Nathan Phillion - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Nathana Phillion The viewers were loved after entering the screens of the youth thriller "Dracula-2000" and the cult series "Firefly". The roles in the sensational projects "Sliznyak" and "Castle" turned the American actor in the star of Hollywood.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the spring of 1971 in the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta - Edmonton. Nathan Phillion in the veins flows the blood of Irish and Franco-Canadian ancestors. According to the artist, one of his ancestors was a famous Division commander of the Confederation of the Confederation of Jabul A. Earli. Nathan Parents - Cookies and Bob Phillion - taught English in school.

Nathan Pirillion

But neither Nathan Phillion, nor his older brother Jeff profession of teachers or military path was not chosen. True, in early youth, the star of the series "Firefly" and "Castle" thought, not to be a teacher.

In an interview, Phillion admitted that in the 5th grade, not wanting to write the control in mathematics, played the patient. Parents believed, and Nathan for the first time received "dividends" from the role - missed the lessons in the Catholic gymnasium.

Nathan Phillion in youth

Every joke has some truth. As it turned out, the desire to play and become an actor dreamed in the guy, and woke up at the last year of Albert University. Nathan heard tests on the role in a soapy opera and went to casting. From hundreds of applicants chose Phillion, approved by a real life in the melodrama "one life to live".

For the semester until the end of the university, Nathan Phillion threw his studies, moved to the "Big Apple" and plunged into the world of cinema. So the creative biography of the artist began.


Career American actor developed rapidly. 2 years after work in the soap opera, Nathan fell into the nomination of the prestigious film "Emmy" as an outstanding young artist. But for 3 years, conducted on the project's set, Phillion is tired of the insignificant role. Not wanting to stop at what has been achieved, he went closer to the "Dream Factory" - in Los Angeles, on the castings of other projects.

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For three years, Nathan Phillion starred in episodes of several TV shows. Among the projects of those years, the science fiction film "Beyond the Possible", Military Drama Stephen Spielberg "Save Private Ryan" and the Comedy "Blast from the Past", where the main characters played the stars of Hollywood Brendan Fraser and Alicia Silverstone. Williona got the episodes or roles of the second plan, but the invaluable experience in the projects of Matrov Direvice did not go out in vain.

In 2000, Nathan Phillion played a priest in the dramatic thriller "Dracula-2000" Patrick Luce. The actor appeared on the screen with the brilliant colleagues Johnny Lee Miller, Gerard Butler and Christopher Flame.

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The role was a breakthrough for a Career of Canadians. From that moment on, he becomes a popular artist who does not need to look for work: Directors bother Nathan's tempting proposals.

In the fall of 2002, the premiere of the science fiction tape "Firefly" took place on the Fox TV channel, filmed by the director Joss Odon. A year later, space western noted the Emmy Prize for shiny special effects. Phillion went to the main role in the project. The following year, Nathan pleased fans by the appearance on the screen in the five final episodes of the youth series "Buffy - Vampire Slayer", playing Caleb.

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In 2005, the premiere of the sci-fi ribbon "Mission" Serenity "- a kind of continuation of" Firefly ". Director Joss Widon postponed the film to the world, where the heroes of the "Firefly" project were previously dwell. Nathan Phillion went to the image of Captain Reynolds. In 2006, the Fangoria magazine was celebrated for work in the James Thiller Gunna, giving a joking characteristic of Phillion's character - Sherif Padi:

"The dude, with whom it is better not to joke."

Saturated for the Hollywood actor turned out to be 2007. Nathan Pirillion starred in key roles in the Thriller "White Noise 2: Light", the comedy melodrama "waitress", the tragicomic series "Desperate Housewives" and a dramatic action "Race". These projects received a warm welcome of viewers and favorable references of film critics.

Phillion strengthened in the status of the star, but the dubious glory of the "Killer" of the series was entrusted to him. Attentive viewers noticed a strange feature of multi-sieves projects with Nathan: after its appearance in the tape season became final.

