Vladimir Kondrashin - biography, photo, personal life, basketball



Vladimir Kondrashin was called the winner of invincible. Honored Coach of the Soviet Union, Olympic champion, Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games, Champion of Peace and Europe. And also - the two-time winner of the Cup Cup, CIS champion, an honorary citizen of St. Petersburg and a member of the Fib Glory Hall.

Trainer Vladimir Kondrashin

The fans of the legendary coach, knowing the Biography Kondrash, were not surprised by the list of achievements of the Matra. They knew that Vladimir Petrovich walked to victories is difficult, overcoming hundreds of obstacles, without respite and revealing on the laurels.

Childhood and youth

A star coach of basketball "Spartak" was born in January 1929 in Leningrad. When the war began, his father went to the front. A wife remained in the city with three children - Volodya and his two sisters. In the blockade Leningrad, the family survived due to the miracle: in the house where Kondrashin lived, the soldier's bath was located. Therefore, the batteries in the dwelling remained warm, and the hunger seemed not so painful.

Vladimir Kondrashin in youth

Saved and help the neighbors on a communal service. The husband of the head of the bath drove products on horseback. At the end of the day, it raked from the bottom of the balls of crumbs, grain, dug from him and distributed the neighbors on the hand of this "food". Knowed a teenager and taste of joinery glue, which became food in the blockade. The family collected the frozen residues of the cabbage bars left on the floor - compared to glue it was the food of the gods.

According to the opened way of life, Volodya was sent to her grandmother in the village near Ryazan. The teenager staged a job in the collective farm, where he worked by the chapel of the cart. Vladimir Kondrashin returned to his hometown, where she settled a student of a locksmith. Soon mastered the second working profession - a plumber.

Vladimir Kondrashin plays football

Vladimir had every chance to go slippery expensive - the family lived on ligion, an area with bad glory. Sport helped the guy not mistaken. First, Kondrashin was carried away by boxing, but switched to football, so as not to see the mother's tears: after fights, the face of his son reminded the bruise.

With basketball, Vladimir Kondrashin met in the army. I also met with the future rival Alexander Gomel. Familiarity of two opponents, after a dozen years, grew into rivalry of the Leningrad "Spartak" and Moscow CSKA, there was no pleasant.


In 1952, "Spartak" appeared in the sports biography of the Basketball player who was for Leningrad SKA. 23-year-old Vladimir Kondrashin took a player to the main team, at the same time he worked as a coach in the DUSSH.

In the mid-50s, Vladimir Kondrashin - a rear line player - became a noticeable figure. His height of 1.75 meters was considered in basketball growth of "baby". And low athletes to achieve success, had to make two times more forces than giants.

Vladimir Kondrashin in youth

To overcome the sports disadvantage, Vladimir Kondrashin managed hard work. After the team training, he remained in the hall until she worked out the "norm", established for himself: 500 hits in the basket.

So the basketball player became a sniper. Later, Kondrashin coach also instilled hardworking to students: in training the boys, the elements of the game were "grinding" for hours, until automatism achieved.

At first, the Basketball players "Spartak" remained in the shadow of the "Petrel" teams, Scythian, Lay, but from the third place in the 1958th "Spartak" for the first time rearranged on the first. The team coach was Victor Razzhevin, and the players, in addition to Kondrash, were listed Nikolay Leonov, Viktor Yakunin, Vsevolod Klitschko, Gennady Sobly and others whose names soon learned the whole country.

Vladimir Kondrashin - biography, photo, personal life, basketball 16277_5

In 1958, the Leningrad Club, winning the city championship, went to Sverdlovsk to the tournament. After pulling out the victory, Spartakov fell into the highest league of the Union Championship. According to the memories of Vsevolod Klitschko, the game "made" Kondrashin, throwing balls to the basket from the center of the site one by one.

In the same memo, Vladimir Kondrashin went with the team to America, where Leningraders competed with the priests and patriarchs of basketball. Spartaks kept adequately by losing the team of 4 points. On Americans, the game of Russian rivals impressed.

The coach of Kondrashin was thinking at the end of the 50s. In America, for the training of rivals, Vladimir watched with a notebook and a handle, recording the winning moments, the technique of the best players. Later, the son and wife of Vladimir Kondrashch shared that the brilliant combinations came to the coach in a dream: he threw up, he wrote down and went to lump.


Shortly after returning from the US, a 35-year-old player put a point in the game career. In the mid-60s, Vladimir Kondrashin entrusted the duties of the head coach of Spartak, but, by playing the season, Vladimir Petrovich returned to the preparation of youth: His time has not yet come.

Vladimir Kondrashin headed Spartak in 1967, now for three decades. In the late 60s, the team under his leadership began ascent to the sports Olympus. The coach found talented athletes among guys in the area. He shaped the style of the team, coming to the abilities of the players individually. Spartak confidently went out of the field of outsiders and occurred on the heels to the main opponent - the capital CSKA.

