Kuzma Saprykin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, "instagram", movies, TV series 2021



The biography of Saprykin binds to a chain of events, the pattern of which led the actor first to the profession, then to glory. A talented young man quickly achieved recognition and love, and every year its popularity is only growing. Young age, charm, passion about the profession - Kuzma Saprykin has everything to grow in a large actor.

Childhood and youth

Kuzma Vladimirovich Saprykin was born in Syzran, Samara region, on December 26, 1995 in the family of actors. Mother plays on theatrical scene, so with all the subtleties and nuances of work in front of the audience a boy familiar from childhood. The parents often took a small son with him at the rehearsal, where he watched the scenes for the actor's service and the organization of the work of the theater as a whole.

Therefore, the question of professional orientation for Kuzma decided in childhood. Having received a certificate of general secondary education, the young man entered the school studio to them. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov. Just in 2013, the course for actors at the MHAT Studio School was gained by the Russian executor and director of theater and cinema Evgeny Alexandrovich Pisarev. Kuzma fell into the Pisarev group.

In July 2017, Saprykin received a diploma of higher education in the specialty "Acting Art". The graduation tests of Kuzma showed professionalism, playing in the comedy of Irish playwright and film director Martin McDonach "Kolale from Island Inishmaan", play-biographies "Edith Piaf: Life in pink color", Maxim Gorky's play "At the bottom", as well as in the play "Year Death 1941-1945.

After graduating from the MCAT Studio School, Kuzma settled in the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after A. S. Pushkin, where the young man played the play of Pierre Notta "Two ladies towards the North" (executed the role of lead together with Nikolai Kislychenko, Sergey Kudryashov, Kirill Melekhov and Stanislav Rogachev) and in a documentary play created in the genre Verbatim, "Vacation without end."

Theater and films

The debut of Kuzma Saprykin in the cinema took place even before the release from the Studio MCAT. In 2016, a multi-sized detective melodist Marina Migunovoy was released on television screens, where Kuzma played the role of courier.

Soon Saprykin received an offer for filming in the youth comedy TV series "Philfak". Kuzma passed casting and received the secondary role of the student. So, Saaprykin had the first fans who estimated the game of a charming young man.

However, the popularity of the novice actor brought the role of Basketball player Ivan Edshko in the sports drama Anton Megherdichev "Movement up". In the film on the commemorative match of the USSR national team with the US national team at the 1972 Olympics, Kuzma player player player of the Soviet Union, who passed the pass to the throw, who decided the outcome of the match in the basketball tournament finale.

According to the actor, he went to prepare for the shooting. The young man revised that match at the 1972 Olympics, read the same name of Sergey Belov, met personally with Ivan Edshko, whom the actor had to play, and enthusiastically improved skills in basketball.

Considering that Kuzma at school visited the Basketball section, to play an athlete was easier for him than other actors who did not have similar experience. A number of performers were forced to resort to the help of doubles - basketball players who went to the shooting platform for performing technically difficult moments. Saprykin won all scenes on their own, without dubbing.

Given the specifics of the planned project, the director searched for suitable actors in all cities of Russia - after all, they must correspond to prototypes, and basketball players are distinguished by high growth. Finding the big young performers with sports skills turned out to be not such a simple task.

Kuzma Saprykin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor,

Kuzma, whose growth is 192 cm, persuaded to go to casting all friends and acquaintances. Having become acquainted with the director and discovering, besides, the external similarity with Ivan Edshko, the young man was immediately approved for the role. The main fears of Saprykin on the filming were that the actor was afraid not to justify the hopes of Ivan Ivanovich himself, who, of course, was in the cinema at the premiere of the paintings. However, the experiencing actor turned out to be in vain - Efshko was completely satisfied with the work of Kuzma.

Considering that the shooting lasted for more than a year, the film crew and the acting began and almost became a big friendly family. Since the guys had to play the coordinated work of basketball players of the national team of the Soviet Union, where the relationship was developed for years, the team spirit and the friendship of the actors played an important role.

