Charles Perro - biography, photo, personal life, fairy tales, books



No, probably, such a person who did not read fairy tales as a child. When listed by the authors of works for children, among the first, along with the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, the name of Charles Perro comes to mind. Already several hundred years of the boys and girls are read out of the amazing history of Cinderella, they are followed by the adventures of the cat in boots, they envy the ingenuity of the boy-C-finger.

Childhood and youth

Charles Perra and twin brother Francois were born in January 1628 in Paris. In a wealthy family of parliamentary judge Pierre Pierro and Housewives Package LEGLECTER was four children - Jean, Pierre, Claude and Nicolas. Father, who was waiting for the sons of great accomplishments, chose the names of the French kings - Francis II and Charles IX for them. Unfortunately, after six months, Francois died.

Portraits of Charles Perret

At first, the formation of the heirs, to whom the parents attached great importance, was engaged in the mother. She taught children to read and write. At eight years, Charles, like the older brothers, went to study at the University College Bove, not far from Sorbonne, at the Faculty of Arts. But because of the conflict with teachers, the boy threw his studies. Together with each other Boren continued self-education. All that was taught in college, the boys learned themselves for several years, and this is Greek and Latin, the history of France, antique literature.

Later, Charles took lessons from a private teacher. In 1651 he received a lawyer's diploma and shortly worked in a law office. The legal field of Perso soon bored, and the young lawyer moved to work for the older brother Claude. Claude Perro subsequently became famous as one of the first members of the French Academy of Sciences and an architect, who made his hand to the creation of the Louvras Palace, the Paris Observatory.

Charles Perra in youth

In 1654, the elder brother Pierre Perso acquired a tax collector. Then led by finances Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the future powerful Minister of the King-Sun Epoch of Louis XIV. Charles ten years worked at Brother Clawer. In his free time, read books from the library purchased from the heirs of Abbot de Serisi, a member of the French Academy.

Colter patronized Charlery, took the position of secretary, made his adviser in culture affairs and introduced himself to the court. With Colbert, Perro became part of the committee of writers, whose tasks were imputed to the praise of the king and royal politics. Perro led the production of tapestries and controlled the construction of Versailles and Louvre. Later was appointed Secretary General in the intensity of royal buildings, the actual head of the Small Academy.

Portrait of Charles Perp aged 66

In 1671, Perro was elected a member of the French Academy (the future Academy of Sciences), in the 1678th appointed by its chairman. Career Charles walked to the mountain, and with it and financial well-being.


The first steps on the soil of writing Charles Perra did even during college study - wrote poems and comedies. In 1653 he published a parody of "Troy walls, or the origin of the burlesque".

In 1673, Charles, together with Brother Claude, wrote a fairy tale in verses "War Raven against Aista" - the allegory of wars of supporters of classicism and new literature. An essay of 1675 "Criticia Opera, or the analysis of the tragedy called" alkest "is devoted to this confrontation. The work is written in conjunction with Brother Pierre. Charles collaborated with brothers. The plays included in the "Collection of Selected Works" are permeated by the atmosphere of friendly contest and dialogue.

Illustration To Charles Persian Fairy Tale

In the spring of 1682 for the birthday of the duke of the Burgundy writer, I published OED "for the birth of the Duke of Bourbon" and the poem "Rostock Parnas".

After the death of his wife, Perra became very religious. In these years, he wrote the religious poem "Adam and the creation of the world." And after the death of his patron Kolbera in 1683 - the poem "Saint Paul". This difficult, published in 1686, Charles wanted to return the lost attention to the king.

Illustration To Charles Persian Fairy Tale

A year later, PERRA presented to the reader's court the poem "Age of Louis Great". Another attempt to draw the attention of the monarch in 1689 was "Oda for the capture of Filsburg." But Louis ignored the appeal. In 1691, Charles Perp wrote OED "the reasons why the battle is subject to the king" and "ODU of the French Academy".

According to the present Perra, fascinated by literary creativity as a tribute to fashion. In a secular society, along with balas and hunting, reading fairy tales has become a popular passion. In 1694, the writings "Funny desires" and "donkey ski" have been published. Two years later, a fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" was printed. Books, although they were printed with small circulations, quickly found fans.

