Vladimir Ushakov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Ushakov is the oldest actor of the Moscow Theater of Satira. But the main title, which he wore and with whom millions of people knew, - the Yad of the actress of faith Vasilyeva. Maybe the Ushakov is not such a stellar person as his spouse, but the spectators of the older love his brigadier Maxim Orlov from the comedy "Wedding with dowry", not one generation of kids remembers the awesome voice of the voice of the voice of Kaa from the cartoon "Mowgli". And the story of Love Ushakov and Vasilyeva is a separate legend.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Petrovich Ushakov - Native Moskvich, was born on June 1, 1920. As with most of the artists of the older, the almost departed generation of information about children's years in the Biographies of Ushakov has not been preserved. It is only known that parents worked at the factory.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Vladimir graduated from the theater school named after Boris Schukin. The traditions and culture of the Wahtang school students were vaccinated by Vera Lviv, Cecilia Mansurov, Joseph Tolkanov.

Vladimir Ushakov in youth

At the end of the school, Ushakov was enrolled in the staff of the theater of drama and comedy. But from there the actor switched to the branch of the Small Theater. Together with colleagues on the front-line team traveled on the front, helping to keep the fighting spirit of soldiers. After the victory, from 1947 to 1950, Vladimir worked in Potsdam in the theater of the Soviet troops in Germany. Upon returning to his homeland, for two years worked in the theater under the leadership of Mikhail Astangov (now the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov). Since 1952, Vladimir Petrovich served in the Satira Theater, who remained faithful for almost 60 years.


Main roles in the filmography of Vladimir Ushakov a little. The debut for the artist was the role of the sailor of Sergei Markina from Kirov's cruiser in the film of Alexander Finzimmer "Marine Battalion" of 1944. The film talked about the defense of Leningrad.

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In 1953, the role of the brigadier of the collective farm Maxim Orlov, who made the artist of the Soviet screen star. The film "Wedding with Dowry" fell in love with the audience, and the songs "on your porch" and "Kurochina's coupling" sowed without exaggeration the whole country.

Initially, the "wedding with dowry" was a play on the play of the playwright of Nikolai Dyakonov "Wedding", which with a woman was walking on the scene of the Satira theater since 1949. The main roles were then played by Ushakov and Vasilyeva.

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After the incredible success of theatrical statement, Tatiana Lukashevich's directors and Boris Ravensky removed the film. And we must admit, with the choice of the same actors they were not mistaken.

In 1959, Vladimir Ushakov got a secondary role in the next television of the performance of the Satira theater, this time - "naked with violin". The format of Telplexcales in those years was widespread, the TV viewers saw the production of the "auditor", the "Little Comedy of the Big House" (Shubin), "How important to be serious" (Merrimen) with the participation of Ushakov.

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The next role in the cinema, and only episodic, Vladimir received in the film "Georgy Sedov", released in 1974. The historical and biographical picture talked about the preparation and course of the expedition to the North Pole organized by the Russian researcher of the polar latitudes by George Sedov.

In yet another episode, Vladimir Ushakov appeared in the Last Year's Kadril television film, shot by the director Yuri Tsvetkov in 1978. The film tells about students who arrived in the village. Friends of Lenya and Jura got acquainted with the girl tone and argued, some of them she would love.

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In 1982, the premiere of the TV version of the play "The Auditor" of the same Satira Theater took place. The director of the version was Valentin Plek, who was then the main director of the theater. And Vladimir Ushakov played the role of the bailiff Stepan Ushertov in the company of the Star of theater - Faith Vasilyeva, Andrei Mironova, Mikhail Dervina, Anatolia Papanova.

In 1985, Vladimir Petrovich appeared in the role of Viktor Klyachko in the film "Haldled Thief", which is included in the notorious series "The investigation is conducted by experts." In one of the first Soviet TV series shone Elsa Lezhdey, Leonid Kanevsky and Georgy Martynyuk.

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In the 90s, the actor was shot by little, and there was no noticeable role. In 1990, it was a fairy tale "Seller of dreams", in 1995 - a secondary role in another children's film about talking dogs "no collar". This picture is awarded prizes at several festivals of children's and youth movies.

In the same year, Vladimir Ushakov was involved in the detective TV series "Weekend with a detective", shot by a popular actor and director Alexander Blok.

In the XXI century, Ushakov almost did not go to theatrical scene due to the disease - the actor was governed by a pacemaker. Some sources say that Vladimir Petrovich played the episode of the comedy TV series "Bachelor" of the 2004 release and in the short film film "Hunger", shot in 2009 by the young director Marina Gavrilova. However, in both films, the Belarusian actor Ushakov Vladimir Vasilyevich, founder and artistic director of the modern artistic theater in Minsk participated.

Only in 2010, Vladimir Ushakov starred in the documentary film "Vera Vasilyeva. The secret of her youth, "released for his wife's anniversary.

Personal life

Vladimir Ushakov and Vera Vasilyeva lived together for 55 years, and the stamp in passports appeared only 7 years after they declared themselves with spouses when it was necessary to arrange documents for an apartment. And the rings were put on when they celebrated the half-century anniversary of their lives. Their delicately enthusiastic relationships were perceived by others as a sample and were the subject of envy.

Ushakov and Vasilyeva met at the rehearsal of the play "Wedding with dowry". Vera Kuzminynna was already famous, in demand by the actress, and also in love with the director Boris Ravensky. And Ushakov was married to a classmate Nina Garskaya.

Vladimir Ushakov and Vera Vasilyeva

Vladimir Petrovich was patient and persistent, for several years I was waiting for the consent of the beloved woman, although I knew well that there was no big mutual feeling from faith. Moreover, faith in numerous interviews said that Ravenski will forever remain her greatest love. But his husband acts highly appreciated and treated them, admitted that he felt like a stone wall.

It is believed that in the family where husband and wife are creative, gifted personals, someone must give up, sacrifice their own ambitions. Vladimir Petrovich, throughout his life, supported the desire to be in demand and beloved not only to them in faith Kuzmichn.

Vladimir Ushakov and his wife Vera Vasilyeva

Ushakov provided a spouse almost bohemian life, freed from his homework, accompanied in the outputs to the world, was present on performances in the theater. At the beginning of the family life, even hired a housekeeper so that faith was not standing at the stove. On numerous photos that can be found on the net, the married couple always looked elegant, always with a smile, in a circle of fans.

The last ten years of life, Vladimir Petrovich Petrovich - suffered a stroke, an eye operation, three infarction. Dasha Miloslavskaya's godfather was helped in the care of the faith Kuzmichna. Vasilyev and Ushakov did not get on their own children.


Vladimir Ushakov died on July 17, 2011. Shortly before his care, the spouses rested in the sanatorium, there the actor had a heart attack.

Around the "ambulance" was lucky not in that hospital, along the way, Vladimir Petrovich died. The body of the artist was cremated, and the dust burned in Columbaria Vagankovsky cemetery.


  • 1944 - "Marine Battalion"
  • 1953 - "Wedding with dowry"
  • 1978 - "Last Year's Cadril"
  • 1985 - "The investigation is conducting experts: a midday thief"
  • 1990 - "Seller dreams"

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