Protopop Avvakum - Biography of the priest, photo, link, punishment and statements



Protopop Avvakum - the personality is bright and contradictory. The priest, whom the Old Believers erected in the rank of saint, did not recognize the halftone and compromise. For the harsh nature and the readiness of "soul to put for the sheep, he hated the enemies and the followers were idolized.

Protopop avvakum

His authority in the XVII century was huge: followers called Avvakum by the righteous and a persecuted martyr. Velmazbi and the Few, who adhere to free morals hated the harsh pop by the case. The priest was beaten, threw in the dungeons without food and clothing, referred to the harsh Siberia, but the Spirit and convictions of Avvakum did not break any nobody - neither the kings nor Velmazby.

One whole nature, a talented orator and a preacher, the true advocacy of Orthodoxy and the philosophy of old estate - he showed an example, which means to fight to the end.

Childhood and youth

Avvakum Petrovich Petrov was born in the village of Grigorovo Nizhny Novgorod county in 1620. An example for the future preacher and the spiritual mentor of the Old Believers was Mom. Maria (later I was in the nun and got the name of Marfa) brought up Avwakum in rigor and spiritual purity. Adhering to the old Orthodox canons, speaking in prayers and posts free from work time, a woman raised her son in "fear of God."

Monument to Protopope Avvakum

Father - a hereditary parish priest - died when the son turned 15 years old. According to Avvakum, his father loved to drink, which was the cause of early death.

At 22, Avvakum Petrov for diligence in faith and strict adherence to God's law was hand-made in Deacon.

Life and teachings

After 2 years, Avvakum entrusted the church parish in Lopaders - the village of Nizhny Novgorod province. The young pop, demanding to himself and the flock, frantically beat the vices of the parishioners, punishing even for small sins. There was no condescension, no poor, nor veelmes, who sacrificed a lot of money on the temple.

One day a young harmnica came to Avvakum confession. According to church canons, she described in detail the sins, and if the mind did not leave the priest, then the flesh rebelled. To pacify her, Pop after confession shifty palm over three burning candles. The pain won sinful desires, and parishioners whose respect for the priest doubled, reached for Avvakum.

Priestly Cross Protopopopa Avvakum

For the righteous acts and the strictest adherence to the laws of Orthodoxy Avvakum assigned the title of Archpriest - Protopopopa. Rumor about the harsh father, distinguished by extreme plump, drove around the district. Crowds of believers for advice and blessings went to him.

Protopop Avvakum became famous as an exorcist. He was given mentally ill and crazy, in which the unclean spirit united. Often the priest left them "for treatment" in his home.

The blessing from the Avvakum Protopopa was called happiness and beggars, and rich. Once the Voi Vasily Sheremethev, who traveled along the Volga on the ship, wished to see the famous father. The priest was taken to the ship, and after a disorded conversation of the Voivo asked for a blessing for the young sibling. Matthew Sheremetyeva brought to Protopope Avvakum, but he saw the "croup" kind of guy (he tried his beard), refused to abandon with a congestion.

Protopop Avvakum - Biography of the priest, photo, link, punishment and statements 16110_4

The furious one ordered to leave Avwakum into the river, and the miracle managed to save life - fishermen arrived on time.

Ascetic and opponent of all kinds of entertainment, Avvakum came in frenzy, seeing the public in the Lopatrians. When circuschi with bears and musical instruments came to the village, Protopop rushed to a funny company with fists. Circus killed, tambourine and domra broke, one bear bruised, and the second ran away in the field.

The Avvakum Protopop was not afraid to condesceve the poor, siery and poor. When the widow complained that her daughter took her daughter, the priest, without thinking, interceded. Venels beat Avwakum Petrovich to half dead and ruined the house.

Martyrdom of Avvakuma

For a short time he served the Avvakum Protopop and in Yuryevts-Pobetsky, where he was translated from the village of Lopatinets. The steep temper of the preacher and here was the cause of conflicts with parishioners who did not want to stick to the old canons and not the shepherd instructions. Avvakuma beat Batoga and trampled, threatened him and family. Old Believers ran into Moscow in 1651.

In the capital, Protopop Avvakum, the contemporary of the king, made friends with the monarch of the confessor and the future Patriarch Nikon. With the then Patriarch Joseph, the priest participated in book publishing. When the Ogann's Protopop of the Kazan Cathedral of John was removed on the church's church, in the house of which Avvakum stopped, his priest replaced him.

Soon, friendship with Nikon's turned into hostility: Avvakum's Orthodox philosophy was based on the faith of an old sample, and Patriarch Nikon, who took the place of the cocked Joseph, took reform the church. Arseny Greek appeared in Moscow. Nikon preferences by Greek litrolery books, while Avvakum was told for the Old Russian Orthodox. Avvakum's protopop turned to the king with the petition, where Nikon criticized and Greek rites.

Protopop avvakum with king

In the autumn of 1653, the old goods were persecuted - he was exiled to Andronikov Monastery. In the cheese basement, Avvakum promised for three days, but did not conquer. Nikon ordered the absorption of the rebellion, but the king did not allow, replacing the deprivation of Sana's link to Tobolsk.

In Tobolsk, Protopop Avvakum continued the agitation and criticism of niconianhood, for which he was referred to in Transbaikalia. There a preacher criticized the owner of the region - the Nerchinsky Voyage Pashkov. He beat Avvakum and put in the width for the winter.

In the spring, the rebellion was determined in the regiment, which moved to the east through the Baikal, Amur and the shale. Two little sons of Avvakum died in this heavy road. In 1663, the Protopop returned to Moscow, where the king called. The cause of unexpected grace was Opal Nikon. The monarch suggested the Old Believers to become a confessor, but he refused, not seeing in the king commitment to the old canons of Orthodoxy.

