Mark Levi - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



The biography of the leading French novelist and the playwright of the modern era, whose name is known to even the most unexpected Europeans, Mark Levi, is impressive by the range of professions mastered. So at different times the author of the ten world literary masterpieces worked in the Red Cross, and then architect and designer. A writer has become famous after entering the light of the novel "between the sky and the Earth", which was subsequently fascinated.

Childhood and youth

Mark Levi was born on October 16, 1961 in the city of Boulogne (Paris). The Father of the writer Raymond, a Jew by origin, during the Second World War was the acting person of French resistance in the 35th Communist International Brigade based in Toulouse.

Writer Mark Levi.

Many events and cases of the Levi family became the basis for future Mark's Romanov, as well as for the biography of the uncle of the writer - Claude, who found his place in the work of the "Children of Freedom".

After studying at school, Mark joined the ranks of the Red Cross, it happened in the 1979th. Then Levi was barely 18 years old. Three years later, for the manifestation of the zeal and support of the citizens of Buloni, a compassionate guy was transferred to Paris, appointing him by the director of the Western Regional Department of Emergency Assistance.

At the end of 1982, the future publicist entered the metropolitan Diefst University, in which he already organized his first company in the design of the design of the premises.

Mark Levi.

At 23, Mark went to the United States. There, the ideological young man immediately paid attention to, and he became one of the main founders of the largest companies of California and Colorado. Already then, the young Frenchman perfectly understood that the future stands for technologies, so it is not surprising that all the companies open in the future years specialized in computer graphics.

In 1991, Mark returned to his native country, leaving the guidance of American branches on his partners. Already six months after the return, the writer organized a large-scale company in France, focused on the construction and design of exclusive interiors. Until now, this architectural bureau is one of the leading and most sought-after in the country.


The debut book ("And if this is true?", The second name "between the sky and the Earth") of the famous novelist came out only in 1998. This work received the first decree from all the Romans of Levi. The film of the same name in 2005 was shot at him in the lead role with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo.

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The romantic and at the same time, the tragic history of the Ghost girl and a simple guy from San Francisco was also put by director Mark Waters, which is the creator of the comedy "Dried Girls" and "Chumova Friday".

In 2001, the novel "Where are you?", Which became the basis for the multi-vetering ribbon of the M-6 TV channel of the same name. The filmed series included ten episodes, and Levi himself became one of the film director. In Russia, the book appeared only in 2007, like most of the Romanov translated into Russian.

In 2008, another writer "Everyone wants to love," another book was specially launched, the director of the film was made by the author's sister - Lorrain. Then the light was still a couple of Mark's novels, among which the famous "seven days of creation", "meet again", "those words that we did not say to each other", "First Day" and "First Night."

Writer Mark Levi.

2010 was marked by the publication of the work of the "Kidnapper of the Shadows". The main character is a dreamy boy who can communicate with human shadows and even kidnap them. Shadows are divided with child secrets, and sometimes even ask for help. Having matured and becomes a doctor, he uses his gift for the healing of patients. However, heal his own soul from love torch guy can not.

A year later, books "Strange Journey Mr. Doldri" appeared on the shelves, "go to return", and in 2013 and in 2014, the readers appreciated the works of "stronger fear" and "other happiness."

Books Mark Levi

In the same period, the creation of Levi under the name "genius to order" was published, in which Mark described the work technique called Freeriting. The writer personally used it for a couple of years to solve business tasks, generating ideas, writing articles and books.

In 2016, the work of the "overturned horizon" was published, in which three students of the American University of Neurobiology are on the threshold of scientific discovery. At the height of the work of one of them overtakes incurable illness. Not wanting to accept the fate, friends decide to take advantage of their scientific achievements and start a risky experiment, whose result is unpredictable.

Mark Levi and his books

Despite such frantic popularity around the world, the writer has no literary awards (with the exception of the Goya Prize for the first novel). The Creator of Philosophical himself refers to such a matter, noting that in France the Institute of Literary Awards is extinct, and the awards are interesting only to those who organized them, and those who were handed them. They themselves say nothing to the reading person.

Personal life

The personal life of the writer has not undergone significant changes over the years. To conquer the heart of the writer was able to pretty Frenchwoman named Polin Leek. It is known that before meeting with Mark, she worked as a journalist "Parish Match" and was responsible for the news of cinema.

Mark Levi and his wife Pauline Levek

When the spouses were born Georges, Pauline began to spend the newborn all the time, came up with and told the son of the fairy tale and decided to write them down and publish them.

The father of the writer's wife is an artist who has learned his daughter as a child in childhood, so there was no illustration with the illustrations to the new book.

Since Georges loved to play cars, the main character of the work was the little Red Fiat 500 named Bip-Bip. The first book is written for English-speaking readers, and the second - Diglotte, i.e. Bilingual, English-French.

Mark Levi.

Few people know, but when the books were ready, Pauline had problems with their edition. The lady decided to publish exclusively in France, but not a single French publisher of books of beginner writer took, considering her fairy tales with banal and uninteresting. After a pair of unsuccessful attempts to publish, she decided to publish their creations on their own.

It is worth noting that after the birth of the second son of Luis Levk did not leave writing and to this day he writes short stories and a story oriented to children.

Mark Levi now

In 2017, the book "Last of Stanfield" was published on the counters. In the center of the plot of Roman - Elinor-Rigby, a journalist from London, in one no noticeable day received an anonymous letter. It said that her mother has a criminal past, which Baryshne should be found about.

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At the same time, the Master Cabinetor from Canada named George Harrison receives the same message accused of his mother in a gravital crime. Anonymous invites both at the meeting in the cafe "Sailors" in Baltimore at the same time, but does not come.

The victims of the game, having become acquainted, found a photo on the wall of a cafe, on which two girlfriends were captured, having fun at a party. The young ladies in the picture are their mother, and the photograph itself is more than thirty years old.

Mark Levi in ​​2017

Standing in the maze of mysteries of the influential family Stanfield George and Elinor to find out what happened in the early 80s and what they are accused of their parents.


  • 2001 - "Between heaven and land"
  • 2001 - "Where are you?"
  • 2003 - "Seven Days of Creation"
  • 2004 - "Next time"
  • 2005 - "Meet again"
  • 2007 - "Children of Freedom"
  • 2008 - "The words that we did not say to each other"
  • 2010 - "Still of Shadows"
  • 2012 - "Go away to return"
  • 2013 - "stronger fear"
  • 2014 - "Other Happiness"
  • 2015 - "She and He"
  • 2016 - "Tipped Horizon"
  • 2017 - "Last of Stanfield"


"Humor is a wonderful way to cite with reality when she fells up to you on the head" "True love is disinterested and rejoisseable - we love just because we love" "To lose someone who loved, is scary, but it's still so bigger Do not meet "" Only fools never change their opinions. "

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