. In March, Tabakcoque introduced the premiere of the play "Moliere, Avec Amour" on the play Mikhail Bulgakov "Polofan Journey". Director Sergey Gazarov turned the scenic action into something similar with the couture show. The events of the production turned on the podium rendered to the auditorium.

The artist in costumes Alexander Borovsky took the footpressive fashionable shows of Jean-Field Gauthier. This is especially noticeable in the form of Mrs. Journey, who brilliantly embodied on the stage of Fisenko. In the play on the actor, a short dress with a rigid chinoline and a bodice with well-recognized cones, the idea of ​​creating a French couture, high-heeled boots and green lipsticks.

And in the cinema, Alexander was engaged in shooting in the musical melodraman "Choir" telling about the fate of the Soviet schoolboy Yura, once heard the song of Robertino Loretti and decided to devote himself to music. In the film directed by Alena Rainer Fisenko appeared in the image of uncle genes. Together with him, Pavel Barshak, Alexander Galibin and other famous actors were involved on the set.


  • 2001 - "Emigrant, or beard in glasses and a warthog"
  • 2002 - "Provincial"
  • 2003 - "Lawyer"
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2005 - "Echelon"
  • 2006 - "Thunderstorm Gate"
  • 2007 - "Personal life of Dr. Selivanova"
  • 2008 - "And still I love"
  • 2009 - "Sword"
  • 2010 - "Zemsky Doctor"
  • 2011 - "Zemsky Doctor. Continuation"
  • 2012 - "Metro"
  • 2013 - Nyukhach
  • 2014 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone"
  • 2015 - Nyukhach-2
  • 2016 - "Provocateur"
  • 2017 - "Survive at any price"
  • 2018 - "Badaber" fortress
  • 2018 - "elusive"
  • 2018 - "Theory of Probability"
  • 2019 - Biheppi
  • 2019 - "Double"
  • 2020 - "Unprincipled"
  • 2021 - "Choir"

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