Giuseppe Verdi - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Operas, Music



Giuseppe Verdi (full name - Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi) - Great Italian composer. His musical works are "treasures" of world opera art. Creativity Verdi - the culmination of the development of the Italian opera of the 19th century. Thanks to him, the opera became the one that she is now.

Childhood and youth

Giuseppe Verdi was born in the small Italian village of Le Roncole, near the city of Busseto. At that moment, this territory belonged to the first French empire. Thus, in official documents is the country of birth of France. He was born on October 10, 1813 in the peasant family. His father Carlo Giuseppe Verdi contained a local restaurant. And the mother of Luigi Uttini worked by Prya.

Portrait of Giuseppe Verdes

Love for music The boy has shown in childhood, so first the parents gave him a spine - key string tool, similar to harpsiching. And soon he began to study the musical letter and learn the game on the organ in the village church. The first teacher was the priest Pietro Baystrokki.

At 11 years old, Little Giuseppe began to fulfill the duties of the organist. Once in the service, he was noticed by the wealthy urban merchant Antonio Bareti, he suggested helping the boy to get a good musical education. First, Verda moved to the house of Bareti, a man paid for him the best teacher, and later paid and learning Juseppe in Milan.

Giuseppe Verdi in youth

During this period, Verdi became interested in literature. Preference gives classic works of Dante, Shakespeare, Schiller, Goethe.


Upon arrival in Milan, he is trying to enter the conservatory, but immediately receives a refusal. It is not taken due to the insufficient level of the game on the piano. Yes, and age, at that time he was already 18 years old, exceeded the mounted for reception. It is noteworthy that now the Milan Conservatory is named Giuseppe Verdi.

Giuseppe Verdi

But the young man does not despair, he hires a private teacher and studies the foundations of counterpoint. He visits opera performances, concerts of various orchestras, communicates with the local bomb. And at this time, he begins to think about becoming a composer for the theater.

Upon returning Verdi to Bouseto Antonio Bareti organized the first speech for a young man in his life, which was produced by a real furyor. After that, Bareti offered Giuseppe to become a teacher for his daughter Margarita. Soon there was a sympathy between young people, and they had a novel.

Conductor Giuseppe Verdes

At the beginning, Verdi's career wrote small works: marches, romances. The first statement was the Opera, Count di San Bonifacio, which was presented to the Milane viewer at the La Scala Theater. After deafening success with Giuseppe Verdi, a contract was signed to write two more operas. In the agreed deadlines, he created the "king per hour" and "Nabucco".

The production of "King for an hour" was poorly adopted by the viewer and failed, and from Nabucco, the Impresario of the theater initially refused at all. Her premiere still took place, though two years later. And this opera had a deafening success.

Composer Giuseppe Verdes

For Verdi, who after the failure of the "king for an hour" and the loss of his wife and children was going to leave the musical field, Nabucco became a sip of fresh air. The reputation of a successful composer was entrenched behind him. "Nabucco" for the year was put in the theater 65 times, by the way, it still does not reach the world scenes.

This period in Verdi can be characterized as a creative rise. After the opera Nabucco, the composer wrote a few more operas, which were also well met by the viewer - "Lombards in a crusade" and "Ernani". Later, the statement of "Lombard" was put in Paris, however, for this Verdi had to make changes to the original option. First of all, he replaced the Italian heroes in French, and in the second - renamed Opera in "Jerusalem".

But one of the most famous works of Verda became the Opera Rigoletto. She was written based on the play of the Hugo "King amusing." The composer himself considered this work with his best creation. The Russian viewer is familiar with Rigoletto on the song "The heart of beauties is prone to treason." Opera set thousands of times in different theaters of the world. The Aria of the Main Hero, the jester Rigoletto, performed Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Placido Domingo, Muslim Magomayev.

Two years later, Verdi writes "Traviata" on the work of "Lady with Camellia" Alexander Duma Jr.

