Hell Yakushev - biography, photos, personal life, poems, songs



Hell Yakushev - the name known among lovers of the Bardian song. Muza and the most beloved wife Yuri Victorism, one of the founders and, according to contemporaries, the Sun of the modern author's song. The listeners of the Soviet era know the voice of the Addis on the radio station "Youth". The transfer that Yakushev led, went out in the morning on Saturday and gave a charge of cheerfulness and optimism for the whole day.

Childhood and youth

Hell, or rather Ariadna Adamovna Yakushev, was born in January 1934 in Leningrad. During the war, the girl's father fought in the partisan detachment and died in Belarus. There is no information about the mother. In the childhood of hell he studied the game for cello, but did not graduate from the music school.

In 1952, Yakusheva's surname appeared on the list of students of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. The girl chose the Faculty of Russian language and literature. No wonder the abbreviation of the Institute - IWP - deciphered as a "singing institute". Classmates of the doors were subsequently not less well-known cultural figures Peter Fomenko, Julius Kim, Boris Vakhnyuk, Yuri Koval. Future husband Yuri Vizbor was among them.

Hell Yakushev in youth

Contemporaries characterized by Yakushev in one word - bright. At the institute seminars, they dismissed, constantly scorched in a notebook. As it turned out, wrote poems.

For people gifted musically, in the Soviet Union there was a system of free optional training - a seminar of amateur composers at the Union of Composers of the USSR. Training at the seminar made it possible to obtain a musical education in a volume that is not inferior to conservative, but without a state diploma. In 1959, training was held by Jakushev's hell.

Poems and music

Compose poems and songs of hell began at the Institute. According to his own recognition of poeses, firstly, in order not to suffer from jealousy to Yuri to the visa, and secondly, because the institute wrote everything. The first "PECNE O MOCKE" appeared in 1954. He glorified the girl's song "The evening wanders on the forest paths." In addition, three books were released by Ado AdoMonovna.

In the essays "if you knew" the poetess told about people with whom he had a chance to meet in life and journalistic activities. She shared her opinion about the work of bards, about the features of the author's song, song festivals and competitions. Later, recycled memoirs came out under the name "My Love Song." The third book "Three wives ago. The history of one correspondence "is the history of the relations of the doctors and Yuri Victor, expressed in letters.

Hell Yakushev on stage

The words "three wives ago" Yakushev borrowed a family friend, the actor Zinovia Gerdt, who also, like a visor, was married three times.

Among the recruitment of the singer's audio records - "For the time of reason", "you are my breath", "the best songs", "Hell Yakushev" (in the Russian Bards series). The poems of Adu Yakusheva are included in the collections of the tourist and bard songs, published in numerous print editions. Among them is "in the stone river", "Blue Sugretoby".

The works of Yakusheva were performed on popular in the 90s - early 2000 authors' festivals.

In the XXI century, the song "You - My Breathing" is heard in television advertising. Performed by the Varvara Visbor - Granddaughter of Adda Yakushva and Yuri Victor.

Personal life

The first husband of Adu Yakusheva was the famous author-performer Yuri Vizbor. Young people got married after the institute, in 1958. The daughter of Tatyana was born in marriage. As He recalled, family life was violent, with care and returns. The facts of the biography of Yakushev frankly documented in the poem "Again your infinite" Wait! " ("Do not go").

Husband is a loving person, always surrounded by a large company. And with all Passwords preferred to enter into an official marriage. A visor lived in a state of constant love and eventually left. However, about the true causes of parting the parties were default.

Yuri Vizbor and Hell Yakushev with her daughter

But the woman shined the idea that the muse of the Victor was Yakushev. It is believed that the main song of the sixties "You I have one" Yury dedicated to the first wife. Being married to another woman, the visor was not without reason that if he had started a life at first, he would have married him again. When a few years later the family broke up, Yakushev and a visor, being intelligent people, retained a good relationship.

In 1968, Hell married a radio journalist, deputy director of the Youth Radio Station, Maxim Kurgashev, classmates and a witness at the first wedding. While studying at the Institute Roman Visbor - Yakushev - Koryurgashev students considered the novel of the century. In this marriage, the son of Maxim and Dasha's daughter were born.

Hell Yakushev with daughter Tatiana

In the early 1960s, Yakushev created at the institute and headed the women's song ensemble, with whom toured around the country. Irina Deckova, who headed the Women's Ocetom of MGPI after Adu Yakushev, recalled that Hell's songs wrote very quickly. Someone tried to count them, reached three hundred and got drunk.

From 1966 to 1968 he worked as an editor on the radio station "Youth", traveled through Siberia and the Far East, led the transfer "Song, Guitar and I", "Hello, Comrade!".

Hell Yakushev and Maxim Korurgashev

At the end of the 60s, Yakushev was acquainted with the then no one who was not famous to Alla Pugacheva. The girls became friends, sang together on one scene. As Yakushev said in an interview, the future star of the stage was a good girlfriend, and the children of Maxim and Christine also found a common language.

In the same interview, Hell noted that with the former wives of the evidence - actress of the theater named after Yermolova Evgenia Uralova and a journalist Nina Tikhonova - managed to find an understanding.

The last years of the life of Hell Yakushev lived modestly, for one pension. The author's deductions did not receive, despite the fact that her poems and songs sounded from everywhere. Not communicated with journalists, referring to age and lack of time.

The granddaughter of Varvara Visbor continued his creative dynasty. In 2015, the girl experienced good luck on the "voice" show, but did not go further by the qualifying blind listening. Varya received an acting education, performed on the theater scene and in the nightclubs. Manages his own musical team. He released four albums, where among others play the songs of the famous grandfather.


Head Yakushev died in October 2012, in Moscow. The cause of death is cancer. Until recent days, Tatyana's daughter was located near the singer. She later shared in the media, with what indifference and cynicism doctors had to meet, as refused to hospitalize and providing drugs.


  • "If you could know"
  • "Song - my love"
  • "Three wives ago. The story of one correspondence. "
  • "Song about the paths" ("Road")
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  • "Blue Sugro"
  • "Other cities"
  • "First grade"
  • "Kamchatka"
  • "I invite you to the forest" ...
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  • "Ticket"

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