Anna Sidorova: biography, photos, news, personal life, Curling 2021



Anna Sidorova is a Russian casing, the sports biography of which has developed enough non-standard. Initially, the girl dreamed of a career in figure skating, but fate ordered otherwise. But, despite the troubles and difficulties, Anna revealed in a new area for himself and achieved impressive sporting results.

Childhood and youth

The future star of Curlling was born on February 6, 1991 in Moscow. From an early age, the girl attracted sports: at 6 years old Anna began to comprehend the finends of figure skating. Sidorova trained first in the Sports School of CSKA, then at the Stadium of Young Pioneers. Coaches have repeatedly noted the talent and sports data of Ani. School sciences were also given by Sidorovoy with ease. And although Anna Sidorova had to change several schools, the girl learned well, receiving the "fives".

Anna Sidorova

Gradually, the sport began to occupy more and more time in the life of Anna Sidorova. The girl trained hard and dreamed of medals and victories. Unfortunately, by ridiculous accidents from figure skating, Anna had to be abandoned. At the age of 13, Sidorov damaged ankle. Opinions of doctors were divided: some doctors insisted on operations, others argued that there was no need for such serious treatment. However, one doctor was unanimous: with figure skating end.

It was a difficult period in the life of the athlete: the muscles accustomed to permanent training required the load. After recovering after the injury, Anna began to try other sports, but none did not attract the attention of the girl.


Initially, Mom Anna appeared on Curling's thoughts. The fact is that the daughter of her friend at that time was engaged in this sport. The last argument in favor of Kirling was the fact that the ice is the usual element for Anna Sidorova. However, the first training, as Sidorov admitted, led her to horror. Brushes in the hands of athletes, incomprehensible postures - all this produced rather repulsing the impression on the girl.

Anna Sidorova plays Kerling

Fortunately, curiosity turned, and during the second classes Anna felt interest in this kind of sport. And another month and a half, the girl has already received the discharge of a candidate master of sports.

In 2009, Anna Sidorova headed the second Russian team of Curlling. After a while, the Anna team performed better than the main team, and Olga Andrianova, the coach of the girls and almost the first casing of our country, decided that Sidorova it's time to compete for the Olympic "Gold". So Anna went to the Olympics to Canada (2010). Sidorova showed excellent results and even twice successfully replaced the skip (captain) of the team.

Anna Sidorovo team

2011 continued a series of victories and honored awards Anna Sidorova. The girl won "silver" at the Winter Universiade in Erzurum (Turkey), and also awarded the silver medal at the World Championships, held in the Scottish city of Perth.

The year later, Anna Sidorova brought the "gold" of the European Championship, and in 2013 the Golden Award of the Winter Universiade (this time the competitions took place in Italy). 2014 is marked for Anna and the Russian Bronze Medal Medal of the World Cup and "Silver" of the Chief European Championship.

A year later, in 2015, the Russian national team under the leadership of Anna Sidorova won the next "gold" of the European Championship, and in March 2016, the team took the third place for the third time at the World Championships. March 2017 was even more successful for the Russian national team: the girls managed to win the silver world championship, giving way only by Canadian athletes.

Anna Sidorov herself admits that neither a drop does not regret that the figure skating had to be abandoned. The girl believes Curling to a more intense sport. Anna emphasizes that figure skaters can relax, "rolling" the program in a few minutes. Curlongists, on the contrary, have to withstand a voltage during a full-fledged match that lasts more than two hours.

Personal life

Unlike the sports achievements of Anna Sidorova, who are discussed in the press and network, the personal life of the casing is hidden for curious eyes around others. It is only known that the girl is not married yet.

Slim beauty (Anna's growth is 170 cm, and the weight is 55 kg) believes that the Cardiac cases should concern only lovers. Therefore, fans only remain monitoring the photo of the athlete in "Instagram" and other social networks in the hope of find out if Anna has a beloved man.

Dmitry Solovyov and Anna Sidorova

In fact, Dead is found with the Russian figure skater Dmitry Solovyov. However, the ambulance is not about the wedding, as both are active athletes who are strongly preparing for the Olympic Games.

The purposefulness of Anna extends not only to the sport: in 2013, the girl in part ended the Higher Education, becoming a specialist in public relations. The athlete in an interview recognizes that it was not easy to train and at the same time, but the will power helped to cope with this task.

Anna Sidorova now

Now Anna Sidorova is preparing for the Olympic Games in the Korean Pytenchan. The girl admits that competitions of such a scale are a serious responsibility for athletes, especially for team leaders.

Anna Sidorova in 2017

Also, the girl admitted that, perhaps, after the Olympics would leave Curling and think about another activity. In addition, Anna believes that professional sports and family life are poorly compatible, and at its age, emphasizes casing, it's time to think about marriage and children.


  • 2011 - Bronze Medal of the European Championship, Silver Medal of the Winter Universiade, Bronze Medal of the World Championship (among youth teams)
  • 2012 - Gold Medal of the European Championship, Bronze Medal of the World Cup (among youth teams)
  • 2013 - Golden Medal of the Winter Universiade
  • 2014 - Silver Medal of the European Championship, Bronze Medal of the World Cup
  • 2015 - Bronze Medal of the World Cup, Gold Medal of the European Championship, Golden Medal of the Winter Universiade
  • 2016 - Bronze World Cup Medal
  • 2017 - Silver World Championship Medal

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