Amet Khan Sultan - biography, photo, personal life of the pilot, museum, monument



In the biography of the fighter pilot Amet Khan Sultan, who is more than once, risking life, went to the ram, 603 combat departure. Enemies, like a fire who was afraid of Asa, not in vain gave him a nickname "Black Devil", because in 130 air battles, he personally knocked down thirty-German aircraft, so it is not surprising that when his squadron rose into the sky, the fascists were horrified.

Childhood and youth

Twice the Hero of the Soviet Union was born on October 20, 1920 in the city of Alupka. The father of the pilot, the Sultan, which is by the nationality of the Dagestanis, was an ordinary average employee, and the mother, the Crimean Tatarka Nasiba, was engaged in homemaking and raising children. Their house, located at the foot of the mountains, resembled the nest of swallows.

Amet Khan Sultan

At that time, the ideology of internationalism called on to respect the neighbors, so when the world was established after the civil war on the peninsula, its inhabitants (Russians, Jews, Tatars, Germans, Greeks) hand struggled a new life.

Amet Khan, like all seaside boys, has dreamed of traveling to distant countries since childhood. In May 1935, the National Holiday Hederles was held in Alupka, at which the future pilot won in the fight of Kuresh. The director of Artek who is present at the event awarded a talented guy by a ticket to the camp, in which Sultan first saw the plane.

From the moment he lived a dream to climb the sky. This desire led him to Simferopol Aeroclub, and later - in the Kaczynsky Aviation School, in which the cadets passed an accelerated course.

Amet Khan Sultan in youth

Kaczynskaya school was the main on the preparation of the pilots of Russia. Amemet Khan quickly mastered the theory of flight, tactics and air firing skills. In addition to the flight, there were still general-official, construction and physical training, as well as the statutes and carrying on duty.

From March to December 1939, the young man made 270 flights, after which an entry appeared in the official characteristic of the pilot, which said that the cadet was raised in the air "with great desire." The graduation exams Amet Khan passed successfully. By order of the defense addict of March 5, 1940, he was awarded the title of younger Lieutenant.

Sultan passed the whole war, from the first to the last day. Airplanes changed from the outdated "seagulls" to the famous "La-7", grew up the list of enemy machines, awards were added. The AU flew by many thousands of kilometers, but in the infinite space of war there was only one place in which the pilot's soul was always sought - native land.

Monument to Amethan Khan Sultan

When the Crimea occupied the fascists to raise the spirit of the inhabitants, the leaflets were scattered over the villages with a description of Amet Khan's feats, which eventually fell into the Gestapo. Then from the shooting of the parents of Sultan, only the fact that their younger son served in the German Commander.

In that period, the Crimean Tatars were at a crossroads - to go to the mountains and fight the invaders or get used and go to the German service. Everyone received conscience, but most just tried to survive. It is worth noting that the German propaganda car worked sophisticated, inciting nationalist feelings and playing for old resentments, promising to give the Tatars Crimea in eternal possession.

In fact, the Hitler's Tip planned to turn the Crimea in the likeness of Gotland and settle it with German colonists, having got rid of these from the locals.

On May 10, 1944, Russian troops liberated Sevastopol. For the first time during the war, the pilots of the 9th Guards Regiment were brought to rest. Then Amemet Khan found out that his parents experienced an occupation and everything is in order with them. The captain gave a short-term vacation to visit his father and mother. In Alupka, the speakers came on two cars accompanied by friends with whom he climbed into the sky every day.

The 17th of the same month in the house to Sultan was broken by the military who were instructed to detain the mother of the famous pilot and in connection with the decision on the expulsion of the Tatars from the Crimea to send it to the team. Only the help of the sown combat friends helped Nasiba to stay in the post-war Crimea.

Museum of Amethan Khan Sultan

After this case, Vera Amet-Khan in a bright future shaken. Then the pilot learned that his younger brother was arrested as an accomplication of invaders. Sultan was allowed to see a relative. AS wanted to ask Imran about many things, but the questions were stuck in the throat when he saw the brother's face.

Speaking at a meeting of the Military Tribunal, Amemet Khan reminded the present that the Soviet propaganda of leaflets, which referred to his exploits, put a family in a hopeless position. For the Gestapo, finding his parents did not imagine, and the brother just tried to protect his mother and father from the execution. In the future, Sultan helped in every way and supported Iran.

Military service

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War Junior Lieutenant Amet Khan met in the 4th Fighter Aviamaker under Chisinau. In October 1941, the pilot appointed the commander of the 147th Fighter Aviation Division of the South-Western Front. By that time, Sultan had already produced 130 battlefields for the intelligence and storming of the enemy's troops, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Pilot Amet Khan Sultan

In the characteristics of a 21-year pilot, compiled in those days, the commanders noted appeal, the perseverance and the perseverance of Sultan, calling it the air intelligence master. Amemet-Khan canceled by plane, feeling the car like himself.

After Stalingrad, Captain Amet Khan participated in the liberation of Rostov-on-Don, Melitopol and Crimea. 19 April 1944, another Order of Lenin was added to awards, and after the next air strikes of the Red Banner. In August 1943, Sultan was assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union, and in October, the fighting feats were celebrated by the second Golden Star.

Amet Khan Sultan in the plane

Throughout the war, the German command was most afraid of the Han-Sultan airlock, which the fascists for his demonic dances in the sky nicknamed the Black Devil.

Personal life

Unfortunately, there is very little information on the network regarding the personal life of the fighter pilot. It is only a reliably that Sultan was married to Faina Maximovna, who gave him two sons - Stanislav and Arslan.


On February 1, 1971, on a comparatively low-speed serial bombard "Tu-16", refurbished in a flying laboratory for testing new jet engines, Amemet Khan rose into the sky. On this day it was planned to experience a new engine.

When the crew began to release the engine, the radioist reported on the "tower" about the start of the flight task. After that, the plane disappeared from radar screens. The burned car was found from a helicopter only in a couple of days. As established subsequently, the flying laboratory was spawned into small pieces right in the air.

The body located in the tail part of the radio engineer car found quickly, but the front cabin and the nasal compartment with the rest of the crew were found only on the fourth day. Amemet-Hunt was sitting in the captain's chair. The position of his body said that he did not undertake a single attempt to escape.

Monument to Amethan Khan Sultan

By the time the "Black Devil" fell on 4237 hours, mastered and experienced 100 types of aircraft, was awarded two heroes of the Hero of the Soviet Union, three orders of Lenin, the four orders of the Red Banner, the orders of Alexander Nevsky, the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and the Red Star.

Alupka's native buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Later his name was called mountain peak in Dagestan, the streets in Volgograd, Zhukovsky and Makhachkala. Also in Yaroslavl, a monument was established in Yaroslavl, and the museum opened in Alupka.


  • Medal "Golden Star" (awarded twice)
  • Order of Lenin (awarded three times)
  • Order of the Red Banner (awarded four times)
  • Order Alexander Nevsky
  • Order of Patriotic War 1 degree
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Order "Honor Sign"

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