Schokk (Dmitry Hinter) - biography, personal life, photos, news, rapper, Dima Bamberg, "Instagram" 2021



Schokk (he is Dmitry Hinter, Dima Bamberg, Ya, Chabo, Yavagabund) - a Russian-speaking rap artist from Germany, thanks to numerous befies, which has deserved the fame of the scandalous Russian artist. Now the musician is full of creative plans, continues to work on the release of new projects.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Hinter was born in December 1980 in the Kazakh city of Oktyabrsk, renamed Kandaugash then. They brought up the future vocalist with his brother Father and stepmother. Distributing the boy did not differ in school, preferred to draw or play football.

In 1996, the family by the decision of the Father, the German by nationality moved to Germany. There lived aunt Dima, she helped newly arrived in the prestigious area of ​​the city of Bamberg. Due to the rainy, Dima was kicked out of two schools, the teenager stood in stores, dismissed herbal, had a problem with the police. In the end, the guy went to learn from the church artist. In adolescence, Dmitry began to make the first steps in the German rap.


Since 1999, Shokk visits rap-party in the Russian emigrant environment, in 2007 on the Internet, I also got acquainted with one rapper-emigrant Ivan Mahalov, known as Czar. Ivan suggested a novice musician cooperation, as a result of which SCOK has released the first Russian-speaking track "Two blows". Czar led Dmitry to the Rap Woyska Records group speaking on the label of the same name.

The creation of the group was based on insults and aggressive attacks to Russian rappers. Later, "rap-troops" entered the OptiCrussia label, organized by the German Raper Kool Savas specifically for Russian-speaking MC. During this period, Shokk walked with insults in almost all Russian rapeurs, despite the way, he did not know him in Russia, but the musician's enemies managed to nourish.

In 2008, Vitya SD introduced Schokka with oxxxymiron. Rapers were firmly friends, together went to concerts, which did not slow down to affect cooperation with Rap Woyska Records and the final break in 2010.

The Schokki biography was replenished with cooperation with the German Kellerkommando group, with which Raper recorded the album of 9 tracks called Dei Mudder Sei Hut. But at the same time, Oxymyron announced plans for creating a new label, and Dmitry threw a group, which then regretted.

On the new label, called Vagabund, Oxymyron and Shokk released the Internet single "that densely, then empty" of 4 songs and went to the "October Events" tour. Informally received a different, obscene name, due to the inconsistency of the schedule of performances with the Caste group: the musicians sometimes met in one city in neighboring clubs.

At the end of the tour, Shokk began writing the album "From the Great Road", which included the tracks of "thoughts of the brains", "Chronicle of the Past", "Turn My Words". Work on the album went to London, where Dmitry escaped due to problems with the German police, because he could not get rid of youth habits to robbery and drugs.

In the fall of 2011, the output of the album and the last joint tour with Oximiron, which presented its own album "Eternal Jam". Friends quarreled due to a banal monetary issue. In the label Vagabund for the orgvopros, another rapper was answered - Vanya Lenin (Ivan Karai). Oxymyron laid responsibility for low fees, Shokk did not share his position.

The reason for the rupture of the relationship was the disassembly of the Schokka with Roma Zhigan (Roman Chumakov), in which the novel forced Dmitry to kneel, struck him in his face and made the former insults forgiveness. Shokk went to Hamburg and made threats to attract European investigating authorities.

Oxymyron, who was present at the site of the conflict, considered Schokka's flight and subsequent statements by not relevant Vagabund policies. Schokk regarded the act of a friend as a betrayal and left, first to his brother in Cannes, then to Berlin, grabbing Lenin with him. Later, Vanya, according to Dmitry, hooked on heavy drugs, and buddies had to part.

After leaving Vagabund, Shokk chose twitter as a channel, where at first he continued to flash emotions on other rappers, their fans, former colleagues, without choosing expressions. However, Dmitry exhausted during the years Negative, and the rapper decided to start everything again: he took a new name - ya, but the old left about the reserve - and suddenly the cases associated with Schokk will emerge, or need former skills in insulting and humiliation.

Updated Ya released a clip on the song "The Blind Son", Mikstep Input / Output, began cooperation with Ptahoy and released the clip "For Interest" to the song of the same name. Fans remember the album "Masorubka" 2012, which included a bright track "Creek IV".

