Maria Weber - Photo, Biography, Singer, Personal Life, News 2021



Show "Star Factory" produced a Furior on Russian television and presented the country of new talents. After participating in the project, a career takeoff of Yulia Savicheva, Irakli, Irina Dubzova and Polina Gagarina occurred. All these names are still rumored with high-quality music lovers. True, there are artists who, after the end of the transfer, went into the shadow. One of them was the singer Maria Weber, whose return to the big scene listeners were waiting for several years.

Childhood and youth

Weber Maria Yuryevna was born on May 5, 1987 in the capital of Moldova - Chisinau. In the network about childhood and youth artist extremely little information. It is only a reliably that the future singer, like all the children, went to the kindergarten, and at the age of 6 years, parents gave hotly favorite Favoro in high school. There, young talent has studied the basics of the piano and guitar.

Mary still loved Latin American music and Spanish, so it is not surprising that in the end she began to study it.

After leaving the group "Tutsi" and the birth of the son of a vocalist, he entered the directorial faculty in Gitis, who successfully graduated.


Weber remembered not only as the youngest participant of the "Star Factory - 3", but also as an artist Hita "Moscow Tosca". Tender and touching girl perfectly fit into the "factory" season, fighting with star names.

The project was attended by Nikita Malinin (in a duet with him Weber recorded the song "First Date"), Konstantin Lebityev, who managed to write songs for the group "Guests from the Future", Sonya Kuzmina and Oleg Dobrynin.

According to the performer, the song "left summer", only standing on the Olympic scene she realized the scale of the success of the show. It is known that the parents of the singer attended the final concert, her brother and sister, as well as friends who came to Moscow to support Weber.

In 2004, Maria became the soloist of the Tutsi group together with the forests of Yaroslavl, Irina Ortman and Anastasia Krainova. Initially, Sophia Kuzmin also participated in the project, but the girl left the team before Debut. The song "The most-most" instantly conquered the hearts of the listeners and became a business card of the girls. Weber was a member of the group until 2006, after which he left the scene, preferring the fame of a family and a child. Its discography as part of Tutsi was replenished only by two albums - the "most-most" and "cappuccino".

Fans waited and believed that Maria would eventually return to the show business. The vocalist itself in a conversation with representatives of the media has repeatedly spoken, that then she alone gave her son to raising her son and did not want to leave him for a long time for the tour.

The singer also admitted that at some point the music ceased to interest her, and the ability to return to the scene did not seem to her good ideas. She wanted to create for himself, and not for the audience. In addition, there was no producer ready to cooperate with the performer, and there was no desire to promote new tracks in the masses.

In 2016, the vocalist released the single "you'd better", recorded a clip to the composition and spoke at the Golden Gramophone concert. The singer began working on a new album. Maria became a frequent guest on all sorts of radio stations and transmissions in which he told fans about how her life had changed over the past time.

In October 2017, Maria released a new clip to the composition "He". It is noteworthy that in November this song, the artist, along with Danila Danilev, performed on the stage of the "new stars factory". In the same period, the singer, like Vlad Ramm, Jasmine and Artem Kucher, became a guest of the party "MUZ-TV" "Party Zona".

Personal life

Spectators and listeners remember Maria not only in songs, but also on the scandalous divorce with a former husband Parvis Yasinov, for whom in 2006 Weber left the Tutsi group. After a couple of months after the volitional decision, the artist presented her husband of the Oscar heir, but the spouse did not build a strong family. Parviz left Mary to the ex-soloist of the T.A.T.U group of Julia Volkovkov, who also gave him the Son Samir.

For a long time Weber was silent of personal life, and only in September 2016 fans learned that their favorite was married again. Chosen Svetitsa - Businessman Sergey Bunin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RMG, the right hand of Vladimir Kiselev, he is older than Maria for 8 years. At the wedding, the participants of the Serebro group, Alexander Savelev, as well as all ex-colleagues Mary under the Tutsi group: Lesya Yaroslavl, Irina Ortman and Anastasia Khorinov.

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The singer planned the first years in marriage to live for each other, and then take care of the continuation of the kind. However, after 2 years, in November 2018, it became known that Masha Weber and Sergey Bunin divorced. About the causes of parting with her husband Weber did not apply.

Social life Charismatic features combines with work on new tracks, photo sessions and filming in all sorts of transmissions. All Weber's Impaired Moments lays out in "Instagram".

Maria closely monitors the figure. With 170 cm height, it tries to hold low weight (54-57 kg) due to sports. Twice a week, the singer visits the gym and happens at the massage therapist. Caring for health and beauty The artist considers it important: on stage she always looks great, that the fans say.

Maria Weber now

Now the creative life of Weber hits the key. In 2019, Mary film took place. She appeared in the episodic role in the comedy "I'm not like that. I am not like this". The producer of the project Alexei Petrukhin explained to the audience, which perceives the film as a creative answer to the rating kinicomedy "What men are talking about." Kristina Babushkin, Olga Efreova, Anna Churin played the main roles in the painting. The ex-participant of the "Star Factory" appeared on the screen in the image of a street musician. The pair was Vlad Topalov. Artists also recorded the soundtrack for the film.
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Despite the fact that Maria remained delighted with the shooting process, the main thing for himself is the music of music. The singer released the musical composition "My Love". In May, she spoke at the RU.TV award concert with the song "I love as I can", which I fulfilled in a couple with Leonid Rudenko. With this song, the musicians participated in the nomination "Megamix". Together with Mikhail Shufutinsky Weber recorded the clip on the hit "Repeat after me." Previously, Denis Klyaver presented the song "Rain".

In the summer, Maria performed at the Music Festival "Heat", as well as at the Festival of Music and Sports "Crimean Wave". In September, the artist visited St. Petersburg, where he sang at the concert # Moviezhfest.


As part of the Tutsi Group:

  • 2005 - "most-most"
  • 2007 - "Cappuccino"

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