Group "Factory" - composition, songs, photos, clips, news 2021



Group "Factory" - a music team created in the framework of the project "Star Factory - 1". Girls perform songs with folklore motifs.

"Factory" - the women's Russian pop group formed in 2002 during the project "Factory Stars-1". The founder of the "Factory" group was the main producer of the teleproekt - Igor Matvienko. This is a team of charming girls who, according to the results of the voting, occupied the honorable second place on the project.

The first composition of the group

Thanks to the successful start on the "Factory of Star-1", the group has existed for more than fifteen years, and even the gone soloists could not leave the horizon of fame and build successful solo careers. Irina Tveva, Sati Kazanova, Alexander Savelyev and Maria Alalykin became the founders and the first composition of the group. And now the new names and surnames lit the skyscoon.

As many experts noticed, all participants in the group are distinguished by excellent vocal data and pleasant appearance. Some weather, in August 2003, after a large touring tour, Maria Alalykina left the group in connection with the deduction from the university, however, the media considers the adoption of Islam and marriage.

Maria Alalykin

At the time, for the life of Masha, I tried to carefully follow the fans, even though she fell on the "Star Factory-1" by chance, coming there with younger sister. Also, journalists and fans were interested in and intrigued by Alalykina's novel with the future soloist of the root group.

In 2005, Sati Kazanova and Sasha Savelyev entered the list of the 100 most beautiful people of Moscow, and Sati and Top-100 beauties according to FHM magazine. Alexander and Sati also united the creativity to which they dedicated themselves from early childhood, and each graduated from the State Music School named after Gnesinic.

Sati Casanova and Sasha Savelyev

Irina Tveva, in turn, never thought that he would connect his life with work, as chemistry was fond of chemistry and graduated with honors from the faculty of chemical technology on the skin and fur of the University of Design and Technology. A little later, Irina realized that he could not live without art, and entered the School of Pop Jazz Arts.

In May 2010, Sati Casanova left the team and decided to start the solo career under the production of Igor Matvienko. The former soloist "Hi-Fi" came to her place - Ekaterina Lee. In December, in the new composition, the Factory Group re-outlined for the "XXL" magazine.

Ekaterina Li.

In 2013, Alexander Savelev began to lead the solo career in parallel with the career in the group. At this time, the factory takes off the video on the song "Failed beautiful", during the shooting of which Catherine had fallen from the horse and received a serious injury of the spine. This injury caused the suspension of the group's concert activity, and in the future and the cessation of the artistic career of Catherine.

For a while, the girl replaced the soloist of the Mobile Blonde Group - Antonina Klimenko, but she did not become the official participant of the factory, which the team's fans did not understand.

Antonina Klimenko

In February 2014, in the place of Catherine Lee, the participant of the TV project "I want to" WIA GRU "- Alexander Popov, who really liked the participants of the factory and producer. Before his creative career, Popova worked as an ordinary dentist in the city of Donetsk, which caused a lot of jokes among fans.

In September 2015, Alexander Popova takes part in a photo shoot for the MAXIM men's magazine. In 2016, the Participants of the Factory Group are becoming persons of the advertising company of the Russian network of women's lingerie stores "DEFI * LE" and removed in the underwear advertising.

Alexandra Popova

In April of the same year, the team participants took part in the "Total Dictation", but only as teachers, that is, the text of the dictation was read. They coped with their task they are fine. Also, the team took part in the Charitable event VKontakte Live, where they received the support of many of their fans.


The music team is still at the "Star Factory" won a lot of hearts of television viewers thanks to the hits "about love", "Oh, yes", "you understand." Together with the group "Roots", the girls moved forward, created duets, but at the end of the project, they still lost 1st place to the guys. After the end of the TV show, bright statements about the singer began to appear in the media, including the fact that the factory group is a new air sip on the Russian stage.

