"Successful Group" - composition, songs, photos, clips, participants 2021



"Successful Group" is a musical duet that combines two popular video blocks on YouTube. Their repertoire more consists of parodies on popular compositions and humorous tracks. The guys love collaboration, in their work a lot of joint work with performers known in the Internet space.


The composition of the humorous musical duet entered Eldar Jarakhov and Sasha Tilex (Alexander Smirnov). Once they studied together at the Novokuznetsk school, and now these guys are popular youtube bloggers and participants of the "successful group". Back in the 6th grade, the guys tried himself as hip-hopers. And they did well. Eldar took second place at the District Competition "Sorvigolov", "Re-reading" most of the participants. Jarakhov called them with Sasha team "Prototypes MC's", they began to perform at local sites, and at the same time their career began on Youtube.

Soon in the head of Eldar, the thought came to create something new and absolutely knocked out beyond the usual group "Successful Group" group. Sometimes guys reducing the name to a laconic "UG".


The creation of the group is based on the ridiculation of the problems of young people. Their tracks are ironic and humorous. On the other hand, the audience often accuses Jarakhov in excessive commerce. Indeed, sometimes video guys overloaded with advertising. But, oddly enough, the subscribers of the Eldar channel from this no less becomes. Yes, and his comments do not confuse.

The tracks of the "successful group", which came out from the guys at the beginning of their musical career, rich in obscene vocabulary. In principle, in the last works there is a mat, but now there are songs in their work, which is deprived of such a vocabulary, for example, a strange track.

Eldar Jarakhov

The video, which brought the guys fame, first appeared in the MDK group in the social network "VKontakte". The song "E Ron Don Don" took over one million views over the month. The Public Administration invited the guys cooperation. MDK regularly exhibits new duet works in the group, while they undertake to use the MDK symbols in their products. Of course, this led to the popularization of their channels on YouTube. And "E Ron Don Don" became a hymn MDK.

Very often the guys are filmed in images, for example, Jarakhov often appears on the video in the role of Gastarbaitera Ohrip. In the same image, he appeared in the parody of the PSY song "Gangnam Style".

Eldar Jarakhov Gastarbaitera Ohrip

Later, the guys began to cooperate with the musician Ilya Prussikin, more famous under the pseudonym Ilyich. They created a joint Youtube Channel "Klikklak", which came out and continue to leave crazy shows, parodies and interviews. In 2013, together with Ilyich, they issued a joint work "Dangerous".

In December 2016, the song "You can all" and the clip on it. This video is an advertising clip for Beeline and their tariff "you can all". Vloger Youtube was participating in the filming, Stas Davydov, Star "Instagram" and TV presenter of the Eagle and Rusk program Nastya Ivelev, as well as Dancers Alena Dvchenkova, Andrei Dragunov. During the year, the video scored over 16 million views.

And Jarakhov, and Tilex, are engaged in both solo projects, each has a personal video blog on YouTube. Therefore, each written track immediately acquires a video shell, the clips of the guys have an incredible amount.

In 2016, Eldar was invited to Germany to remove the VR clip in support of the film "Dr. Strange". On the set, there were only three Russian-speaking people, including Jarakhov, had to work quickly and did not want to fall before Marvel in the dirt face. As a result, the clip "Strange", which gathered over 15 million views.

Sasha Tilex (Alexander Smirnov)

Of course, such music is not twisted on the radio and TV, but the guys do not upset it at all. Every year their popularity is only growing. If the first videos filmed 2-3 people, then recent work is created by a whole team.

In 2017, Eldar Jarakhov and Sasha Tilex released the Disnceslike clip. The idea of ​​a video clip is so simple as genius. Track by 70% consists of angry comments that guys get on social networks. For 2 months, video viewed 8 million people.

It is noteworthy that the texts for most of the songs of parody and stern words write and reads Eldar Jarakhov, but songs with meaning and with a more or less serious subtext belong to the authorship of Sasha TilEx.

Compositions at the team have a huge amount, but the guys do not produce music albums - all their creativity is concentrated on YouTube.

"Successful Group" now

In February 2017, it became known that the frontman of the "successful group" of Jarakhov was going to perform on Versus. His opponent became Dmitry Larin. Bloggers and to rap-dying often did each other dissens, so Battle turned out to be quite good. Video scored 24 M Views.

In 2017, the clip "Blokators" was released, where Eldar mentioned all the well-known phrases of popular rappers Basta, Oxymon, Pharaoh, scriptonite.

In the spring of 2017, the guys along with Anton from France, whom the public knows on the stand-up show "Open Microphone", presented a joint work in which parodies made the most discussed events of recent times. There and Navalny with releases, and Sobolev on "Let them say", and Yuri Dowe with an interview. The clip was called "catching Haip."

In addition to the channels on YouTube, the guys have personal pages in "Instagram". Often lay out photos and videos with backstage, as well as personnel of domestic life - cats, dogs, fried chicken and chap.


  • 2010 - "E Ron Don Don"
  • 2012 - "Red Moccasin"
  • 2013 - "Fat Boca"
  • 2013 - "Dangerous" (together with Ilyich)
  • 2014 - "The boys do not cry"
  • 2014 - "Chotky Walnut"
  • 2015 - "CSC - CSC" (together with Dmitry Voskinny and Maria Way)
  • 2015 - "Smile"
  • 2015 - "Ponte" (together with Nick Chernikov)
  • 2016 - "Little World"
  • 2016 - "Strange"
  • 2016 - "Cleabol"
  • 2017 - "Disnceslike"

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