Julupukki - History, Photo, Santa Claus, Santa, Residence


Character History

Scandinavian countries have always been famous not only to a high standard of living, but also interesting traditions. For example, Christmas in Finland is celebrated for three days, from December 24 to 26. All this time, the inhabitants of the cold country enjoy elegant streets that are decorated with multi-colored garlands, listen to Lutheran concerts with songs. And instead of Santa Claus and Santa Claus, Finnish children brings gifts Christmas grandfather - Joulupuk, which from an evil spirit turned into a good winter hero.


It is noteworthy that the tradition of this character in Finland was in an interesting way. The fact is that "Joulupukka" is the homonym for the phrase "Christmas goat". And it is not surprising, because in the Middle Ages, Joulupukka dressed in a suit from a goat skins, and in another belief - he handed out the gifts, driving around on the goat.

Christmas goat Joulupukki

If you deal with the names of Finnish Santa Claus, the word "Joulu" was borrowed from the Scandinavian languages, and it, in turn, was formed from the name of the German holiday Yol: on this day, people celebrated the onset of the mid winter.

It is also worth noting: in Suomie, it was accepted that he was like Russian carols. Back in the pagan Starofin tradition, there are nuuttipukki and "Kekripukki". In the first, young people were changed, who dressed up in the revealed inside out the fur coat. Their faces decorated the masks, on the shamanic pattern carved from Berestov and resembling a horned creature.

Evil spirit Joulupukki

Sometimes "Christmas Giordhews" was two: one portrayed the head of the goat, and the other is his back. The houses went around and pleased the obedient children with gifts, and naughty scared. Previously, this event occurred on January 7 (from 1131 to 1708), and since 1708 the holiday falls on January 13: the date was postponed in honor of the name of the Men's name Nutti.

In the twenties of the past century, small inhabitants of the cold country heard a fairy tale on the radio told by Uncle Markus, who conducted a transmission called "Children's Hour". The story rotated around the grandfather, who on Christmas Eve rushed on the shoulder with gifts: The old man walked around many places and eventually found himself in the snow-covered Lapland.


In the way, the old man is tired, sat down to relax on the stone and saddened: after all, the path is still far away, and the bag is scored with gifts that he does not have time to distribute. The fabulous hero was heard of the gnomes and elves that helped to deliver surprises to houses, but set the condition that Joulupukka remained in Lapland.

Image and prototypes

Finns believe that in fact, Joulupukkah lives in Lapland, while other heroes applying for the title of festive grandfathers are localized in Canada, Greenland or Great Ustyug.

The gifts donor houses are located on Mount Korvatunturi, at least this was stated by the Finnish broadcasting company in 1927. It is said that the residence of Julupukka is on the border with Russia and resembles ears. Thanks to this form, the old man can hear the dreams and desires of all children.

Joulupukka and Santa Claus

If the child wants to send a letter to his grandfather, his address is not a secret: Finlandia, 99999, Korvatunturi. The main thing is not to forget to glue the postage stamp on the envelope. But first, the child gives his message to parents, so that they corrected mistakes, because, as you know, Finnish is quite complicated. Children also make gifts for mothers and dads: as a rule, these are postcards decorated with multi-colored ribbons and beads. In the North European State, surprises are appreciated, performed by their own hands.

It is noteworthy that Joulupukka is not alone at all, the spouse Morusa lives with him, which is the personification of winter. True, he does not like to spread about his wife, holding his personal life in secret. Previously, a festive character went home with horns on her head and with rods, leaning bad children. And the inhabitants of the houses tried to thread this frightening creature treats.

Joulupukka and his wife Mori

Now Julupukka resembles Santa Claus. He wears a white beard and a red hat that hangs almost to the belt, but still retains some national characteristics, despite the influence of American culture. However, these colleagues have and significant differences, for example, Santa Claus positions itself as a fallen bachelor who preferring to live in herchings.

Since the grandfather sees bad, he wears glasses, but he doesn't have a hand: to easily move around in the winter snowdrifts, Finnish Santa Claus enjoys the sleigh in which the deer is harnessed by the name of Patheri - Red Mord. It is said that Joulupukka is so old that he does not remember their true age, but he does not lag behind technological progress: a fabulous character has a mobile phone - "Nokia" red.

Joulupukka and Santa Claus

It is worth saying that Joulupukka is not as mobile as Santa Claus: the Finnish hero does not face pipes and is not descending into the most fireplace. Festive grandfather prefers to give gifts to children personally in hand, so residents of Finland receive gifts before all: on the evening on December 24th.

Some fans of surprises are asked when Joulupukka has time to give surprises, because in Suomi lives not one million children. The fact is that the grandfather will fall in the gnomes: they help the housework and pack gifts. Also, the gnomes are sitting in the "echo cave" and listen, how children behave throughout the year, and grandfather will then find out who deserved congratulations on the holidays.

Joulupukka and gnomes

These magic characters appear from spruce cones. At night, Morori's grandmother collects a bump in the forest, and then folds them into a large boiler that carefully wonders with a warm blanket. And by morning, small helpers are ready.

Interesting Facts

  • In all countries - their Christmas traditions and the original protagonist. In Poland, gifts spread to Saint Nikolai, in the Czech Republic - Grandfather Mikulas, Italy - Babo Nattale with his assistant Fee Beefany, and in France - Per-Noel.
  • In 1996, children saw a cartoon film called "Joulupukka and Tuben Shaman." Mauri Kunnas spoke by the director, and the main roles went to Es Saario, Ulle Tapanienne and Hanne Javherinen.
Julupukki - History, Photo, Santa Claus, Santa, Residence 1624_8
  • In 2017, a traditional meeting of Julupuk was held at the Russian-Finnish border and his Russian colleague Santa Claus, with whom the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden arrived. In addition, a truck with Finnish gifts for Russian children was held on the territory of the city of Sortavala.
  • If in Russia in the New Year on the tables stand "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat", then the traditional dairy rice porridge is being prepared in Finland, which is served for children for breakfast. Also, residents of the Northern state are preparing a vinaigrette without peas and sauerkraut, fish snacks, stew in Karelska, as well as a GLOG based on red wine. Among other things, a dairy-fish soup is prepared for the holidays.
Christmas table in Finland
  • In Finland, they are preparing for Christmas in advance, and within a month there is a countdown to the cherished holiday. Boys and girls have special calendars, where chocolates are hidden behind the numbered windows. And women before the holiday arrange charity fairs, where they sell decorations.
  • Christmas in Finland is a family holiday, where all relatives gather at the table. Therefore, Christmas lovers who remain at work, invented an adult holiday, which reminds corporate parties.

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