Ruslan ("Ruslan and Lyudmila") - pictures, biography, quotes, Alexander Pushkin, cartoons


Character History

Ruslan is the main hero of the poem of Alexander Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Vityaz, embodying the perfect qualities of the valiant husband - physical strength, spiritual nobility, valor of the warrior.

History of character creation

Pushkin wrote a poem in the genre of fairy tales after release from the lyceum, this is the first one finished poem. The author worked on this plot, mainly during forced inaction because of illness, and the rest of the time led in St. Petersburg, "the most scattered" life in St. Petersburg.

In this text, the Knight's poems were merged, which Pushkin knew in French translation, Satyric Poles Voltaire. As well as images inspired by the Russian authorities and literary fairy tales of Russian authors, among which the works of Radishchev, Karamzin and Heraskov have already managed to create works on the "Bogatyrsky" theme.

The names of Ruslan's competitors and their details of their biographies were taken by Pushkin from the "History of the Russian State". A parody of the romantic Ballad of Zhukovsky called "Twelve Sleeping Val" is also traced in the poems.

Pushkin illustrations of sublime images are reduced and diluted with frivolous jokes, grotesque and spaticrous expressions, the characters are written out the characters characters. The poem enters the school curriculum and is studied in the fifth grade.

Image and biography Ruslan

Ruslan marries Lyudmila, the youngest daughter of Prince Vladimir. There are three men who do not rejoice with the rest. These rivals of Vityaz - a boastful Farlaff, Khazar Khan named Ratmir and a certain Vityaz Rogdai.

The day comes to an end, guests travel around. However, the love of the bridegroom was not destined to become a jaw - in the crowd suddenly fading light, thunder thunder, a mysterious voice is heard, something is being swayed and disappears in the darkness. When a man comes to himself, it turns out that Lyudmila is no longer nearby - the girl is kidnapped by "unknown force."

An angry prince calls on young attacks to go in search and promises the maiden's wife to someone who will find her, and together with the girl also focus. Not only the newly new spouse is sent to the search, but also the top three competitors - Ratmir, Rogdai and Farlaf.

Ruslan rides alone and leaves for a cave, inside which fire burns. In the cave, the hero finds a gray-rough old man who reads a book in front of the lamp.

The old man declares that the guest has long been waiting. It turns out that the "stiffness", which dragged the maiden, is the evil sorcerer Chernomor, the famous kidnapper of beauties. The villain this lives in the impregnable northernmost mountains, where no one else has reached, but Ruslan will certainly overcome the obstacles and defeat the Black Sea in the battle.

The old man shares the memories of his life. He tells the story of a story about how in his youth fell in love with the beauty of Naine. The girl rejected him, so the shepherd decided to become a warrior. Numerous victories and merits did not soften the heart of his beloved, and then he began to study magic.

By the time, the witchcraft spells have worked, it was already 70 years old. In addition, she became an evil magician. The old man was horrified by her and settled in a carcass cave.

In the morning, the man inflamed by the Spirit goes into the way to search. According to him, in the meantime, Vityaz Rogdai is jumping, who barely kills Farlaf's bragging, confusing him with the groom Lyudmila. The nature of Rogdaaya, therefore, you can call the treacherous - the character is cruel and ammunition, do not happen to do it.

Return from frightened Farlaff, Rogdai goes on and meets a certain old woman. That indicates where to go to find the enemy. And when Rogdai disappears from sight, the old woman comes to a Farlaf's poultry-breathable in the dirt and tells it straight home, because the bride, they say, and so it will belong to him, it makes no sense to risk it yourself.

And the cowardly hero does, as the old woman says. Rogdai meanwhile cattons Ruslana and attacks on his back. In the fight Rogdai dypsy - Vityaz pulls the scoundrel from the saddle and throws the Dnieper in the water, where that sinks.

Lyudmila, in the meantime, comes to himself in the chambers of the Black Sea, furnished in the form of a palace of "Thousand and One Night". Suddenly, uninvited guests are invaded in the flower - a brithead dwarf, whose long gray beard carry on the arap pillows.

The girl attacks dwarf, he is frightened, confused in a beard and removes his heroine squealing. Here the reader sees the character of Lyudmila - this young Virgin is complete determination to defend his honor and freedom and, without bothering the windowless luxury, keeps loyalty to the beloved.

Later, the girl finds the inventory-invisible hat and hides from the sorcerer under it. Ruslan, meanwhile, falls on the field damp with human bones and armor. Among the abandoned weapon, he finds steel spear. At night, the hero approaches a huge living head in the helmet.