Travel Avvakum in Siberia

Soon the Avvakum Protopop, and I did not think to learn the unbridled temper and the desire to say everything that he thinks, without regard to the consequences, has come for new enemies. The old co-owner categorically opposed church reforms, was baptized by two, and not three fingers, he played for an 8-finite cross. A year later, the mercy of the sovereign was replaced by anger and rebellion, they referred to the Arkhangelsk region.

In 1666, Avvakum Petrovich again appeared in Moscow at court over Nikon. After terrible wandering, he was waiting for humans, but the preacher stood on his. The church court sent Avwakum from the church and took the sacred degree, causing the anger and the imposition of anathema to the top leadership of the Church.

Prostopop avvakum in prison

The year of passionwater was kept in the monastery near Kaluga, but he did not break. Then Avvakum was referred to emotorsk, in the plague. In Srub, half immersed in the freezing land, the priest languished for many 14 years. Preaching did not threw: without having the opportunity to speak with followers, the spiritual leader sent the country through the faithful people of the Epistle. So the famous "Life" appeared, later called the first artistic autobiography.

The mantis flows went to the preacher, who was called the Holy. From him left, hiding letters in the staff. Speaker's statements have been preserved thanks to these secret messages.

Personal life

The name of the famous Old Believers is associated with two women - Feodosia Morozova, familiar to contemporaries like a boyfriend Morozov, and the wife of Nastasya Markovna.

The first is the spiritual student of the Avvakum Protopopa, like he, affected by faith and imbibibility. Her - furious, with burning eyes - depicted Vasily Surikov. Like a spiritual mentor, Morozova died, not wanting to change beliefs.

Fear of Morozov

The second is the faithful spouse that gave birth to her husband of nine children. The purity of the marriage elder pair supported all his life. Like Avwakum, Nastasya confessed old-handedness. They were married for the current standards of young: her husband was 17, his wife is 14 years old. Right from one village, both of impoverished families, half orphans.

The spouses lived, as prescribed to Domostroy: the future preacher was married to the girl at the direction of the mother. But the marriage consecrated Love: the wife was badly followed by her husband in references and wandering. In Siberia, on the way to the place of reference to Tobolsk, without preparing harsh conditions, two young sons died.

Morozova's boyfriend visits Avvakum in prison

Avvakum Petrovich saw an ideal of an Orthodox woman in his wife and called Nastasya "Assistant to Salvation." Nastasya Markovna became an example for the wives of the Decembrists, convicts and all exile, for women who were redefined from a calm and comfortable life and followed by her husbands.

In the book "Punishment without a crime", Alexander Avdeenko remembered the story that had reached contemporaries characterizing the relationship of the couple. Abandoned by another reference, Nastasya asked her husband, how long would she suffer that the priest replied:

- Markovna! Until death.

"Good, Petrovich, IO even be up."

The answer of the woman became a kind of motto of all wives who divided the grave fate of her husbands. Anastasia Markovna died before the spouse. The death of the second half, the husband survived hard: the main support, advisor and friend gone.


After the death of the king, Alexei Mikhailovich Tron took the son of Fyodor Alekseevich, pious and impressionable. Rezero Avvakum, hoping that it will be able to dismiss the monarch from the hated Greek rite, wrote him a letter. He said that he saw a dream about Bathyushka Alexei Mikhailovic, burning in the hellish flame for admitted by Nikonian doctrine.

Protopop did not calculate that Fyodor hees and accuse him of "Great Hula to the royal house" and a church split. The contemporary of the king was cruelly punished. In 1682, the Old Believers with associates of Epiphany, Lazar and Fyodor were executed in the eyes of the crowd. They were tied to the corners of the srub, they threw bark and dry branches and set fire to it.

Bouring Protopopa Avvakuma

Protopop Avvakum knew about the preparing execution, handed out books and scarce property, put on a white shirt. It is noteworthy that he considered the fire cleansing and repeatedly called for self-immolation. From the fire died himself.

The execution took place on Friday the passionate week. According to the required information, when the flame shot into the sky, Avvakum raised his hand with a double mouth and exclaimed:

"Orthodox! If such a cross will pray - he will not die in the century. And leave this cross, and the city will bring your sand, and there the end will come to the end! ".

Interesting Facts

  • Avvakum is called the ancestor of a free word, confessional prose and figurative literature. He is credited with 43 writings, including the "Book of conversations", "Book of Circle", "Book of Interpretations". The most famous work is "Life", the translation of the books of which is popular today.
  • Avvakum Protopop - the hero of the 20-serial film Nicholas got the "split". The main topic of the series - reforms conducted by the Patriarch Nikon and the resistance, which was headed by the Avvakum Protopop.
  • Old Believers are called the first preacher of mass suicides in world religious teachings. During the years of his popularity, the number of mass deposits increased. In early 1687, more than 2,000 people burned in Paleostrovsky Monastery. On August 9, in the same year in the Berezov of Olonetsky County - more than 1000.
Protopop Avvakum on Orthodox and Old Believer Icon
  • Old Believers Icons, who worshiped Avvakum, are distinguished by an abundance of inscriptions on the fields, dark faces. In the XVIII century, official Orthodoxy banned the manufacture of similar icons.
  • In the texts of Avvakum kept statements that are called "prophetic." Specially sounded in the years of revolution and civil war quotation from Avvakum: "Satan's brilliant Russia has grown from God, it displays it with blood martyr."
  • M. Svain in his lectures in the "People's University" interpreted Grigory Rasputin as an "gun of the Avvakum Protopopa" to the house of Romanov.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Old Believer Church ranked him for the face of saints, and in the village of Grigorovo at the end of the XX century a monument to Avvakum was installed.

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