Through Twitter, the musician found the Russian-German Phlatline team, on the label of which SCC began to cooperate with MICCHIBA, Fogg, Maxat, DJ Maxxx, Kate Nova, published Miksteps "Notes of Crazy", Meister Franz, Leichenwagen. The collection "Crime and Punishment", which came out in 2015, contained 24 track recorded in the previous five years, including with oximiron.

Schokk switches from Battl Rap to "XYND". Under this title in 2015, the second studio album of the singer, which included the original composition "sadness". The fans heard a new shock - the lyrics of the tracks did not give way to early aggressive compositions, the musician himself explained the changes to the desire to forget what he was ashamed, the desire to show that he was a good son and a friend that he was not afraid to be weak.

But the creative stream did not stop the artist. Soon, Dmitry presented to the courts of the students the beginning of the Hunger's trilogy album. The first part of the record, especially the track "Sweater of the Rubchinsky" and the video came down on him, appreciated the fans of the musician.

According to the own recognition of the RPER on the social network page, 2017 was the worst year in his life: Schokk suffered an operation, lost an apartment in Berlin, remained without money. But, on the other hand, drove with a tour in Europe, a week wrote two parts of "hunger", established relations with LSP.

Despite the gloomy reflections of the musician that he was tired of rap, to the anniversary of the death of Tupak Shakura (September 13), SCOCC presented jointly with the TupakalipS track and clip. A month later, the release of the next essay of Dmitry - "Pink Wine" took place.

The name of the song is not related to the text filled with an abnormative vocabulary and mention of the name of the performer in each line. At the end of June, the musician posted a clip on the HHP track, created with Gera Berlin on Yutiub. Soon, the fans learned about the release of the "Ice. Part 2". And in July, the rapper made an announcement of the outdoor album "Kush. Part 3 ", which completed the album trilogy.

Later, the performer went to the touring tour, which received the original name "Tabor leaves in Ghetto". However, all planned concerts have failed. In an interview, the artist accused this Phlitline, stressed the non-professionalism of the company. At the end of 2017, Dmitry's contract was over with a label, the company did not plan to extend. The final songs of this period became the "old Benz" and "Murcielago" (Feat. ILLA).

In the spring of 2018, the Discography of Rapper was replenished with a new work - the musician was pleased with the fans of the PARA plate, which included 13 songs. In the fall of the same year, Schokk tried a new direction in the music, releaseing the recording of two styled compositions. In the same stylist in 2019, the album Schizzo appeared (Mixtape).

Bright work in this project was hit "Degenerative art", which introduced the version of the SHOKK rap-hit and oxymon, but in the postpunk processing. Previously, the fans were able to evaluate the work from the plate "with a large road", in particular the track "Local patriotism". The clip shot on the Batut composition became memorable this year. No less original was the album "The Second Dog", which became, according to the Creator, "instructions, how to be eternally young."

Personal life

The personal life of the artist does not cease to interest fans. For a long time, Dmitry was not married, but for 7 years he was in a relationship, but no name of the elect, nor the genus of classes was communicated. The press put forward assumptions that it could be Katya Kishchki, the participant of the Serebro group. A lot of joint photos of singers have appeared on the network. However, in an interview with Dmitry denied the fact of romantic relationships with a pretty vocalist.

Then there was parting a musician with a beloved. According to rumors, former lovers continued to keep in touch. Rapper brought up a foster son - a guy who escaped from the orphanage. In 2018, Rapper fans surprised the news that their idol was married. The name of the spouse remained a mystery.

Schokk now

In 2020, rapper continued creativity. Together with CSAR, the singer released a new track "Only old men go to battle," which entered the album of aggro 2.0. An interview with the musician appeared on Yutiube, in which he shared with fans with estimates of his own creativity and works of colleagues in the workshop. Not all performers awarded flattering words. One of the bright and decent representatives of Hip-hop Schocontal called Egor Crea.

Earlier, in 2018, a video appeared on the network, where the crum himself listened to the song Bamberg and talked under it. News from life and creativity The musician continued to share with the public in "Instagram".


  • 2009 - N.B.O.T.B. (New Beef On The Block)
  • 2010 - Schizzo.
  • 2011 - "From the big road"
  • 2011 - "That thick, then empty"
  • 2012 - INPUT / OUTPUT
  • 2013 - "Notes of Crazy"
  • 2014 - Meister Franz
  • 2015 - "Crime and Punishment"
  • 2016 - "Hunger. Part 1"
  • 2017 - "Ice"
  • 2017 - "Kush"
  • 2018 - "Para"
  • 2019 - "Second Dog"

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