Robert Ossen - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, filmography, died, movies



Robert Ossen - French actor and cinema from the family of Russian origin, whose filmography is calculated by hundreds of film. For 60 years, the artist shone on the screens, after which he moved to the chair of the artistic director of the Paris Theater "Marigny" and took up director.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the emigrant family on December 30, 1927. His real name and surname - Abraham Huseynov (according to other data - Rustam Huseynov). Grandfather Master of Revolution was from Azerbaijan, and Father Aminulla from Samarkand. The head of the family was a composer who wrote ballets, operas and symphonies. After in 1868, Samarkand took Russian troops, Husens became Huseynov.

In that period, for success in music, the authorities sent the father of the future star to study Moscow. There he accepted Orthodoxy and changed his name on Andrei, after which he went to Berlin to continue his studies there.

The First World War began, and the campaign flowed into emigration. In order to feed the family, Andrei was taken for any job and often played on banquets, in restaurants and tanks. His composer gift turned out to be unclaimed, but the musician, without losing optimism, always said that the first 50 years of life are the most difficult, and then you just get used to and adjust to what is happening around.

Mama Actor Anna Minevskaya was born in Kiev, but he spent his childhood in St. Petersburg. She came from a wealthy Jewish family. Her grandfather was a banker who had possessing a pair of profitable houses. They lived students who had nothing to pay for rent.

As the grandfather was a man of a broad soul, he not only did not take money from her poor, but he himself gave them small amounts to buy themselves. True, due to the fact that most of the students were revolutionary, these penns sent Lenin, who lived at the time in Switzerland.

When the October Revolution occurred, the banker was arrested, but the Commissioner who interrogated him turned out to be a student who used to live in an income house. In gratefulness for the accommodation provided in youth, the representative of law enforcement agencies made the family of Minevian passports.

In Germany, the mother's mom began his brilliant career actress and at one of the ideas met the future husband. A couple of months after acquaintance, when fascists came to power, lovers moved to live in France. Anna got into a local theater, in which the pennies were paid, and Aminulla began to put in debts.

The man was supposed to also butcher, and a bun, and a tail. Despite poverty, the wife believed in the talent of her husband and never condemned him for not changing himself and continued to write music, instead of going to work at the plant. The first time he was paid not to money, but a chocolate violin, which the composer was presented after another performance in the restaurant.

From the biography of the reincarnation wizard, it is known that Robert was born in the room of a cheap French hotel and heard only Russian and Azerbaijani speaking, since in his family they were talking in these languages. When the future actor has grown and fastened, he was given to the guesthouse for children of white emigrants. When it came to pay for the first semester of study, and his family had no money, the boy was transferred to another board. So repeated 10 times.

The boy who does not have his own corner always dreamed of his home and grew unpretentious and non-obvious. When Parents brought out gifts to other children, the future actor sincerely rejoiced for them, considering that gifts give only weak children.

It is worth noting that, despite the lack of money, the mother of the artist, while maintaining traditions, prepared Borshi and taught her son to read prayers before bedtime. It was she who instilled off the love of prose and literature as a whole.

When at 15 years old, Robert seriously removed to become an actor, the parents supported Choo. Having received the approval of the Father and Mother, Ossen went to the theater studio, in which she took private lessons at the famous Rene Simone. At 18 years old, on the advice of the mentor, the guy took a pseudonym Robert Ossein.

He started with the game on theatrical stage, which at that time did not bring any income to a young guy, so the artist, together with friends, came up with an alternative type of earnings. In the evenings, the young man for a couple with buddies for a reasonable fee danced in local restaurants with elderly tourists.

Robert was so poor that he did not know until the latter, where he will sleep today and what will happen. For this reason, the guy sheltered in his wife Vadim. During the couple of years, Ossen lived in the same apartment with Roger and his wife Brick Bardo.


Robert's debut film was the painting "Embankment Blondes" (1954). In the 1955th, the artist had already removed his first film "Rounds go to hell", in which his future wife Marina said.

Next year, in the picture "Crime and Punishment" of George Lampane, the actor played Rodion Skolnikov - Rene Brousel, and Vladi Lily Marinelen Lily Marmelen.

Then the artist starred in the tapes of her husband's actress Brick Bardo "Who knows?" (1957), "Plok and Virtue" (1963), Barbarella (1968) and Don Juan-73 (1973). In the same period, Mauro Bolognai "Chevalé de Mopen" was published on the screen.

Ossen's biggest success was in the role of Count Toulouse Joffrey de Peyirak in the film Bernard Bordereri "Angelica, the Marquis of Angelov", in which French actress Michel Mercier became a partner artist on the shooting platform.

Later, Ossen's on-screen pair - Mercier appeared on the screen eight times: five times in Angelica, and three times in the tapes "The Second Truth", "Thunder Heaven" and "Rope and Colt". In the period from 2004 to 2016, the actor's track record was replenished with paintings "Professionals", "Third Eye" and "Man and His Dog".

In 2016, a documentary was released on the screens on the screens, dedicated to the difficult fate of the actor with a rise in 175 cm, in which millions of women still see the seductive count de Peirak.

Personal life

For the first time, the actor fell in love when he was barely 21 years old. Then the 11-year-old Marina Vlady became the leader of the artist. Fragile, blue-eyed girl, sharp on the tongue, immediately liked the guy, but in that period about relationships and speeches could not go.

Four years later, fate brought them again, and Robert lost his head finally. With every appearance of Marina Ossen, whose room was sealed by photographs of the actress, blushed as a boy and did not find a place.

To add attention to Robert was able at the birthday of their common friend. It was quite comical. During the dance, I heard Russian grave speech behind my back. Wrapped, she saw Robert, who, catching her glance, immediately decided to introduce himself.

During this period, an actor who is by nationality by Azerbaijanis, started shooting his first film "Rounds go to hell" and suggested Marina a major role. The lady agreed, but the novel between the artists did not start immediately.

The fact is that Ossein did not attract the virtue in any way. However, perseverance, halanery and beautiful courtship did their job. Two years later, the stars played a wedding (October 1955). Soon two sons appeared to the world: Igor and Peter.

Unfortunately, family happiness lasted not long. On a rather closed Robert, he always crossed that his faithful need to be in the center of events and often be in secular rounds. Years of scandals and quarrels in the end led spouses to the divorce.

Then Caroline Elyashev appeared in the life of the artist, which at the time of the beginning of their relationship, as well as Vlad, was 15 years old. Parents did not engage in Caroline because of the workload at work. As a result, Robert became for the girl and friend, and his father, and her lover.

He often ran away from rehearsals early to pick up his beloved from the school, and then control the process of performing homework. This union broke up 15 years after his formation, despite the appearance of Nicolas's Son's appearance.

The third wife became Candace Patu. In this marriage, a boy was born in the master of reincarnation, which his parents called Julien.


December 31, 2020 it became known that Robert Ossein died. The actor was 93 years old. The cause of death has become complications from coronavirus infection.


  • 1955 - "Black Series"
  • 1961 - "Threat"
  • 1964 - "Angelika - Marquis Angels"
  • 1970 - "Point of Fall"
  • 1992 - "Unknown in the house"
  • 1994 - "Scam"
  • 1995 - "Rejected"
  • 1997 - "Wax Mask"
  • 1999 - "Beauty Salon Venus"
  • 2004 - "Professionals"
  • 2007 - "Missing in Deauville"
  • 2007 - "Third Eye"
  • 2008 - "Man and his dog"

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