Jack Black - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Jack Black is an actor, famous thanks to the ribbons of "Horror" and "School of Rock". In 2002, a couple with leading MTV Movie Awards Sarah Michel Gellar made a comedy parody of the film "Spiderman" with Toby Maguirome and Kirsten Dunst.

Childhood and youth

Thomas Jacob Black was born on August 28, 1969 in the coastal city of Los Angeles - Redondo Beach. Parents of the future actors were engineers. According to the nationality, his mother is a Jewish, and the father - Scotland, who adopted Judaism at the insistence of his wife. That is why Jack was brought up in the best traditions of the Jewish people.

Actor Jack Black

It is known that when the artist almost turned 10 years old, mother and father divorced. A boy along with dad moved to Culver City. Despite the distance, Jack visited the mother until he finished the first course in the University of California in Los Angeles, in which he studied psychology.

After that, Black, together with his father, went to live in France. Jack grew on the street, often fought and fit into various unpleasant situations. If the will of the case, he once did not get into the theater studio, then, according to his own words, his days would end in prison.

Jack Black in childhood and youth

Visiting the lessons of acting skills, the rebar for a couple of weeks could not find a place sincerely believing that he had hit the theater studio by mistake. True, after the premiere of the debut performance, Black realized that he wants to tie his life with a hypocrisy.

It is noteworthy that the Higher Education Jack did not receive. The artist left science for show business. He considered this sphere already familiar. For the first time, the actor appeared on television, being a teenager. Then the young man starred in a commercial for Atari.

Jack Black in youth

The master of reincarnation itself with his debut considers an episodic role in the television picture "The cooling guy". This tape appeared on the screens when Black was only fourteen years old. Further, the actor participated in other TV projects: "Life continues", "Touch Angel" and "Secret Materials".

In 1994, Jack for a couple with a friend created a duet called "Tenacious d". A group planning in 2018 to publish a new album, regularly appears in different comedy shows on TV channels. In the team, Jack plays on an electrical and acoustic guitar.

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This unimaginable ensemble is popular with celebrities. For example, the "Tenacious D" fan is actor John Cusac. It was he who invited Jack to filming in the film "Fanatic". John himself played a capital role in the picture.


All the nineties of the last century Black starred in film. He was getting both secondary and main roles. One of the best roles of the actor is the work in the movie "Fanatic". In the tape, a young man in all its glory demonstrated his musical talent on the big screen.

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Later, Jack often appeared in a television show, such as PRIMETIME GLICK, Saturday Night Live, "The Osbournes". Often it could be seen on filmmakers. By the way, the work in the film "Fanatik" liked the director-brothers Peter and Bobby Farrelli, that they chose him to the role in the painting "Love evil" unanimously. For work, Jack Black received $ 3 million.

The first large hit wizard of the reincarnation fell for 2003. Then the actor played in the musical comedy "School of Rock" directed by Richard Linkleter. On the screen, a man appeared as a rock guitarist who teaches skill for cash. The picture was a peculiar benefit of Black. Critics impressed the work of the artist and nominated him to the Golden Globe.

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It is worth noting that for his career, the actor played a lot of diverse roles, adding the filmography of the outstanding ribbons filmography. So at one time the artist starred in the "Cableman" along with Jim Kerry, "Soldiers of Failure" and "Love Evil" with Gwyneth Paltrow.

Whether it is a comedy or drama, a reincarnation wizard thanks to the original appearance and a rich Mimica completely revealed the character who played.

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In 2011, the Bernie comedy was released on large screens, in which Dec received a major role. The plot of ribbons narrated the favorite of the residents of the town of Kartaged, the Undermaker of Bernie Tide. The candle-hearted man always stretched his hand to help those who lost their loved ones.

Once between him and the rich, but the ongoing widow of Marjori New Jent (Shirley McHlein), friendship began. Bernie traveled with Marge, and soon began to dispose of her finances. However, the requests and requirements of the woman grew. She jealously chosen to friends and even forbade him to communicate with relatives.

One day, Bernie could not stand and shot the old woman. Nine months the coffin hid her death, and when it became known about the murder and began to judge, all the inhabitants had to defend the pet.

The 2015th was marked by the exit to the light of the comedy of the "horror strokes", in which, in addition to Black, Dylan Minnett, Amy Ryan and Odea Rush starred. The plot of the paintings, the scenario of which is based on the series of books of Robert Stain, tells about how fantastic monsters, many years, magically held on the pages of the famous bestsellers of "horror strokes", in the will of the case broke out to freedom in the real world.

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In the same year, the comedy political television series "On the Edge" came to the television screens, the main roles in which Tim Robbins were fulfilled, Jack Black and Pablo Schreiber. In the center of the plot, the pictures are a geopolitical crisis that turns the lives of three unlike each other and desperate men from the legs. The Trinity will have to stop creative around the chaos and prevent the third world war.

In the late 2000th, the extremely successful cartoon wagon "Kung Fu Panda" started. In Ribe, Jack voiced the main character, the ingrowth male-panda of the software, which masters the martial arts, becomes a thunderstorm of the criminal world and gives conformity to the scoundrels. In 2016, the audience saw the third part of this picture. Few people know, but in the Russian-language version of the charming panda voiced the star "Our Russia" - Mikhail Galustyan.

Personal life

The personal life of the reincarnation masters has always been interested in both the audience and the press. It is reliably known that from 1997 to 2005, Black met with a comic actress named Laura Kaitlinger, with which a man met on the set of Will and Grace series.

After Jack has a rapid romance with a cellist Tanya Hayden. Sometime, a couple studied at school in Santa Monica, but I have not seen before the spring of 2005. The novel developed so rapidly that in 2006 the lovers played a wedding.

Jack Black with Family

Three months later, their son was born. Happy parents called Chamuel Jason Hayden Black. In May 2008, the wife gave her husband a second heir - Thomas David.

In June 2016, in social networks (and then in the media) information appeared, extinguishing the fans of Black, - a message about the death of the artist. However, later it turned out that this is a lie. The actor and musician account was hacked.

Jack Black now

At the end of December 2017, the premiere of the film "Jumanji: Call of Jungle" is planned, in which Jack reincarnated in Professor Shelly Oberon. In the center of the plot tape - four adolescents, which as a punishment left the school basement on the day off.

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Finding the old prefix during harvesting, the guys would not think without thinking, they launch the game of Jumanji and in the blink of an eye are transferred to the fictional world - the jungle, siscending fantastic beasts and traps. Friends have to go through all the tests and survive.

Also in 2018, the fans will see their favorite in the films "House with a clock on the wall", "Horror 2" and "desperate measures", work on which is already in full swing.

Despite the dense work schedule, the artist with a growing 168 cm and weighing 65 kg does not forget about fans. In "Instagram", Jack regularly posts photos from filming, as well as video phones from recreation.

Jack Black in 2017

It is worth noting that social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of Black. On Internet portals and in print publications, materials are also often published related to the creative biography of the Hollywood Star.


  • 1993 - "Destroyer"
  • 1995 - "The Dead goes"
  • 1996 - "Cableman"
  • 1996 - "Mars Attack!"
  • 1998 - "The enemy of the state"
  • 2000 - "Fanatic"
  • 2001 - "Love Evil"
  • 2003 - "Rock School"
  • 2006 - "Exchange Vacation"
  • 2008 - "Soldiers failure"
  • 2011 - "Big Year"
  • 2015 - "Horror"
  • 2015 - "On the Edge"
  • 2017 - "Jumanji: Call of Jungle"

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