Kuzya's domannok - character history, interesting facts and quotes


Character History

Funny fidget, a hereditary house, Kuzya burst into houses and apartments of the young spectators of the 1980s with a combat tide: "Nafanya! Ours beat! " Funny interpretation of the creature, which since since the Slavs was considered a peculiar guard of dwellings, was born in the fantasies of the Soviet writer Tatiana Alexandrova. And the authors of the cartoons with the cute keeper of the home hearth starring from cardboard and non-zero dolls to create a magnificent illusion, which for more than three decades it takes kids and adults.

History of creation

The writer and multiplier Tatyana Alexandrova became "mom" of his favorite cartoon hero. Kuzya Domunok was born on October 8, 1972. Now this date with the honors is celebrated in the estate of the artist Vasily Polenov - where the inspiration descended on the author of the character. By the way, on the same country, the composer Sergey Prokofiev wrote music for the great ballet "Romeo and Juliet".

Writer Tatyana Aleksandrov

The shaggy hero, settled in the city apartment of the girl Natasha, was from childhood Tatiana Alexandrova. The parents of the future writer were extremely occupied by people, so for their daughter-twins looked after the nanny of Matrena. Selyanka knew a bunch of fairy tales and nearly, where they appeared, witch, Baba Yaga and houses. The motives of Russian folklore became the basis for creating a cycle of stories about Kuzonyka and stories from the collection "Tales of the old rag doll."

Kuzya Domunok in books

Having written the first story "Kuzka in a new apartment," Tatiana decided to apply the skills of the artist, drawing an illustration. However, in the published story of 1977, the pictures did not appear, because the author did not enter the ranks of the Union of Artists. Later, two more works came out from under the pen Alexandrova, only the writer did not find them printed, they did not find them - died in 1983.


Widovers Valentin Berestov, combat grief, decided by anything to publish the story of the wife of Tatiana. However, the poet and the writer received a more tempting offer - the creative association "Screen" decided to create a cartoon on the first story about Domotnik Kuze.

Valentin Berestov

Of course, Berestov agreed and sat down for the script. The premiere of the doll painting "House for Kuzka" took place in 1984. The funny adventures of the keeper of the home focus called the storm of delights in the young spectators and their parents, Kuzma turned into a folk hero. Such popularity pushed the authors to continue the work began three more cartoons. As a result, the cinema replenished with films:

  • "Adventure Domovtenka" (1985)
  • "Tale for Natasha" (1986)
  • "Return of Domomenka" (1987)

These cartoons have a weak connection with the literary original, because the Writer Marina Vishnevetsky considered the swirling plots of the next fairy tales Alexandrova too heavy for children's perception. The author's idea of ​​the film creators rewrote almost from scratch, but they received an unexpected result - a multiplication trio was not so warmly met as the first picture.

Kuzya Domunok in Cartoon

Curious feature of directing work - the chronology of the original trilogy is not observed. Hence the confusion arose, in which the audience even the squirrels of Kinolyap. The fact is that it was not planned to remove the continuation of the first cartoon, and then missed the part of the story details of the book. For example, at the end of the debut story, Kuzya Tesaza tells Natasha's girl about his fate. The book is preceded by a fragment:

"Here Kuzkin's eyes, looked at the girl, suddenly wink, and he was heard from the toy:" He lies and barely breathe, the pen is not pegs! " And Natasha heard about the domain here this story ... "
Kuzya Domunok and his Tales Chest

The fact that these are just memories, the authors of the cartoons did not specify. The director Aid Zyablikov took the embodiment of the project, in whose piggy bank there is such a cultication, as "the investigation leads koloboki." And the artist spoke by Gennady Smolyanov, who worked on the paintings "Adventures of Justice and his friends" and "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

On the voice of the roles were invited by the whole color of Soviet cinema. Kuzya's domain and colorful Baba Yaga spoke the votes to the actors George Vicin and Tatiana Peltzer. Thus, Nafani hid Alexander Lenkov, in the second and third character of the character voiced Andrei Kryukov.

Image and plot

Domomanka suffered an unenviable fate - the Old House Kuzi demolished, so the hero had to settle in the apartment of the neighboring high-rise building, where the girl lived by Natasha. She hid the guest in his own room among toys and promised not to issue parents. The character told a new hostess about previous events.

Domunok Kuzya and Natasha

Late in the fall, Baba-Yaga was attended to settle in his "Hand-born" hut houses, so that he led to the economy. The old woman stole Domunka Kuzyu and dragged into the forest. The spirit of the housing coped with the task of excellent, but never managed to get used to life in a new house, dreaming in the spring to return to the native fenats.

While the hut and the leishes tried to help the domain in this difficult business, Kuzya landed in claws of the crows and was in the nest high on the tree. From there I saw that the house was demolished. Having shot on the ruins, I discovered a chest with a note from the old wise mentor Nafani - they say, point out in the next 16-storey house.

Domunok Kuzya and Nafanya

The heroes of the fairy tale is one colorful of the other. What is just worth the fat and loving to talk to the cat Baba-Yagi, who fearlessly flew with the hostess in the sky. Yes, and a resident of the forest - the lady Charismatic, a born actress, who knows how to transform the goodness from the Prince.

During the acquaintance with Natasha Kuzya, he admits how old he is:

"I'm small yet, the seven centuries of everything, the eighth went."

Domunok is distinguished by passion for savings, perceives the thrown things like a tragedy and teaches the girl to take care of bread. In the cartoon even there was a place of the episode when Kuzya and Nafany are crushed as people inheritantly began to stack their century.

Baba Yaga

Kuzya's domain appears in the girl's apartment after traveling along the chimney. The description of the hero is dirty, uncooked, similar to a small boy, although age is already honorable. After swimming in front of the viewer, a ruddy child appeared with blond hair and snow-white leather. However, the transformation of Kuzma did not like it, and he quickly returned his original appearance.

The main thought that the authors wanted to convey to readers and lovers of cartoons, lies in the values ​​of friendship, mutual arms, good attitude towards close, even if it is not a native creature.


Kuzi Domotnik's quotation so rich that funny phrases easily turned into a winged expressions:

"Thanks to this house, I will go to another!" "Let me, let them! Folded hungry not comrade! "" I am Kuzka. House we. Happiness to the house brings. "Please say the Syrothelnut! From the smallest years, he lived in people, he ate no harness, slept without request ... Incidentally, in general, I "." Reserves are not merryans, the losses are not read. We ruin - I'll go around the world! "" I'm not greedy, I am a house! "" Who does not work, that first! "" You have your own fairy tale, I have my own! "" Happiness is when you have everything at home! "Natasha:

- Capture after the bath!


- So what? But we start and forever, as a camel.

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