Vita Sevenko - biography, news, photo, personal life, biathlon, biathlon, Valya Seven, age 2021



Women who achieved success in professional sports, sooner or later face the question - how to combine a sports career with a family life. Especially acute in this case there is a question of the birth of children. Some athletes refuse to continue the kind in general, other children are at a mature age, after graduating from a sports career, and some go to risk, burning children almost between the seasons and returning back to the sports arena. So, after a three-year maternity leave returned to a large sport biathlete from Ukraine Vita Sevenko.

Childhood and youth

Seven Vita Aleksandrovna (Victoria's passport) was born on January 18, 1986 in the village of Urban-type Krasnopolye, located in the Sumy region of Ukraine. The future athlete appeared in the middle of January, so her zodiac sign is Capricorn. The girl was born in a simple poor Ukrainian family, which is not related to professional sport. In addition to Vita, in the family seven there are two more daughters: Oksana (four years older than Vita) and Valya - twins of biathletes. Parents had to work a lot to provide children.

Given that the childhood of girls passed in a small village, they did not have a special choice of circles and sections. In Krasnopol, only two types of sports were presented - football and ski racing. After graduating from six classes, the younger sisters seven signed up into the ski section, despite the messenger of the mother. She considered the skiing attendant and was afraid that this passion could harm the health of daughters.

However, the Vale and Vite managed to persuade parents. From this point on, girls have a new hobby, which influenced their further life. Skiing - not the only general hobby. Valley and Vita liked the same music and films. Girls from early childhood were like one.

At first, the coach allocated success not to Vita, but her sisters Vali Sevenko, who confidently felt skiing and developed a decent speed. And Victoria, on the advice of the first mentor, Shamray Grigory Ivanovich preferred biathlon ski races. If Vita in shooting was only three misses, then Vali had only three hits.

Vita higher education received in Sumy State Pedagogical University. A. S. Makarenko, and the selected specialty does not concern sports. Vita studied foreign philology and social communications. Victoria also has an economic education that the Girl received at the end of the Ukrainian Academy of Banking National Bank of Ukraine. Vita Semerenko studied in the specialty "Finance and Credit".


The first serious competition in the life of a beginner athlete was the world championship among young people, held in Finland in 2005. From Kontiolachti Vita brought home two silver medals. The whole next year, the girl selflessly prepared for the XX Winter Olympic Games, however, in February 2006, Valentina Semenhenko went to the Italian city of Turin, and Victoria did not pass hard selection.

But in the summer of the same year, Vita successfully performed at the World Championship, which was held in Ufa. Then the sisters seven again turned out to be risks again: Vita won on one silver and bronze medal, and Valentina surpassed the sister into two silver rewards.

But already in 2007, at international sports competitions among students, the girls were changed in places. The sisters earned four medals, and finished, holding hands, thereby demonstrating that related relationships for them are more important than sports victories. However, the jury recorded Witu first on the finish.

Semerenko's sports career flourished in Biathlon was the 2006-2007 season. During this period, the athlete was included in the best three and recommended to participate in the World Championships.

An important in the career seven was 2008. Participating in the World Championships in Sweden, Sister Sevenko, together with Oksana Yakovleva and Oxana, conquered second place in the relay race. In winter, the same year in Austria, Vita earned a silver medal in the World Cup races. And already three weeks later, Victoria and Valentine, together with Elena Pidgorchnyh and Oksana, won gold in the relay.

Sisters took part in the Winter Olympics in 2010, which were held in Canada, but the medals were not brought home. But the mass start at the World Cup in Norway presented Vita Silver.

In 2011 and 2012, an athlete earned a bronze medal at the Biathlon World Cup. But in 2013, Sisters Seven with his team again won gold medals in the relay race held in Germany.

In February 2014, Ukrainian took part in the Winter Olympiad, which took place in Sochi, where he ranked second in the sprint. Finish Vita then the third, after Anastasia Kuzmina from Slovakia and the Russian athlete Olga Vilukhina. But afterwards Olga was accused of using doping, and Vita Sevenno turned out to be the second. For earned silver medal athlete, according to Ukrainian legislation, received premium at $ 80,000.

On August 23, 2014, Vita Sevenko was awarded the Order of the Knyagini Olga 1 degree according to the decree of the President of Ukraine.

