Philip Petit - biography, photo, personal life, news, rustling store 2021



In August 1974, in New York, people stood on sidewalks, heading heads up and open mouth. Right above them at an altitude of 450 meters, a small black figure with a long sixth balanced on a thin steel cable, stretched between just built twin towers. In the eyes of thousands of surprised citizens, the "artistic crime of the century" was happening - the French rustor of Philip Petuta step by step was in history.

Childhood and youth

Philipp Petit was born on August 13, 1949 in the city of Nemur (France). The future great routine from childhood was fond of focus and tricks. Instead of learning hard, Little Philip Daily Daily developed the Motoric Hands for Ping Pong and Playing Mats, entertaining classmates mysterious magical ideas.

Philip Petit in youth

With the study, Petit did not fit at all. From the biography of the artist, it is known that by 18 years he was kicked out of five schools. The guy understood that according to the result, he could become an ordinary, unremarkable magician or a circus illusionist, which will drive around the cities along with the stray shapito.

In order for this not happened, the young man required to come up with what will distinguish it from thousands of other artists. Then Philip and remembered how at 16 he, for the sake of fun, walked along the rope. Repeating this action again, he became obsessed with a dream - to become famous as a rope. Then the future author of the book "To get to the clouds" as soon as possible, mastered all the standard stunts on the rope and learned to feel his body.


Soon standard balancing and jumps on a stretched sling Filippe became little, and he began to invent and complicate his own tricks. True, such an unusual passion for money did not bring, so the guy earned a living by street focus and juggling. In those days, Petit, dreaming about a loud, provocative show, traveled a lot, speaking at festivals and fairs.

When the artist almost turned 22 years old (1971), he arranged his first presentation in the air. Then the guy passed through a rope stretched between the towers of the Cathedral of the Paris's Lady in Paris.

Two years later, Petit visited Australia, in which he performed with his focus and equilibristic numbers at the Aquarius festival. A week after this event, Petit passed on a rope stretched between the Northern Bridge Pilons through the Sydney Harbor.

Cutter Filipp Petit

In January 1974, Philipp first came to New York, and the official opening of the Turkish Town of the World Trade Center was scheduled for April. On the day of arrival, the routine is a couple with a friend, photographer Jim Murom, sneaked into the building. When Philip showed a friend to the next tower and said that he was going to get there on a rope, Jim called Petit crazy.

Returning to Paris, the artist began planning the "artistic crime of the century." He read the literature associated with the towers, and also collected photos and articles in a special folder. In April, Juggler went back to New York. There he devoted all his time to the study of the building. Philippe walked around it around him, remembering all the entrances and allocating possible paths upstairs,

In those days, the lion's share of his savings ate the lease of a helicopter on which he flew over towers to consider and photograph the roofs in each detail. At the same time, the adventurer discovered that in the windy days the buildings are quite swinging.

Cutter Filipp Petiti in the Eiffel Tower

Returning to Europe, the madman took money from a friend and began preparations for the execution of the trick. In that period, Petit often consulted with professionals about how to transfer the rope and pull the rope between such high objects.

Having enlisted with the support of friends, he goes to the countryside of parents on the Cote d'Azur, where daily trains on a rope stretched in the glade between the trees. Philip repeats its tricks once, until he fails to achieve absolutely immaculate performance.

In May, Petit came to New York with the team of his friends. At noon on August 6, 1974, Philip and Six of his accomplices arrived at the building of the World Trade Center on the van without identifying signs. They divided into two teams, dressed in the specialists of movers and passed inside, using false skipping.

Philip Petit passes between twin towers

The initial plan assumed the delivery of all equipment on the 82th floor of the southern tower, where they worked for their familiar, but they were lucky - on this day a couple of companies moved to new offices, and no one paid special attention to inconspicuous movers.

It was quite by the way, since only the steel rope weighed more than 200 kilograms, and the collapsible eight meter pole, which Philip was going to maintain the balance, weighed at least 25 kilograms. As a result, the participants of the first team delivered everything you need on freight elevators right up to 104 floors.

Two others, accompanied by a disguised "businessman", resulted in the northern tower. There, they remained until the onset of darkness, to carry out the final part of the plan - to cross the rope from one tower to another.

Arrest Philip Petit

At night, both groups rose to the roof. Under their feet, the ever-restless city with beeps of cars and screech of police officers were spread. Fix the rope accounted for a bow and arrows. The rope tied to the arrow, and the exact shot Jean Louis launched it on the roof of the northern tower. Philippes on the next tower caught the rope and the special device began to drag heavy cable to his side.

On that day, the airlock of Philippe lasted 45 minutes. It passed there and back 8 times (488 meters). Periodically, the artist jumped on one foot, he went on his knee or flew to the rope, Mahaya at the same time the enthusiastic spectators below.

After the end of the performance at the bottom of Philip, reporters and thousands of new hands-up fans have already been waiting. Philipped chosen in handcuffs with a smile answered questions from journalists without hiding emotions.

Petit and his friends were accused of violating the boundaries of private property and small hooliganism. There were no material claims to it. The court let go of an adventurist to freedom in exchange for a free idea for children in the Central Park.

Of course, this show was the most bright in the rope career, but not at all the only one. In 1986, he walked above Niagara Falls, and in 1989, when the anniversary of the French revolution was celebrated, passed on the inclined rope, which began on the Torocader's Square and ended in the second level of the Eiffel Tower. It was a walk of 700 meters long.

Personal life

Unfortunately, there is extremely little information in the network regarding the personal life of the routine. It is only a reliably that the artist, which in 2015 was lifted by the Biographic film "Walk" with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the lead role, married.

Philip Petit and his wife Ani

Artist's spouse is Ani. From the very beginning she was next to Philip, supported and inspired him to new accomplishments.

Philip Petit now

After his insane show, Philip with his family settled in New York, wrote a couple of books about his expores and a whole treatise on the walking on a rope.

Philip Petit in 2017

In his elderly years, the artist continues to call himself with a rope, saying that he will cease to be, only when he can no longer walk along the ground.

Best tricks

  • 1971 - Walk on the rope, stretched between the towers of the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother
  • 1973 - walk through the rope over Sydney Harbor
  • 1974 - walk through the rope stretched between twin towers
  • 1986 - Walk through the Rope over Niagara Falls
  • 1989 - Walk through the rope, stretched between the trocadero area and the second level of the Eiffel Tower

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