Maria Butyrskaya - Photo, Biography, Figure, News, Personal Life, Instagram 2021



Blonde with steel character. The embodiment of female figure skating. At the World Championships in 1999, Maria Butyrskaya won despicable predictions that the age athlete (and at that time it was 26) nothing shines anything. This gold medal, the first for figure skaters and the Soviet Union, and Russia, opened the road to the upper step of the pedestal of those stars whose names are not going to come from the first stripes.

Childhood and youth

Maria was born in June 1972 in Moscow. In early childhood he was fascinated by figure skating. In the Elena group, Butyrsky was considered the best student until he switched to a new coach. Relations with Galina Vasilkevich did not work out from the first meeting. The girls began to develop complexes, faith disappeared into their own strength and a desire to leave the sport forever appeared.

As a result, Maria was excluded from the school of figure skating, and if he was not Elena Tchaikovskaya, she accidentally learned about what happened, the country would never know the champion. At the insistence of Elena Anatolyevna Butyrskaya dropped overweight, in a few months of the break, and returned to the ice arena under the wing of Vladimir Kovaleva.

In an interview, Maria often mentions Viktor Kudryavtseva, with whom worked out before automatism, jumping equipment. But the main mentor in the sports biography remained Tchaikovskaya, who formed the unique style of his pupil, which is often characterized as ballet.

Figure skating

In the piggy bank of Butyrskaya 6 wins at the Russian Championship, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals. The first competitions on the world stage ended in failure - 29th place and loss of tickets to the Olympics. Only after 2 years the figure skater was allowed to internationally, and Masha trust justified - took bronze at the continent's championship. Gold then first won Irina Slutskaya. The medal of the highest sample "On Europe" Butyrskaya will win later three times.

In 1998, she will stop in a step from the Olympic podium, and a year later the triumph at the World Championships will happen. However, the victory, Mary recalled, the Federation of figure skating of Russia was not happy - the award won the "not his own man", not the one, for whom the leadership did the bid. But specific names did not sound.

Total athletes 12 prizes in international class competitions, not counting the Grand Prix Tournaments. In 2003, Maria announced the completion of the career and switched to growing new stars.

With ice, she left "in English" - having failed the qualifications at the World Championships in Japan, refused to roll a short program and left home. Then Butyrskaya regretted that he did not warn about the decision taken by Elena Tchaikovskaya and did not admit that 4 days before the competition turned his leg and performed on injections.

In 2011, the figure skater demonstrated to fans a stunning figure (weight of 45 kg with 160 cm height), starring for the Playboy magazine. The photo, according to fans, turned out to be sexual, but not vulgar, and Maria itself turned out to be an excellent model.

Personal life

Mary survived the tragedy in his personal life. The first civilian husband - the entrepreneur Sergey Sterling died tragically. As Butyrskaya told in 2019 on the show "Secret by a million", the spouse was a victim of a joiner, manufactured furniture for their home. The figure skater, herself found a killer and achieved that he gained according to merit. However, a number of media wrote that the joiner, very easily confessed in a crime, is a false face. And the death of Sterligov may be related to business.

In a conversation with Leroy Kudryavtsevaya Maria mentioned about the novel with Marat Basharov. The actor met with a champion, being married. And paparazzi more than once found a young woman in the company Andrei Panin and the restaurant Andrei Skachkova.

Butyrskaya found his love in the face of Hockey player Vadim Khomitsky. In 2006, the couple had married. The athlete's husband presented three children - the sons of Vladislav and Proud and daughter Alexander. Vlad is engaged in Dynamo Hockey School, Sasha plays tennis. The family lives in the suburbs, in his own home. Photos of loved ones, the champion publishes in the unbelievable Instagram account.

Vadim for 10 years younger wife is, and this difference was at first worried Maria. Hockey player at the time of dating and did not suspect who in front of him. And when I learned, I decided that he would take this impregnable fortress. Butrskaya he conquered devotion, the right actions and permanent signs of attention.

Maria and husband are weak to expensive cars. Vadim gave her a purebred Hannover horse to her, which later had to give professionals into the stable.

Borskaya has a brother Vladimir. Contacts Relatives do not support, and the reason for the disaster is money. Under the Council of the sister, a man kept a couple of tens of millions of rubles in a bank, which "burst", and vinit Mary in the fact that she refused to help them return.

Maria Butyrskaya now

Butyrskaya trains kids and occasionally appears in ice shows, although emphasizes in an interview that it does not feel particular pleasure from such speeches. Ilya Averbukh, with EE words, stole the idea of ​​the idea of ​​the Ice and Flame. The registration of the brand cost Mary in a round sum, the first performances put on their own funds (Alexey Urmanov said that he also had to stay), but the money eventually earns another. To organize a scandal or sue a colleague, the champion did not become, because "behind him is a large number of important people who do all this. It is difficult to hurt them, it is better to care. "

The athlete supervised the two registered tournament - the prize of the first Russian champion in figure skating Maria Butyrskaya in Moscow and the open Cup on figure skating named after Maria Butyrskaya in Kursk. But in the calendar of All-Russian competitions, I will not make anything that Maria is upset. She suspects that someone from officials do not like independence and pressure, with which the ex-figure skater is in life.

Sports achivments

  • Honored Master of Sports of Russia
  • Six-time champion of Russia for figure skating
  • Three-time silver winner of the Russian Championship
  • World champion
  • Two-time bronze medalist of the world championship
  • Three-time champion of Europe
  • Two-time silver medalist of the European Championship

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