In 1871, Giuseppe Verdi receives an order from the Egyptian ruler. He is asked to write a opera for the Cairo Opera House. The premiere of the Opera "Aida" took place on December 24, 1871 and was timed to the opening of the Suez Canal. The most famous Aria Opera - "Triumphal Marsh".

The composer wrote 26 operas and requiem. In those years, the opera theaters attended all layers of society, both local aristocracy and poor people. Therefore, the Italians Giuseppe Verdi rightfully consider Italy's "folk" composer. He created such music in which a simple Italian people felt their own experiences and hopes. In Verdi operations, people heard a call for fighting injustice.

Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner

It is noteworthy that with his main "rival" Richard Wagner Giuseppe Verdi was born in one year. Creativity of composers is hardly confused, but it is precisely those who are considered reformers of opera art. Of course, the composers were heard about each other, but never met. However, in their musical works, they were partly trying to part with each other.

Monument to Giuseppe Verdi

About the life and work of Giuseppe Verdi were written books and even filmed films. The most famous filmmaker was the mini-series Renato Castellini "Life Giuseppe Verdi", which went to the screens in 1982.

Personal life

In 1836, Giuseppe Verdi married his benefactor's daughter Margarita Bareti. Soon the girl gave birth to the daughter of Virginia Maria Louise, but in half a year old girl dies. In the same year, the month earlier, Margarita gave birth to Son Icylio Romano, who also dies in infancy. A year later, Margarita from Encephalitis was died.

Giuseppe Verdi and the first wife Margarita Bareti

At 26, Verdi remained alone: ​​he was left and the children and spouse. He removes accommodation near the church of Santa Sabina, he is hard to survive this loss. At some point, he even decides to stop writing music.

House Giuseppe Verdi

In 35 years, Giuseppe Verdie fell in love. His beloved was the Italian opera singer Juseppin Streptoni. For 10 years, they lived in the so-called "civilian" marriage, which caused extremely negative senses in society. The couple got married in 1859 in Geneva. And from evil languages, the spouses preferred to hide away from the city - at Villa Sant Agatha. By the way, the project of the house was created by Verdi himself, he did not want to resort to the help of architects.

Giuseppe Verdi and his dogs

The house was concise. But the garden surrounding the villa was truly luxurious: everywhere flowers and exotic trees. The fact is that Verdi's free time loved to devote to gardening. By the way, in this garden, the composer buried his beloved dog, leaving on her grave inscription: "Monument to my friend."

Giuseppe Verdi and the second wife of Juseppin Streptoni

Juseppin became for the composer the main muse and support in life. In 1845, the singer disappears the voice, and it decides to complete the opera career. Following Streptoni, it decided to do and Verdi, at that time the composer is already rich and famous. But the spouse persuades her husband to continue his musical career, and just after his "care" a masterpiece of opera art was created - Rigoletto. Juseppin up to his death in 1897 supported and inspired Verdi.


January 21, 1901, Giuseppe Verdi was in Milan. In his hotel, he had a stroke, the composer paralyzed, but he continued to read the operas of the Tosca opera and "Bohemia" Pucchini, the "peak lady" Tchaikovsky, but his opinion on these works remained unspoken. Every day the forces left the Great Composer, and on January 27, 1901 he did not.

Grave Giuseppe Verdi

Buried the Great Composer on the Monumental Cemetery in Milan. But a month later, his body was reburied on the territory of the holiday home for pensioners-musicians, who at one time created the composer himself.


  • 1839 - "Wober, Count di San Bonifacio"
  • 1940 - "King for an hour"
  • 1845 - "Zhanna d'Ark"
  • 1846 - "Attila"
  • 1847 - Macbeth
  • 1851 - Rigoletto
  • 1853 - "Trubadur"
  • 1853 - "Traviata"
  • 1859 - "Masquerade Ball"
  • 1861 - "Power of Fate"
  • 1867 - "Don Carlos"
  • 1870 - "Aida"
  • 1874 - Requiem
  • 1886 - "Othello"
  • 1893 - Falstaff

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