Illustration To Charles Persian Fairy Tale

The bestseller of that time turned the collection of "Tales of Mother Goose, or History and Fairy Tale of Those of Thousands of Parties." Fairy tales entered the book, I did not compose Perro. He only reworked and retold what he heard in childhood from nanny either refined the unfinished plot. The only copyright is a fairy tale "Rica-Khokholok". The book was published in 1695 and for the first year four times reissued.

Arriving such a frivolous, in his opinion, hobbies, like fairy tales, Charles signed the works by the name of the son - Pierre D'Armankura. Subsequently, this fact allowed researchers to doubt the authorship of Charles Perro. Allegedly drafts of folk fairy tales did Pierre. But, nevertheless, the Father turned them into literary masterpieces. In the highest light of the XVII century, it was not at all that thus Charles tried to bring the son to the yard of the King's niece, Princess Elizabeth Orleans.

Illustration To Charles Persian Fairy Tale

However, no doubt is the fact that thanks to Perpro Folklore "registered" in the palace walls. The writer visited the fairy tales, simplified for the perception of children of any age. Heroes tell the language of ordinary people, teach to overcome difficulties and show the smelter, like Jean and Marie from the "Gingerbread House". The castle in which the princess is sleeping from "Sleeping Beauty", is written off from the castle of Yusse on Loire. In the image of a red hat, the image of the daughter of Perra, who died at 13 years old. Blue beard is also a real character, Marshal Gilles de Rea, executed in 1440 in the city of Nante. And any product of Charles Perp ends with a certain conclusion, morality.

Illustration To Charles Persian Fairy Tale

The books of the French writer are available in every home where little children grow. Do not read the number of transfers to the works of Perro to the cinema and on stage. The masterpieces of theatrical art are recognized by Opera Joakkino Rossini and Bella Barthok, Petra Tchaikovsky and Sergey Prokofiev's ballets. Based on the Russian folk fairy tale, the plot of which echoes the fairy tale of Perra "Fairy Gifts", directed by Alexander Row, the film "Morozko" was shot. And the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" is a leader in the number of shields, both in artistic cinema and in cartoons and musicals.

At the same time, with writing fairy tales, Charles Perp has been engaged in serious academic activities. The Academy Persian headed the work on the "universal dictionary of French." The dictionary took almost forty years of life from the writer and was completed in 1694.

Charles Perro - biography, photo, personal life, fairy tales, books 16238_9

He became famous as the head of the "new" party during the sensational controversy around the comparative advantages of the literature and the art of antiquity and modernity. In proof that the contemporaries are no worse than the heroes of the past centuries, Perro issued an essay "Famous people of France XVII century." The book describes the biographies of famous scientists, poets, doctors, artists - René Descartes, Jean Batista Moliere, Nicolas Poussin, Richelieu. Total more than a hundred life ways.

In 1688-1692, the three-grade "parallels between ancient and new", written in the form of dialogue, was published. Perpro in his work left the unshakable authority of ancient art and science, criticized the style, habit, the lifestyle of that time.

Personal life

About the personal life of Charles Perre knows little. Personal career writer married late, at 44 years old. Wife Marie Gyushon was younger than Charles for 25 years.

In marriage, three sons and daughter were born - Charles Samuel, Charles, Pierre and Francoise. However, six years after the wedding, Marie Gyushon died suddenly.


In the biography of Charles Perra there is a sad page. Son Pierre, who helped the father to collect material for the compositions, landed for murder. Charles lasted all his connections and money to rescue the Son and bought him the rank of lieutenant royal troops. Pierre died in 1699 on the fields of one of the wars, which Louis XIV then led.

Monument to Charlet Perret

The death of the Son became a ruthless blow to Charles Perro. He died four years later, on May 16, 1703, according to one data - in his castle, Rosier, in others - in Paris.


  • 1653 - "Troy walls, or the origin of the burlesque"
  • 1673 - "Raven War against Aista"
  • 1682 - "For the birth of the Duke of Bourbon"
  • 1686 - "Saint Paul"
  • 1694 - "Oslay Skura"
  • 1695 - "Tales of Mother Goose, or History and Fairy Tale of Those of Things"
  • 1696 - "Sleeping Beauty"

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