Vladimir Kondrashin and his players

Olympic champion Munich-1972, Spartak player Sergei Belov argued that the Leningrad School of Basketball is myth. Victory was achieved thanks to the coaching genius and assertiveness of Vladimir Kondrashin, his ability to recognize talent in boys from the depth.

So Vladimir Petrovich found the legend of the basketball world Alexander Belov, without which the Olympic victory "Spartak" could not happen. History with white is indicative. "Petrovich" or "Batyushka" - the name of the coach of the disciples - looked at the school on the Tauride. 10-year-old Sasha Belova noticed when the boy looked out due to the toilet door - he was kicked out of the lesson.

Basketball player Alexander Belov

What the sixth sense suggested to the coach that there is a future legend in front of him is unknown. But he literally pulled out Alexander Belov from the problem family, simplifying the parents to give the Son to the training base.

Sasha became Vladimir Kondrashin the second son. However, like all the guys: the coach, they knew their birthdays and family problems. Belov first could not sleep, and the coach sat at his bed, put her hand on his head while the boy did not fall asleep.

At the age of 16, Alexander Belov turned into a diamond: debuting in the team of masters in the match against the Riga Wef, he covered the Mastovy Rival of Janis Kruminsh, although he was 18 cm below. The famir player's skotes taught Vladimir Kondrashin.

Players swing Vladimir Kondrashin on hands

In 1968, the wards of Vladimir Kondrashin have escaped on the 4th place of the USSR Championship, and a year later, the championship of the country became bronze medalists. In the 1970/71 season, Spartak was aimed at "Gold". Leningraders were leading at the USSR Championships, and then for many years she went down to CSKA.

In 1972, in the Munich Olympiad, Vladimir Kondrashin and his team, for the first time in the history of the Soviet Union, beat Americans. 2 years after the epic victory, the USSR national team became the leader in the world championship in Puerto Rico, and in 1975 Spartakovtsy - Champions of the country.

Trainer Vladimir Kondrashin

In 1976, the coach received a diploma of the institute. P. F. Lesgafta, and 2 years later, Kondrashin wards won the Basketball Cup. In the 1980s, Spartakovs firmly kept leadership in the country championships, but in 1988, Vladimir Kondrashin left the team due to the conflict. Returned a year later, and in 1991 players won "silver" at the last championship of the Soviet Union.

The victorious procession of the basketball "Spartacus" lasted until 1992: the Kondrashin team won the CIS championship. But change in the country soon affected the sport. The coach was hardly worried about the failure of the brainchild: financial problems, confusion, the emigration of players undermined the "Spartak" forces. In 1995, Vladimir Kondrashin left coaching.

"I can't tell me what basketball player to buy, who to put in the composition," he said.

On all offers to head other Kondrashin teams responded with refusal.

In December 2017, the premiere of the sports drama "Movement Up" directed by Anton Megherdicheva took place. The picture is based on real events and talks about the dramatic final match of Munich at the 1972 Summer Olympiad. In the main character of the film - Vladimir the warranty, the audience learned Vladimir Kondrashin. Played the "winner of invincible" Vladimir Mashkov.

Personal life

With the future spouse, Vladimir Kondrashin met in 1953 in the winter stadium. Eugene is also a basketball player who spent the team "Dynamo". A year later got married.

Vladimir Kondrashin and his wife Eugene

In 1954, Kondrashini was born firstborn. Soon parents found out that the boy has a children's cerebral palsy. Yura never got to his feet, but Vladimir Petrovich was proud of his son and the soul was not a chayale.

Yuri Kondrashch has a phenomenal memory and foreign language ability. Shining the success of the Father, he became a sports expert. Father's father's support and family soul remained a father.


After leaving the coach in Sports School "Spartak", Vladimir Kondrashin fell ill. Shortly before death, in May 1999, the legend of basketball was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg. And in December, Kondrashka did not.

Grave of Vladimir Kondrashin

After 14 years, the basketball clubs of the country collected money for the new housing of the widow and the son of the legendary coach.

Vladimir Kondrashin's grave in the Northern Cemetery is located next to the grave of his beloved student - Alexander Belov, who died in 1978 from the sarcoma of the heart.

Awards and achievements

  • 1970 - Gold Medal of the Universiade
  • 1971 - Gold Medal of the European Championship
  • 1972 - Gold Medal of the Olympic Games
  • 1972 - Order of the Red Banner
  • 1973 - Bronze Medal of the European Championship
  • 1973 and 1975 - European Cup Cups
  • 1975 - Champion of the USSR
  • 1974 - Gold Medal of the World Cup
  • 1974 - Silver Universiade Medal
  • 1975 - Silver Medal of the European Championship
  • 1976 - Bronze Medal of the Olympic Games
  • 1985 - the Order of Peoples' Friendship
  • 1985 - Order "Sign of Honor"
  • 1992 - CIS Champion
  • 1995 - Order of Friendship
  • 1999 - the title of Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg

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