And even after the end of the filters, the roles are communicating and come to visit each other. Especially close friendly relations have developed in Kuzma with Ivan Kolesnikov. In addition, young novice actors on the filming got a tremendous experience, working shoulder to shoulder with Vladimir Mashkov and Andrei Smolyakov.

Kuzma Saprykin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor,

After the sensational film "Movement Up", the number of invitations to castings in Kuzma has increased significantly. In 2018, he starred in the TV series "Balabol-2" and in the historic Miscellaneous film "Golden Horde". In the same year, Saprykin was engaged in the theatrical formulation of "Decameron. Love during the plague "under the direction of the director Alexander Morphov.

In 2019, the audience saw the young actor in the TV shows, "Catherine. Implanting "and" desperate. " In the same period, Saprykin worked in the volatile Bobra Cooper in the cartoon "Magic Park Joon". His partners in the project were Ekaterina Spitz and Alexander Gudkov (Brother Cooper). In the "Evening Urgant" program, the actor said that friends did not recognize his voice.

The following year, Saprykin starred in the series "Kazanova", where Svetlana Khodchenkova and Anton Khabarov became its partners. At the same time they saw the light of the series "Project" Anna Nikolaevna "and" Thin Matters ". Fantastic kinocartine "Goalkeeper Galaxy" came out in 2020 and caused a wave of contradictory responses: from sharp and negative to enthusiastic.

Personal life

About personal life does not tell the actor. Kuzma looks happy and active. According to Saprykin, he is ready to "jump and fly", "open to all and everything." Does he have a girl, no one knows, but in an interview with a young man, smiling, said that "in love and wasistered."

Photo in the "Instagram" performer is entirely devoted to cinema and sports - and no girls.

Kuzma Saprykin now

To date, Kuzma Saprykin is busy in several projects. Premiere "Save Kolya", stories about the stubborn chief of the military registration and enlistment office and his no less stubborn daughter, took place on February 23, 2021. The main role of a caring, but categorical father played Dmitry Nagiyev. The film's action unfolds in one day - the day of the anniversary of the harsh military commissar, whose congratulates all his relatives come.

The actor starred in the continuation of the comedy series "Project" Anna Nikolaevna ". The first season received a high assessment of the viewer. Sergey Garmash, Zoya Berber and Fyodor Lavrov, were fulfilled. The second season, according to the creators, promises to be even more exciting and unexpected.

Kuzma Saprykin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor,

The series "Klundov" tells about the talented detective, which works in the Department of Check. Denis Nrulin is removed in the lead role. The main character comes from the princely kind and, having come to work in the brigade of investigators, faces the prejudice of colleagues of simple origin. Official Schukin takes Nikolai Kohsonova under his custody, and they begin to work in a pair.

In 2021, Saprykin played the main roles. The painting "Marusya Foreva" is conceived by the director Alexander Galibic as a family cinema. Saprykin fulfilled the role of a young man who suddenly found out that he had a daughter for 5 years. The main topic of the film is the growing young man who has aware of their responsibility. Fix Dmitry and Kurbatov Mikhail's film producers.

The actor starred in the comedy TV series "1703" - a picture of the classical, eternal confrontation between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Gosh Kutsenko also involved in the series. The cast promises the viewer a lot of positive emotions, and the script is bright and unexpected turns.

Another comedic premiere is the TV series "Vacation", on the filming of which Saprykin was made up by Julia Susy, Pavel Mikov, Demis Karibidis.


  • 2016 - "Owning"
  • 2017 - "Philfak"
  • 2017 - "Golden Horde"
  • 2017 - "Movement up"
  • 2019 - "Dlatti"
  • 2019 - "Catherine. Impostors "
  • 2019 - "Desperate"
  • 2020 - "Galaxy Goalkeeper"
  • 2020 - "Kazanova"
  • 2020 - "Thin Matters"
  • 2020 - "The project" Anna Nikolaevna "
  • 2021 - "1703"
  • 2021 - "Save Kolya"
  • 2021 - "Klundov"
  • 2021 - "Marusya Foreva"
  • 2021 - "Vacation"

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