Musical critics and experts argued that girls carry a unique style in music in the masses: a combination of pop and folk music style. The broadcast of the first video clip began in February 2003. For shooting video, the singers chose the song "About Love". Soon "factory" presents a new song called "Oh, Mom, I fell in love." Glory got into the life of girls unexpectedly: invitations began to come for filming magazines and participation in television programs.

The concert for the concert, the city outside the city - the girls were eager for Russia as part of a tour tour. The result of a large-scale tour was the presentation of the new video "Sea calls", "for the horizon." The last video was an experiment, which also participated in Russia the Men's Group "Ivanushki International".

In a short period of time, the soloist "Factory" recorded a debut album, which called "Factory girls". The work of the team participants highly appreciated the colleagues "on the workshop". Immediately 2 songs were awarded high awards - the Golden Gramophone Prize.

Career of the group of group passed up with seven-mile steps. In 2004, the girls will present the songs "Let Love Love", "5 minutes", "Fish", comes out 2 clips. And according to the results of 12 months, the factory is awarded the Golden Gramophone prizes and "Before Hit".

Coming 2005. Glory and the popularity of girls did not subside for a minute. During this time, the singers presented to fans two singles "he" and "not guilty." The success of the soloist "Factory" was also rated by representatives of the magazine Glamour. Thanks to him, the team called the group of the year. The girls preferred to develop in a given direction in a given direction, so the hits of "Raspberry" and "Romance" were positively perceived among the fans of the "Factory" group. And again at the end of the year, the team was awarded the "Golden Gramophone" award, this time for the song "not guilty".

The work was boiling around the clock: the girls released a song for the song, the video clip. In 2007, the songs "ignite lights", "White-white". From year to year, the creativity of the team was highly appreciated: the group soloists received "gold gramophones", starred for magazines, including erotic.

In 2008, the long-awaited album of girls is "we are so different." This is the second disc, which offered to evaluate the girls to fans. In addition, a collection of hits favorite fans was presented. A year later, "Factory" presented two tracks and a clip: "Gadalka" and "and I want to love."

After 2 years, Sati Kazanova said about the beginning of the solo career. The fans of the group of creativity were alarming: the girls really disperse forever. But it was not necessary to worry, as the producer invited a new soloist to the place, Catherine Lee, known for the Hi-Fi group. Evaluate the joint creativity of singers fans were able after the presentation of the clip on the "Ali Baba" track, in which Arash participated.

A year later, the team returns to the shooting platform, but the project "Star Factory. Return". Igor Matvienko became the producer of the collective again. On the scene of the TV show, the girls presented a new song - "Stops". Every year, the factory produces several hits. So in 2012 they became the "Films of Love", "She is me."

Armenia Alexandra Savelyeva goes to solo swimming, but the girl stated that he did not intend to leave the group because of this. The proof of the shooting of the clip on the track "Do not be born beautiful." In November 2014, the girls presented the song "Secret".

Group "Factory" now

For 2017, the factory released the song "Butterflies" (together with LOVI) and removed the clip on it, due to which the group participants received a lot of negative comments and discussions for allegedly excessive vulgarity and depravity of the clip.

Group members

Also was removed the video for the song, recorded in 2015, "loved." Photos of girls are still appearing on the pages of glossy magazines.


  • 2003 - "Factory girls"
  • 2008 - "We are so different"
  • 2015 - "Do not be born beautiful"


  • 2003 - "About love"
  • 2003 - "Factory girls"
  • 2003 - "Sea calls"
  • 2004 - "Fish"
  • 2005 - "For the horizon"
  • 2005 - "Not guilty I"
  • 2006 - "Romance"
  • 2007 - "ignite lights"
  • 2008 - "We are so different"
  • 2010 - "Ali Baba"
  • 2010 - "I'm a kisser"
  • 2011 - "Stops"
  • 2012 - "She is me"
  • 2012 - "Films of Love"
  • 2013 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2015 - "Secret"
  • 2016 - "And I'm yours"
  • 2017 - "Loved"
  • 2017 - "Butterflies"

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