Svetlana Abramova - Photo, biography, personal life, news, TV presenter, "Morning Russia" 2021



Svetlana Abramova is a Russian TV presenter and a journalist with extensive experience in television. Spectators love her not only for professionalism, but also for attractive appearance.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana was born in St. Petersburg on June 2, 1987 in a wealthy family. Father Mikhail Abramov held the position of engineer, the mother Inna Fotina worked as a metrologist. When the girl was still very small, the misfortune happened. At the Father, who was considered the big boss in the city, attacked the street. The man struck the head, as a result of which he lost his memory.

Caring for her daughter lay on the shoulders of Inna. A woman tried to minimize contacts with his father, as it was afraid that it would be a big stress for her.

The girl grew up an independent child - he herself made decisions and answered them. Even in early childhood, looking TV, she dreamed of becoming a famous actress on the whole world.

Light studied well, so after school with an excellent certificate carefully chose, where to do. The choice was between theatrical, legal and journalistic faculties. Despite the children's dreams of acting career, the girl chose jurisprudence, based on the fact that the profession should be serious.

So Abramova entered the Faculty of Faculty of State University in St. Petersburg. Attractive appearance gave Svetlana the opportunity to participate in student beauty contests while studying. At the 20th age, the girl became the main beauty of the university.

The victory in the beauty contest was not easy. Many girls at this age are carefully looking for flaws in their appearance. Among them were Abramov - a student tormented by an obsession that she needs to lose weight. And Svetlana Khutel. Now the TV presenter found the optimal relationship between the growth and body weight.

Finding that jurisprudence did not become a dream, Svetlana went to Moscow. In the capital, the girl found a tutor who taught the basics of competent speech and speech skill. Then Abramova entered the school, where they were taught TV presenters. Having received a diploma, she finally decided on what he wants to achieve in life.

Personal life

July 13 Svetlana dinner in the St. Petersburg Cafe, when a pretty young man came down to her table. A promising physicist Anton Larsen at that time was married and had a daughter. The relative of the former spouse Anton Valeria was told in an interview with journalists that he often traveled on a business trip, and returning his wife and daughter's expensive gifts.

Valeria initially did not even suspect the existence of a husband with another woman. And by the eighth of March, a secular magazine came out with a large circulation, where the photo of Anton with Svetlana was concerned. Then their novel revealed.

Given the presence of a marriage contract at Anton with Valeria, after the divorce, a man did not have anything left. In December 2016, information appeared in the media that Svetlana and Anton plan to get married. In the summer of 2017 in the Odintsovo district of Moscow, a wedding of physics and TV presenter took place.

Guests commented on the "Instagram" a wedding celebration, where they thanked newlyweds for a stylish and romantic holiday. At the party, the contestant from the show "Voice" Cesarev Egor. The guests of the holiday entered Svetlana's colleagues along the show "For 10 years younger". The stylist Evgeny Zhuk came in the company of the girl Anastasia Snelochny.

In July 2018, in the personal life of Svetlana Abramova, cardinal changes occurred - she gave birth to Nicole's daughter. Joyful news Mother and Father reported fans in "Instagram", posted a photo of a newborn girl with a tag from the maternity hospital.

Births were not natural: Svetlana did a cesarean section. And this is a big stress for the body, so in the coming years it does not plan to start children. Immediately after childbirth, the celebrity lost a few kilograms.

In his free time, Svetlana is fond of sports, traveling, visits secular events and even engaged in charity. In an interview, she often talks about the wards from the show, says how much their life has changed, stressing that herself negatively refers to plastic surgery. Instead of operations and cardinal methods of improving the appearance of Abramov, it recommends monitoring it regardless of age.


Already a year after graduating from the school of TV presenters, the girl got a leading to the popular channel Ren-TV. The first job Abramova was to review the sports news and the Russian and international press. In this position, Svetlana worked for 2 years, after which it became a TV host program on the same channel "Light", which is devoted to the cultural life of Moscow.

She then initiated the creation of a television show "For 10 years younger". Analogs of this project have been going on European television channels for many years, so Svetlana suggested the success of the program. At first, the transfer went on Ren-TV broadcast, and since March 2009, the show debuted on the first channel.

The project's idea is to prove that every woman, regardless of age, natural appearance and financial position may look much better, younger and more attractive.

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Invited television show consultants try to transform the heroine. By choosing the release participant, the organizers polish passersby, finding out the average visual age of a woman.

After that, a team of employees "for 10 years younger", represented by a stylist, hairdresser, a plastic surgeon, a dentist and makeup artist, establish a single strategy for the transformation of the heroine.

Beauty consultants constitute a schedule of necessary procedures, including small local plastic surgery, cosmetology procedures (including laser vision correction, Botox injections, laser and chemical peeling, etc.).

Svetlana Abramova stimulates the heroine not to be afraid of change and decide on all the proposed manipulations. It emphasizes that the appearance of a woman depends exclusively from motivation and desire. At the same time, the biographies of participants can differ radically from each other, they belong to different social strata, have a different age and life circumstances, but everyone unites the desire to achieve perfection - to become beautiful.

Svetlana Abramova now

The summer of 2020 was marked for a abramova new position - she passed the casting and became the leading rating program "Morning Russia". Svetlana came to a change of TV presenter Elena Lander, who said not so long ago, he leaves his favorite job. The reason is to move to Italy, where her husband lives.

Confirmation of the appointment to the post Abramova laid out on the page in "Instagram". Under the photo, she reported that he was seen with the viewers on August 7 at 05:00 am on the TV channel "Russia-1". Fans began to leave congratulations in the comments.

The first joint ester of the new leading with Andrei Petrov came out to the television screens within the deadline. Spectators saw Svetlana in an elegant image: a restrained dress of a light shade, a boat on a high heel, a nude makeup. Abramova held in the frame confident. She told about an additional weekend for workers, about climate change, on new parking and other news rules.

TV project

  • 2015 - "For 10 years younger"
  • 2020 - "Morning Russia"

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