The series "Castle" dispelled the myth about the "fatal" role of Phillion in the closing of the projects in which he participated. The comedy-dramatic series, in which the artist played the main character, the writer Richard Kasla, stretched over 8 seasons and used the audience a great popularity. The beloved handsome-novelist Castle played Mill Katich. She, like Nathan Phillion, appeared in all seasons of detective drama.

The premiere of Castle took place in the spring of 2009, and the final 8th season came out in 2016. The leadership of the ABC television channel, which broadcast the series reported the end of the contract with Staya Katich.

The assumptions of the project fans that ABC refuse to extend the contract with Katich is caused by the cutting of the budget, turned out to be false. The actors who starred in the series told about the Phillion conflict with a partner. According to them, Nathan and the bird quarreled all the years while they worked together, and the patience was dried out.

Nathan Phillion and Mill Katich

Removing the "Casle", the workaholic Nathan Phillion managed to light up in other projects. In 2012, the comedy of Joss Odon "Much noise from nothing," where the actor played Dogberry. In 2013, the premiere of the Family Fantasy "Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters", in which the Hollywood Star appeared in the image of Hermes God.

In 2014 and 2015, the actors saw Cameo's roles in the fantasic fantasy "Guardians" and the situational comedy "Theory of the Big Explosion".

Personal life

The life of the actor outside the set - the mystery behind the seven seals. Colleagues and fans of Phillion are building guesses and retell rumors about the novels of the star, but no one has reliable information about Nathan's romantic relations. The artist thoroughly hides their personal life, nothing comments and does not appear with the chosen in public.

Perhaps a rich schedule of artist-workaholic (they say that the Phillion works on the set of 17 hours a day) does not leave him time for novels. Therefore, families, wives and children from the star, who has long oversail a 40-year-old frontier, no.

Nathan Phillion and Christina Ochoa

In 2014, rumors appeared in the media about the ambulance of Nathan Phillion on Christine's colleague, with whom he starred in the comedy TV series "American Family". Close to Phillion source shared with journalists, that the actor is going to go to Barcelona to ask for the parents of Christina. But marriage did not follow and talk about the wedding subsided.

Friends call Nathana Phillion by the main gentleman of Hollywood. Star, going for a walk, certainly takes packages for garbage and a solvent can with a straightening of graffiti from road signs. In the house of the actor, a cat lived for a long time, which had rear paws. Phillion refused to sleep the animal and made him a special stroller in which the cat moved.

Nathan Phillion and his cat

Phillion is extremely polite with fans. He patiently gives autographs to everyone, even if he is in a hurry. And the Nathan is perfectly protected with children of friends who have managed to acquire families. Static (with a height of 1.87 m artist weighs 93 kg) Handsome is called enviable fiance, predicting a happy marriage with the one that the star will be able to conquer.

Nathan Phillion now

In 2013, the American Sitter "Brooklyn 9-9" came to the screens, who climbed the high ratings from the TV viewers and won the two "golden globes". In May 2017, the series extended to the 5th season. Phillion played in the Sitkom character named Mark Delero.

Nathan Phillion in 2017

In the same 2017, the premiere of the 10-serial comedic horror "Diet from Santa Clarit", in which Main Heroes played Drew Barrymore and Timothy Oliphant. Nathan Phillion went to the bright role of the second plan.

About the development of a career star fans learn from the photo on his page in "Instagram".


  • 1994 - "Strange and Rich"
  • 1994-1997 - "One Life to Live"
  • 1998 - "Save Private Ryan"
  • 1998-2001 - "Two guys, girl and pizzeria"
  • 1999 - "Beyond the Possible"
  • 1999 - "Blast from the Past"
  • 2000 - "Dracula-2000"
  • 2002 - "Pasaden"
  • 2002-2003 - "Firefly"
  • 2003 - "Buffy - Vampire Fighter"
  • 2006 - "Sliznyak"
  • 2007 - "Waitress"
  • 2007-2008 - "Desperate Housewives"
  • 2009-2016 - "Castle"
  • 2012 - "Many noise from nothing"
  • 2014 - "Guardians of the Galaxy"
  • 2016 - "American Family"
  • 2017 - "Brooklyn 9-9"

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