Head tells where he came from, and it turns out that earlier she rested on the shoulders at Vitya-Giant. That was evil and envious junior brother-dwarf - Chernomor. He persuaded the giant to go looking for a sword, which could be killed by any of them two, and when the sword was discovered - the Black Sea demolished the eldest brother's head.

Since then, the head is delivered here to guard the sword. However, the head gives a magical weapon and encourages the hero to take revenge.

The fight begins, during which the wizard becomes invisible. The hero is enough sorcerer over the beard, and they are two days old under the skies, while the Chernomor does not begin to ask for mercy. Ruslan demands to take it to Lyudmila, and on Earth cuts off the random beard and binds that on his own helmet.

The beloved sleeps with a dustless sleep, and the hero goes with her in Kiev, where Lyudmila should wake up. On the way, Vityaz meets a poor fisherman, in which Khan Ratmir learns. He found happiness with a young wife and no longer dream about the princely daughter.

Meanwhile, Witch Naine teaches a cowardly Farlaff, how to defeat the enemy. Scoundrel challenges a man sleeping and takes Lyudmila to Kiev. The girl between the same is not coming into consciousness, even being in its own terme. It's impossible to wake it up, and the city in the meantime surrounding the rebels.

Ruslana revives the old man-Finn and gives the hero the magic ring, which should awaken the beloved. The hero breaks into the ranks of the Pechenegs and raise to the left and right, turning the enemy to flight. Then goes to Kiev, finds a sleeping spouse in the terme and concerns that ring. The girl wakes up, Prince Vladimir and his son-in-law forgive the pant of Farlaff, and the Chernomora, who, together with the beard, lost his magic strength, take into the palace.

The image of the valiant knight is revealed on each page of the work. This is a brave man who loving his bride and without fear challenging enemies. He is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of saving the beloved.

He is not alien to compassion and forgiveness. So, for example, Ruslan does not defeat evil on Farlaff. In the heart of the hero, there is no place of cruelty or revenge. Therefore, the Chernomor, even having lost its strength by Vityaz, remains alive.

Ruslan in films

The first artistic film release of the poem was a mute art film of the directorists of Vladislav Orelovich and Peter Chardynin. The main roles were played by Ivan Mozhukhukhin and Sophia Goslavskaya. Unfortunately, the 1913 film was not preserved.

By the century since the death of the Russian classic, the Soviet cinema released a beautiful fairy tale with musical accompaniment from the Glinka Opera eponymous. Sergey Stolyarov and Lyudmila Glazov played lovers here.

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In 1972, a two-series film was released based on Pushkin Poem. The roles of Ruslan and Lyudmila there are acting actors Valery Kozinets and Natalia Petrov. This work has become the last at the director Alexander Ptushko and is considered the top of his work.

In 2019, the debut project of Oleg Malamuha "Ruslan and Lyudmila: reboot" was presented. The Ukrainian cartoon is removed based on Pushkin's fairy tales, while led by a modern manner. Instead of brave Vityaz - a stray artist who meets in the restless area of ​​the city of Beauty Lyudmila.

Princess craves adventures and runs away from the castle in search of adventures. The love story of these heroes leads to the fact that the artist sacrifices his life for the sake of salvation of the girl. However, real feelings are able to defeat even death.

Ruslan in Culture

In 1942, the premiere of the opera of the Russian composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka took place in the Bolshoi St Petersburg Theater. The author worked on a dramatic work for 5 years, including poems and quotes from the original. Bright pictures and images of the legendary figures of Bogatyurians moved listeners to the situation of Kievan Rus.

In the poem, the power of love, heroism, loyalty. And the main idea is the triumph of good over evil, which became a leitmotif of the work, was still in an overture. The premiere was perceived cold enough, but the public opinion changed to the third idea.

The Moscow Theater Workshop named after Peter Fomenko put the play on the poem. The premiere took place in 2014. And Tatyana Navka to the new 2018 put on this work the musical on the ice. The ice show was shown from December 23, 2017 to January 7, 2018 in DS "Megasport" in Moscow.


Still with me my faithful sword

Still the head did not fall from the shoulders. I had a truth, it happened:

Although the forehead is wide, and there is little brain! And in seventeen years old girl

What a hat will not stick!


  • 1820 - "Ruslan and Lyudmila"


  • 1913 - "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (USSR)
  • 1938 - "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (USSR)
  • 1972 - "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (USSR)
  • 2019 - "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (Ukraine)

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