Laura Gorbunova - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, "voice" 2021



Often talented people show themselves in different genres: they sing, dancing, filmed into the cinema and play the theater. This also applies to the participant in the sixth season of the teleproject "Voice" Lore Gorbunova. Since childhood, she does not come off from theatrical stage and is engaged in acting profession, but recently decided to try himself and as a singer. Judging by the decisive victories and promotion in the vocal competition, it turns out to be perfectly.

Childhood and youth

Laura was born in a creative family. The great-grandmother was an opera singer, grandmother - actress with directorial education, and Mom is a pianist. The continuer of the talented family was born on January 7, 1988 in Khabarovsk. From the early years, Laura sang and showed different images. Choose one direction - music or acting - it was difficult. Therefore, the girl in parallel began to study at a music school and playing the theater.

Singer Laura Gorbunova

As a schoolgirl, Laura graduated from the music school in the piano. Also overlap the game on the flute and accordion. Study in the second grade of the secondary school, the girl began to participate in the production of the local Khabarovsk Triad Theater.

Debut became the role of a boy in the production of "Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway. After there were many more roles: Masha in the "Seagull" on Chekhov, Lizaveta Nikolaevna in the "Picker Lam" in Pushkin, as well as other roles of the second and common plan. In the Triad, Laura served until 2005 until she was invited to the theater of drama and comedy Khabarovsk. Working there until 2011, the young actress played more than ten roles.

Laura Gorbunova

After graduating from high school, the girl entered the regional pedagogical college and, having passed the training, became a graduate music teacher. After Laura decided that it was time to conquer the capital, and went to Moscow.

In the capital, Laura entered the University of theatrical Art of Gityis. During his studies played in the "Amelie", "Internet", "Man and Gentleman" and others. Parallel Gorbunov as an actress collaborated with the theater "Arlekin" and Studio V. Poplavsky. Since 2013, Laura can be seen not only on theatrical scene, but also in the movies. The girl starred in the films "Detectives", "final verdict" and others.


Playing in the theater, Lore has repeatedly had to perform songs, but the girl was still more actress than the singer. In 2017, she did not become a beloved Laura Grandma. Then the girl decided to fulfill the long-standing dream of a loved one (the grandmother wanted to see his granddaughter on TV) and submitted an application for participation in the TV project "Voice". As Laura itself admitted, she "jumped into the last wagon", sent a record five minutes before the end of receiving applications.

Laura Gorbunova in the show

A girl with a sonorous voice was invited to casting. Unlike other applicants who perform 2-3 songs, Laura sang only one song "La Vie En Rose" ("Life in Pink"), which EDIT Piaf previously performed. The jury led by Yuri Aksutoy immediately drew attention to the vocalist and allowed it to the "blind listening" stage. And if the contestants were often offered to fulfill other compositions, Laura missed the condition that she would sing the same song and in the same dress - a gray in the white flower, it hurts an atmospheric image.

Conditions have come for participants "blind listening". Laura went to the stage and began to play a song in French, from which the qualifying stage was held. In the Red Chairs of the Mentors of the sixth season of 2017, the Golden Composition was sitting: Leonid Agutin, Alexander Gradsky, Dima Bilan and Pelagia.

Laura sang perfectly, but continued to observe the open back of the seats of Matrov. After 1.5 minutes of speeches, Alexander Borisovich "surrendered" and pressed the cherished red button. The colleagues did not follow it. Thus, Laura Gorbunova fell into the "Voice" project as part of the team of A. Gradsky.

At the next stage, the "fights" girl has already performed a song in Russian "on that Bolshak." In a duet with Loro, the participant of Anna Kadysheva came. Both soloists performed the song to heartfelt, but the mentor, not hesitating, with the words: "everything is simple. Laura remains "missed the pinkunov.

Laura Gorbunova on stage

In the next contest called "knockouts" each participant performed a song individually. From each troika Grad, it was necessary to choose two performers to pass to the quarterfinals of the project. Laura fascinatingly fulfilled the composition from the newly new filmus "La Land" called "Audition" ("The Fools Who Dream"). And again Gorbunova accompanied success. Mentor, making a choice, first of all, noted the girl and with the words "Well, of course, Laura remains" allowed her to participate in the next stage.

In early December 2017, the quarterfinals "Voices" came out in the live channel's literal channel. Now participation in the project depended not only from the decision of the mentor, but also from how viewers vote. Three participants performed from the town of Gradsky: Natalia Gerasimova, Sophia Onopchenko and Laura Gorbunova.

Laura got a "heavy" song not only by execution, but also in meaning. She performed the work of "Panamki", written in 1981 by the author V.Gorov. The song will be on the children who died during the war during the period of evacuation from the blockade Leningrad. Such a work is difficult to listen without tears, but to fulfill it is even harder.

In an interview after the speech, Laura admitted:

"Inhuman was not difficult to cry."

The oppound execution did not leave the thousands of viewers and Alexander Gradsky. Mentor awarded Lore 50%, and its rivals are 20% and 30%, respectively. The audience was supported by a general vote, and Laura received 61%, and Natalia and Sophia - 8% and 30%. Thus, with a large margin, Laura Gorbunova was held in the semifinals of the project "Voice", where he would beat for a place in the final with other contestants.

Personal life

At Christmas in 2018, Laura Gorbunova will celebrate the "round" date - 30 years. During this time, the personal life of a creative girl presented her "two news" - one good, the other is bad. The first marriage of Laura was unsuccessful. Husband caught from the "Pil and Bil" series.

Being a 20-year-old actress of the Khabarovsky Theater, she fell in love with a colleague, which was 13 years older. When the girl expressed a desire to go to Moscow to learn in theatrical, her husband did not support her, because His career in the local theater was successful, and he did not make sense to change something. Laura went to his own way and went to another city.

Laura Gorbunova and her husband seed

Periodically returning after the next closed session, increasingly she saw a spouse in a drunken state. Over time, according to the girl, her husband went out in a few days in a row. The last drop was the moment when the lover raised her hand on her. Laura did not endure it and left for Moscow from the negligent spouse, issued a divorce.

The second marriage of Laura became good news. Her spouse became a screenwriter and director named Semyon. Husband in all supports it. What "lives and breathes" Laura, you can see on its page in "Instagram".

Laura Gorbunova now

Now Laura is primarily engaged in the participation in the "voice" teleport. The main task is to go into the finals of the project and win. In the group of her support, Mom, brother musician and her husband Semyon. With the spouse they care about two cats, they are preparing to celebrate the first anniversary of the wedding and think about the continuation of the kind.


  • 2015 - Series "Civil Marriage"
  • 2015 - TV series "I killed him"
  • 2014 - Short Film "Etudes"
  • 2013 - Film "Children's House P.S."
  • 2013 - TV series "Final Verdict"
  • 2013 - TV series "Detectives"
  • 2013 - TV series "before the court"

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