Arya Stark (Character) - Photo, Actress, Quotes, "Game of Thrones", Macy Williams


Character History

Arya Stark - Cycle Character Roman George R.R. Martin "Song of Ice and Flame", as well as the famous film simulation "Game of Thrones". Brave, unrelacted, selfless heroine throughout the saga is improved in combat mastery with one goal - to take revenge on all its offenders.

History of character creation

The brave heroine was clearly born a boy - warlikeness and courage of this representative of the great house Winterfell from the cult series "Game of Thrones" in the blood.

The film, filmed based on the work of the American novelist George R.R. Martin "Song of Ice and Flame", broke all imaginable records by the number of fans. For several years, the broadcasts became covered phrases quotes from the series: "What is dead - you can not die", "Winter is close", "not today".

The exciting adventures for the 8 seasons made an army of one of the favorite characters from fans of fantastic saga. Amazing reincarnations of the younger daughter Lord Stark from the brave girls in a professional killer were justified. After all, this heroine had to face cruelty, injustice and deprivation. Circumstances forced the heroine to grow in a warrior, otherwise her fate would be more departing.

Arya appears in a multi-sized film with the first episode and no longer leaves it to the very end. The biography of the courageous daughter of a nest stark in the film starts from 11 years old, in the novel, it is two years younger. And this is not the only discrepancy of the book with the on-screen version. In the fourth part of the picture, the elements of the character of the character, conceived by the writer, are replaced, supplemented or enriched with a new meaning.

The image and biography of Aria Stark

The heroine appears in front of readers and the audience a girl, deprived of beauty and female charm. Strange people often confuse her with a boy - she does not wear dresses, he fights and fights on swords with brothers.

But it admires war, attract the possessions to hold arms. Even the story begins with the fact that Aria throws a lesson on sewing a competition with brothers in archery.

The author endowed the character of the external similarity with the father of Lord Stark, but later in the books compares the heroine with the aunt Lianna, which bathed in male attention.

With a sister in a girl from childhood, stretched relationships. Arya is not experiencing to John Snow, a consolidated brother and bastardo, dislike, like Sansa. On the contrary, she has a strong spiritual connection with her boyfriend. But despises Sansu for excessive femininity, dreams of marriage, power and rich life.

The stubborn reluctance becomes a true lady, aversion to the classes of noble maidens (embroidery, singing, dance) is derived from themselves. Katilin's anger is constantly falling on a naughty, unmanaged daughter.

With the development of the plot, an adheating Arya is increasingly strengthened in the thought that true happiness - to build its own fate ownly, without betting for a successful marriage. The path that had to go through, turned the girl in a cunning, brave and ruthless warrior.

Arya Stark and Yaksen Hargr (frame from the series

In addition, Arya, like the whole family of storks, belongs to the number of Wargo - people who can penetrate the consciousness of animals, watch their eyes around. The girl drove the girl in a dream by Lutvolchitsa, participated in the hunt in the circle of her pack.

The youngest daughter Eddard Stark, heads of the house Winterfelle, was born and grew up in the north of the seven kingdoms of the so-called famous world. The father was honored to be the country's hand of the ruler and went along with his daughters in the royal harbor.

Here the girl experienced the first strong shock in life: due to the fault of Prince Joffrey kill her best friend Miku, I have to say goodbye to the Lutovolchik by the a lot, and a little later to see the execution of the Father.

Before a trip to the royal harbor, the older brother John Snow (he same Agon Targaryen) presented a subtle sharp sword to a step sister, which she called the needle. Seeing the passionate desire of the daughter to comprehend the art of battles, Eddard Stark hired a Mustian masters, who trained the girl Azam fencing.

Arya Stark and Gendry Barateon (Frame from the series

After the death of the father, the life of the heroine has changed cool. She went to run, fleeing royal persecution. The child was waiting for a difficult path on the roads of the country. The girl made friends with the recruits of the Night Watch of Jendry, Lyubi and the Pie, and after saved from the conclusion of the "faceless" killer Jacina Khgara.

One day I tried to return home to the north in the company with the former bodyguard of Prince Sandor with a nickname name. And he also managed to escape from the Women Warrior Brianna Tart, who promised killed Catylin Stark to take a young representative of Winterfelle's house under his wing.

For the fact that half of her family is killed, the girl swore to take revenge, reaching the "Death List". The thirst for retaliation led arun under the roof of the temple of the Musaler God to Jacan Khgar, where training began to appeal to "faceless" - one of the army of murderers who possess the ability to change the appearance. But the heroine fails to say goodbye to his personality to become "nobody".

After 7 seasons, the audience remains only to guess what role the creators of the series are determined for this character. The final series of steel revelations - before the final battle with white walkers, showed a bed scene of the heroine with Gendri Barateon.

Surprised the brave girl and in battle itself. She killed the king of the night - the leader of white walkers, a fraudulent maneuver shanks a knife from dragon glass into him. A short respite was replaced by a big shock for the audience - the distraught deeteris paid the whole anger on the peaceful inhabitants of the Royal Harbor. But also in the Belena itself, Aria survived, seeking to take revenge on his most important enemy - Sersen Lannister.

The last series remains a prerequisite for the potential spin-off of the cellopopic. The winner of the King of the night does not want to enjoy a measured life in the walls of Winterfella. After spending so much time in the wanders, the heroine decides to continue traveling, discovering the new world.

It goes to the West - in those places that are not applied to the cards. Saying goodbye to John Snow, Aria regret reports that, most likely, they will never see.

Interesting Facts

  • After the first seasons of the "Games of the Thrones", the name Arya became favorite in young parents - from all female names for newborns, it is most often chosen.
  • The casting of the series Macy Williams came with a friend Sophie Turner, who eventually got the role of Sansa Stark. The samples for the role of Aria were the biggest - 200 actresses claimed to embody the image.
  • The authors of the cinema moved one feature of Aria from the book. The writer made the heroine Levchey, and Macy Williams - right-hander, so actress had to play this quality.


We did not become those who wanted. The world does not allow girls to choose who they want to be. When people ask you that happened here, tell them that the north remembers. Tell them that winter came to the house of Freyev. Sust alive at least one wolf, and sheep will never know the rest. It is not possible to be better or worse than anything. Nothing is nothing.


  • 1996 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 1998 - "Battle of Kings"
  • 2000 - "Storm Swords"
  • 2005 - "Pir of Vultures"
  • 2011 - "Dance with dragons"
  • 2019 - "Winter Wind"


  • 2011-2019 - "Game of Thrones"

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