Anubis - History of the Deity of Ancient Egypt, Symbol, Meaning and Character


Character History

The culture of ancient Egypt fascinates both researchers and creative personalities who are trying to tie the fictional worlds with pharaohs, deities, tombs, sarcophagi and mummies. Mystical God Anubis, who leads the souls into the panels of the underground kingdom, began to be popular not only in the country of deserts and pouring Nile, but also in the modern world.

History of creation

In almost every religion there are prerequisites for animism - faith in animation of nature. During the period of animistic ideas, from 3100 to 2686 BC, Anubis was firmly associated with Shakal or Sab dog (some see it similar to Doberman). But since the religion did not stand in place, soon the image of the underworld of the underworld world was modernized: Anubis was depicted with an animal head and with the human body.

God Anubis

The images on the stones, which have been preserved from the time of the reign of the first pharaoh dynasty, can be evidenced about all metamorphoses of the death associate of deaths: drawings and hieroglyphs tell how the deity of the pantheon was changed functionally and externally.

Perhaps the jackals were associated with Anubis, because in those days, people were buried in shallow jamas, which these animals were often broken. Ultimately, the Egyptians decided to end this arbitrariness by deification. In addition, the inhabitants of the hot countries believed that the jackals wandering around the graves at night would protect the dead after sunset.

Anubis in the form of an animal

Anubis's name was also invented by the Egyptians not just like that. Initially (from 2686 to 2181 BC) the nickname of God was recorded in the form of two hieroglyphs. If we translate the characters literally, then it will be "jackal" and "peace to him". Then the meaning of Anubis was transformed into the phrase "jackal on a high stand".

The cult of God quickly spread throughout the country, and the capital of the seventeenth Egyptian Noma Kinopl became the center of West Anubis, which I mentioned Strabo. The most ancient mention of the patroner of the dead archaeologists found in the texts of the pyramids.

As is well known, all sorts of rituals were associated with the burial of Pharaohs, which included the combustion technique. Anubis is just found in manuscripts, where the rules for the burial of the deceased owner of the Egyptian throne were indicated. The priestesses who pretended the corpse to the burial, wore anubis masks from the painted clay, as God was considered a specialist in this field.

Anubis and Osiris

In the old kingdom (board of the III-VI dynasty), Anubis was considered the patron saint of necropolis and cemeteries, and was also the keeper of poisons and medicines. Then the deity with the head of Shakala was considered the most significant of the entire list.

Such a popular guide to the dead used until Osiris appeared, to which most of the functions of the duat's owner (afterlife) passed, and Anubis remained a conductor and performed the function of the servant, weighing the hearts on the court of the dead. Animals dedicated to God were kept in neighboring buildings. When they died, they were also mummified and sent them to the world with all the honors and rituals.


In the mythology of ancient Egypt, the afterlime world is called Dat. In the representations of the diverse period, the kingdom of the dead was in the eastern part of the sky, and the souls of the dead Egyptians altered the stars. But later, the concept of duat has changed: God appeared that the one who transports the souls on the Silver Floor. Also, the illuminated world was in the western desert. And between 2040 and 1783 BC. The concept of the fact that the kingdom of the dead is underground.

Anubis in mythology

According to legend, Anubis is the son of Osiris, the God of Renaissance and the afterlife. Osiris was depicted in the form of a mummy wrapped with a white cloth, from under which green leather can be seen.

This God reign on Egypt and patronized fertility and winemaking, but was killed by his brother Seth, who wanted to usurp the power. The shakalogol god Anubis gathered the split parts of the father together, displaced and stolen. When Osiris was resurrected, he began to manage the kingdom of the dead, giving the mountain the opportunity to rule the world alive.

Shakalogol God Anubis

The mother of Anubis - Oil, the essence of which is practically not disclosed in religious literature. In mythological texts, it acts in all the funeral magical rites and Mysteries Osiris, participates in search of his body and protects the mummy.

This goddess is considered by researchers as an aspect of black Isis or as a goddess of death. Sometimes it was called the lord of the scrolls. According to reference, the oil appeared by the author of mournful texts, therefore, it was often associated with the goddess Sesshat, which heads the duration of the Pharaoh's rule and leads the royal archives.

Anubis with Mumia

A woman is considered to be a legitimate owl. Having fallen in love with Osiris, she took the look of Isids and seduced him. Annubis appeared on the light. In order not to be untouched in treason, the mother threw the baby in reed thickets and thus worked the Son on the right death. Thanks to the happy case, the princess found Isis. Anubis reunited with his own father Osiris, albeit an unusual way.

The ancient Greek writer and philosopher Plutarch believed that in fact the conductor of the dead and there is a son of Set and Oil, which found and raised Isida. Some scientists also believe that Anubis took place from the evil, fierce deity set and was the full owner of the kingdom of the dead. When Osiris appeared in Pantheon, Anubis became his associate. Therefore, a new branch was invented in mythology, which represents Anubis as an illegitimate Son Osiris.

Interesting Facts

  • Anubis appears both on book pages and in films and animated work. According to rumors, in 2018, the court of avid kinomans will be present to a ribbon dedicated to this God. Dr. George Henry will appear in the role of the main character, whose soul fell into the abode of the Egyptian God.
  • In ancient Egypt, there was a "book of the dead", which contained religious hymns. She fits in the tomb of the deceased to help the soul overcome the obstacles of the other world.
Anubis Tattoo
  • Cinema and writers used the image of Anubis in their works, and the artists try to put it on a sheet of paper. Simple lovers of mysticism and ancient religious motifs perpetuate the anubis image on their skin, and the value of the tattoo and its characteristic every one comes up for itself.
  • Each deceased went to the court of Osiris, who recresented on the throne with a rod and a leaf. His assistants Anubis and he had weighed the heart, which Egyptians were considered a symbol of the soul. On one cup was located the heart of the departed (conscience), and on the other truth. As a rule, it was a feather or statuette of the goddess Maat.
Scales Anubis
  • If the person led a pious lifestyle, then both scales were on a par, and if he committed sins, then the heart prevailed in weight. After the court, the wrongs were eaten Amat - Lev with a crocodile head. And the righteous sent to paradise.
  • Some wonder: "Anubis - evil or good God?" It is worth saying that it cannot be placed in a categorical framework, because during the trial he is guided by justice.

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