After a three-year break in connection with the pregnancy and the birth of the Son, the Ukrainian biathlete returned to the Arena of Great Sports. Births did not have a negative impact on the physical form of athletes: the weight of the girl is only 55 kg with a height of 162 cm. Return to International Sport, Vite was alarming. According to athletes, only sincere faith coach in Vitu helped her.

In the summer of 2017, the biathlonist resumed training on the territory of Ukraine and beyond. Photos from training Victoria lay out on a personal page in "Instagram". In the social network, Vita places snapshots from travel, including frames in a swimsuit, demonstrating a slim sport figure.

Return to a large sport in 2017 brought Vite Semenko a number of significant victories. On the eve of the 2018 Olympic Games, Semerenko performed in a single mixture, held in Sweden. In Austria, Vita became the fourth in the sprint race, and in France received a bronze medal. The athlete laid great hopes for the Olympics in South Korea, where he planned to earn at least bronze. However, the biathlete did not hit the games in Seoul.

In 2020, sports arbitration (CAS) decided to justify Russian athletes who were accused of using doping at the Winter Olympiad in Sochi, who was held in 2014. Among them was the Russian athlete Olga Vilukhin. After the decision of the court's decision, the Russian woman returned the Olympic silver, and the Ukrainian athlete Vita Semerenko remained in third place in the medal competition of the Olympiad in Sochi.

For 2021, in the sports biography of the Ukrainian biathlete, there are 2 medals (relaxing gold and personal bronze) at the Olympic Games, 7 medals (two silver and five bronze) at the World Championships, 11 medals at the European Championships (including five golden), seven medals At the universiads (four of them are golden) and 6 medals on the World Cup on the summer biathlon.

Personal life

Vita Sevenko does not like to tell the details of his personal life. After the Sochi Olympiad in 2014, Vita left the sport, referring to health problems, but soon it became known that Vita was pregnant. By this time, Victoria has already been officially married to the former FC FC FC (Krasnopolye village), and then the midfielder of FC Sumy Andrei Patsyuk.

With her husband, Vita seven familiar from childhood. Young people even lived on the same ladder. For a long time, friendship tied them, and then they realized that they would like each other. Andrei and Victoria began to meet from school. Five years after the start of relations, the lovers got married. In September 2016, the son of Mark-Andre was born in a sports family.

Two-free Time Vita spends his favorite dishes for his favorite husband and preparing for his beloved husband.

Vita Sevenko now

Now Vita Sevenko and her sister Valya are not going to finish their career and intend to continue to perform at competitions.

Victoria Sevenko entered the European Championship team of 2021 together with such athletes as Irina Petrenko, Artem Prima, as well as Bogdan Tsimm. In this composition, the Ukrainian team won the bronze medal. Athletes competed in a classic mixed relay.

Yurai Sanita, coach of the Ukrainian team, said the composition, selected for the World Cup in Slovenian Pokleuk in 2021. Together with Vita Seven, the athletes of Elena Pidgorshnaya, Anastasia Merkushina, Julia Jim, Sister Victoria Valentina Sevenko, as well as Daria Blaschko. During the choice of the composition of the Ukrainian team, questions arose on entering the application for the Catherine Bech championship. It was decided that the athlete would be better to "run more starts, gain experience."


  • 2007 - Bronze medal in the individual race 15 km in Turin
  • 2007 - Silver Medal in the relay 3 × 6 km in Turin
  • 2008 - Gold Medal at the World Biathlon Championships in the 4 × 6 km relay
  • 2009 - Gold medal at the European Biathlon Championship in the 4 × 6 km relay
  • 2010 - Gold Medal at the European Biathlon Championship in Persecution 10 km
  • 2011 - Gold Medal at the European Biathlon Championships in the 4 × 6 km relay
  • 2012 - Gold medal at the European Biathlon Championship in the 4 × 6 km relay
  • 2013 - Silver medal at the Biathlon World Championships in the 4x6 km relay
  • 2014 - Silver Medal at Olympic Winter Games in Sochi
  • 2019 - Bronze Medal at the World Summer Biathlon Championship in Minsk in Persecution 7.5 km
  • 2019 - Bronze Medal at the World Championships in Ostersund in the 4 × 6 km relay
  • 2020 - Bronze Medal at the World Championships in Antersells in the 4 × 6 km relay
  • 2021 - Bronze Medal at the European Championships in Dresshany-Zdroj in a mixed relay

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