Alice Ignatiev - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



How many people lived on Earth lived by talent. But not everyone managed to manifest itself in his favorite business. So in the soul, artists are becoming, for example, managers, failed writers - accountants, and the artists incomprehensible to the public are selling goods.

All professions are needed, all professions are important, but as they say, "if you come up, it does not mean that you are in your place." Fortunately, the singer Alis Ignatyeva, who became known after participating in the popular project of the first channel "Voice", managed to express himself in creativity and make singing not only with a favorite thing, but also his profession.

Childhood and youth

Alice was born in 1989 in the "Wonderland" - then the USSR. With the arrival of winter, on December 4, a daughter appeared in the Moscow family of Ignatiev. Since childhood, a girl loved to sing. Arriving to visit the grandmother to Ukraine, a small artist for a couple of people sangs.

Alice Ignatiev

Alice's parents with understanding reacted to the passion of her daughter and recorded it in a music school. There the girl mastered the game on the piano and balalaica. When it was time to be determined with a future profession, it was clear that the music is the vocation of Alice. Then, after the end of the music school, the girl entered the profile college, and then became a student of the Academy named after Gnesini.

Of all the musical directions, Alice Ignatiev especially attracted songs of the peoples of the world, including Russians and Ukrainian. The specialty Alice chose in interest - conductor of the folk choir.


A girl, so passionately fond of music, was not enough to be only a student "Gnesinki" - Alice made two decisive steps for career development. First, it began to work in parallel with training to work as a teacher at a music school, and secondly, in 2009, with the team of like-minded people created a group.

Singer Alice Ignatiev

The name of the group coincided with the creative pseudonym - Alisa Franka (Alice Frank). Franka's prefix was chosen not by chance - the singer's great-grandfather was so called (the woman was a pool). The musicians led by the soloist Alice performed songs in the style of Funk and Folk in modern arrangements.

The group received recognition and in the same 2009 concluded a contract with Xuman Records. The first "alive" concert of the team took place in June 2011 at the Music Club "Workshop". A year later, Alice Ignatiev has already been successfully engaged in music, and the Mega-Popular Project "Voice" - analogue of the foreign "The Voice" started on the air of the First Channel.

Unknown to the general public singers and singers tried their strength on stage. For TV viewers, the competition began with the stage "blind listening". The artist performs a song, and four mentors are sitting back to him. Pressing the red button and turn turning meant to get into one of the teams and participate in the project.

Overhead, the project became a dream for thousands of singing Russians (foreigners also began to try their strength). Participants of the "Voice" immediately became the object of increased attention of the audience. The most prominent were invited to participate in the national concerts, and all the laurels, prizes and a contract with a recording company took the winner.

Of course, Alice began to take part in the "voice", especially since the vocal data of the girls were at the level. Twice she sent an application, and by the beginning of the third season of the project Ignatiev was invited to casting. At that moment, the girl traveled in Greece, but it was impossible to miss such a chance, so she immediately flew to Moscow.

Alice Ignatiev

On the preliminary selection of Alice performed two diverse on the genres of the song. The first - "Zombie" group "The Cranberries", and the second composition was the favorite song of childhood, which sang along with the grandmother - "Oh, at the Cherry Garden." It was the fulfillment of the folk song that the jury was touched, and Alice was allowed to an exciting stage - "blind listening". On horseback participation in the project.

Performing millions of television viewers and four mentors a 24-year-old Muscovite Alice Ignatiev should have been with the same song that was struck by the jury on the preview.

To the joy of Alice, among Alexander Gradsky, Leonid Agutin and Dima Bilan, who were sitting in the Red Chairs and Dima Bilan, were the performer of Pelagiai Pelagia. Of course, as Alice spoke in an interview, most of all she wanted to get to a colleague in the genre.

It came a turn of the performance of Alice. The girl sang so clean and penetrating that the mentors were heard by her voice. I did not pass and a minute from the beginning of the speech, as Pelagia, appreciating the skill of Alice, pressed the button, thereby expressing the desire to take it into the team.

The male part of the jury highly appreciated the performance of the participant, but there were no more buttons, and Alice became a member of the "voice" project as part of the Pelagia team.

Alice Ignatiev in the show

Further on the project a girl with a clean voice accompanied luck. At the stage of "Fights" Alice Duet with a participant named Alexander Albert performed the song "The Shadow of Your Smile". Both contestants were at the height, but Pelageya left Alice in the team.

After the singer waited for a difficult period. For the "knockout" stage, the mentor suggested her to execute the song "Futel Gagara". Alice counted the composition too simple and at first was even upset by the choice. Thoughts about the unsuitable song beat the performer from the rut, and she fell ill, having lost his voice. Nevertheless, before the competitive day of Alice gathered the will in his fist and decided to "speak in spite of", to do everything in her power. The efforts were justified, and the girl went to the next stage.

The quarterfinal was approaching. Now the fate of the project participants depended not only on the decision of the mentors, but also from the voting of viewers. Alice performed a melodious song about love "White Snow". The scene was recreated atmosphere of the Winter Snowy Silent Evening. The singer herself was dressed in a white openwork dress with a fur cape. The presentation made a strong impression on Pelagia and TV viewers. Therefore, according to the results of the vote, Ignatiev gained 108% of the votes against 32% and 58% of rivals.

There remained two steps to the desired victory. In December 2014, the semi-final of the third season "Voice" took place. Alice Walkly performed the song of the group "Ivan Kupala" in the folk style of "eyebrows". Alice's opponent at this stage was another participant of Pelagia's team - Yaroslav Drontov. Unfortunately for Ignatiev, this time the mentor and the audience was more impressed with her opponent. Pelagia 40% gave in favor of Alice, and 60% went to Yaroslav. The audience advantage was 2 times: Alice received 34% of the vote, and Yaroslav is 65%. Thus, the path of the girl on the project is over.

Personal life

During the participation of Alice in the "Voice" project, her mother, a schoolboy brother and a young man Anton supported her.

Alice Ignatiev with her husband

In his free music time, the girl loves to travel. And not just come to the country and attend popular tourist places, and trying to penetrate the local culture and customs, to understand what "lives and breathes" the local people. As the most memorable trip Alisa recalls a 2-month hitchhiking journey in South America.

Alice Ignatiev now

As for personal life, now Alice is happy wife and mother of a little son. On her official page "VKontakte" you can see a photo of a family and a child of a girl.

Alice Ignatiev in 2017

Alice continues to be engaged in creativity and performs with concerts along with the Alisa Franka group. In April 2017, the girl personally informed fans (in the official group "VKontakte"), which records the first album.


  • 2009 - The Night Is Dark Song in the Tales Compilation national album
  • 2014 - "Oh, at the Cherry Garden"
  • 2014 - "White Snow"
  • 2014 - "Eyebrows"
  • 2014 - "Futel Gagara"
  • 2017 - "Dunyasha"
  • 2017 - "Not Metelitsa"
  • 2017 - "Rus is called the Holy"
  • 2017 - "Sit on any train"

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