Emily Bronte - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books, Novels



At the peak of Glory, the English writer was in 1847, when her Roman-Bestseller "Thunderstorm Pass" was published. Readers and literary critics called the book Emily Bronte Masterpore: For its time, the work turned out to be innovative. Family Emily Bronte added poems. Now the poetry of the British is experiencing a surge of interest.

Childhood and youth

Emily Jane Bronte was born in the summer of 1818 in the County West Yorkshire, in the classic village of Tornton with a 15-thousandth population. In the veins, poetess and novelists flowed Irish and English blood. Soon the family moved to another Yorkshire village - Hoert, where the future writer held the rest of his life.

Estimated Portrait Emily Bronte

From the windows of the house in the deaf village, Emily and sisters and brother "admired" the views of peatlands and heather fields. They served as playgrounds of children. Already in childhood, Emily, like the remaining five children of the Bronte family, bored grief. After the birth of the sixth child - the girls Ann - Mom died. Emily Bronte at that time turned 3 years.

The priest Patrick Bronte, who turned out to be able to cope with numerous offspring, identified daughters to a charitable school in the neighboring County Lancashire. In school, Kovan Bridge Emily Bronte stayed for a long time: when the girl was 6 years old, an epidemic broke out at school.

Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Ann Bronte

Two sisters - Elizabeth and Maria - died. These deaths shook the little Emily and further affected the creative biography of the novelist. Father took Ann, Emily and Charlotte home. To continue learning to girls happened to school in Row Head.

After 2 years, in 1837, Emily Bronte left her studies and settled in Ghevernant in Low Hill: Sister dreamed of earning money to study Brunuel's brother. But the working conditions turned out to be religious: Emily worked from 6 am to 11 pm with a half-hour break. In Low Hill, located in Nizina, the younger sister Ann was sick. Emily left school, picking sister.

In 1842, Emily and Charlotte Bronte went to study in Brussels. After returning to Hoert, the novelist no longer left his beloved village.


Talent for writing was discovered by the girl in childhood. Having learned to read and write, Emily Bronte took to compose and record short stories and poems. Emily was especially close to Ann with the younger sister: together the girls came up with the magic world gondal and composed poems about him.

In 1846, the light saw the collection of "Poems Carrera, Ellis and Ekton Bellov". Three brothers Bell hid Charlotte, Emily and Ann Bronte. The poem of Emily "Ellis" readers had to do. Critics noticed the collection and responded with laudatory reviews.

Poem Emily Bronte

A year later, Emily Bronte published a novel "Thunderstorm Pass" about two families from Yorkshire - Lintonah and Ernsho, in whose life was broken by the evil genius Hitcliffe. His and Catherine Ernsho combined love. Stormy and demonic passion ended tragic. Reunified lovers after death.

During the lifetime of Emily Bronte, the readers met the creation of the British cool, but after her sister, Charlotte was published "Thunderstorm Pass" secondary. This time the readers saw the gloomy secrets and the formidable romance of the work. Now the novel was perceived as a masterpiece.

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The British novelist Elizabeth Gaskell wrote that the "thunderstorm pass" of readers caused horror and disgust because of expressiveness, with which the armonta portrayed negative characters. But the Romance was dominated by the mind and justice, which won cunning and cruelty.

A year after the output of the "Thunderstorm Pass", in 1848, his novel "Strank from Wildfelle Hall" published the youngest sisters of Bronte - Ann. The composition is called the most radical from the novels of Bronte and the first feminist, in which the topic of gender inequality is raised. The circulation of "Stranger" was repented in 6 weeks, in popularity Roman Ann surpassed the "thunderstorm pass" Emily.

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In Brussels, where the sisters of Bronte were trained in French, Emily wrote laconic writings, which later called "Belgian essays". In addition to them, four "diary paper" reached readers.

In the Museum of Sisters, Bronte in Hoherte has been preserved essays and Diaries of Emily, but the writing of the writer, except for two notes of the friend Ellen Nasya, is lost. According to the invitation, Emily Bronte "Looks like never in life wrote normal letters."

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Today, interest in poetry one of the sisters has grown. The poem "Memory" and "prisoner" brought Emily Bronte the glory of poetess, not inferior in the originality of Byiron and Shelly.

In 1992, the film studio "Paramount" shielded Roman Emily Bronte. The Melodrama "Thunderstorm Pass" removed the director Peter Cosmmonsky, entrusted the main roles of Julietary Binash, Raif Pienes and Simon Shepard.

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This is not the first film design of the famous novel: 8 films shot on the "thunderstorm pass". The first, with Lawrence Olivier and Merl Oberon, went out on the screens in 1939. Along with the picture that took the same year, the tape was the top of Hollywood romanticism.

The last film by "Thunderstorm Pass" dates back to 2011. Directed by Drama - Countryside Emily Bronte, British director Andrea Arnold. Kaya Skodelirio and James Houson starred. The film is nominated for "Golden Lion".

Personal life

Emily Bronte was different from sisters with strong addition and growth. Information about the nature of the novelist is contradictory: in the family, Emily was considered the most lively and sociable, and the girl had no friends, she avoided other people's people and did not let anyone in except relatives.

Emily Bronte with sisters

Emily Bronte - temperamental and frantic - adored pets, leaving descendants dozens of drawings with the image of cats and dogs.

The writer was distinguished by religiosity, but refused to appropriate education. For Emily Faith turned out to be a tool with which a woman sought harmony and peace in herself. She rejected the help of physicians by entrusting himself into the hands of the Most High and the laws of nature.


In September 1848, Brother Patrick Brenet, who diagnosed tuberculosis at the last stage of the disease, died in September 1848.

Mogila Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte was cold at the funeral of his brother and in December, died from a vehicle consumers, surviving up to 30 years. Ann did not become the spring of next 1849. Sisters and brother are buried in the family crypt in Hoherta.


  • 1846 - "Poem of Carrera, Ellis and Ekton Bellov"
  • 1847 - "Thunderstorm Pass"

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