Adam - The history of the appearance of the first person, years of life, exile


Character History

Adam is the first person on earth, the founder of the genus of the human. The immortal creation of God dreamed to disobey the creator, for which he had to gain independence and plunge into the cruel reality of life with her diseases, difficult to extract food and death.

History of appearance

Adam is in Judaism, both in Christianity, and in Islam. In the Old Testament, the creation of the first person is represented in two versions. The progenitor of the human race appeared to the light of God, who created it from earthly dust, breathing in the breath of life in the nostril. Another interpretation of such a meaningful event - God created Adam and Eve in his own way and like a couple to rule everyone alive on Earth.

Adam and Eve with God

The hero has fallen out for many years of life: judging by the biblical chronology, Adam saw the white light in 3760 BC and lived 930 years. The age of the first man became the subject of disputes from researchers. Some argue that in those days, the human being was drawn by centuries. Others are confident - age should be considered in the lunar months. Then, if you take 10 years in one year, Adam lived only 75 years.

In the Koran, the biblical plot is repeated, but with some changes. Man Allah made out of clay to put his governor on earth. Information on the life expectancy of the first person in Islam is not specified.

In Slavic apocryphs, researchers meet another story of the creation of the first man. God "collects" Adam from what was at hand. In the course there is a handful of earth to create a body, blood is formed from the sea, from the sun eyes, the clouds are thought, and the wind and the fire gave breath and bodily warmth.

Life in Eden

And God, and Allah settled Adam to the Garden of Garden Eden, drowning in the greenery of fruit trees. A miraculous place for the man, appointed by the keeper and the "gardener", was allowed to use the fruits of any plants, except for one - the creator of strictly setting banned to touch the fruit of the Treve of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam knew that his terrible car was waiting in the form of death, if he was heard by the Father.

Adam in the Eden Garden

The first person enjoyed a graceful life in Eden, did not know in the warm sun and did not know. One day, God led to a man who had just created animals that Adam could give them names and choose an equal assistant. However, there was no essential among living creatures like a person. Then God took the edge from Adam and created Eve, which henceforth became his wife. The spouses were affected by the paradise garden with absolutely naked, but there was no such feeling in the shower as shame.


By side by side with a couple of first people, a cunning snake-tempter lived, who had long convinced Eve to try the fruit of the forbidden wood. The reaches assured that death is not threatened, on the contrary, people will become equal to God and finally know good and evil. In the end, the woman surrendered, and after her and Adam tasted the fruit. Magic did not make himself wait - the heroes suddenly felt shame from nudity and hurried to hide from the gaze of the Father.

Adam, Eva and Snake

The spoken of God cursed the snake, condemned one forever to crawl and eat as shroud. Adam, together with his wife, was expelled from Paradise. In the load to this, the characters received an axer of unpleasant consequences: From now on, the woman is doomed to give birth in flour, and a man for the sake of food should work daily to seven sweats daily.

Selected the creator in children and another bonus - immortality. Since then, people have pursued the old age and the indispensable death, which returns to the land in the ground, from where and came once. But, to expand the inhabitants of Eden, God at least given them "leather clothes".

Adam and Eve are expelled from paradise

In Islamic tradition in the role of the temptist, Ginone Iquis. And if in Christianity in the disobey of God is accused of a woman, then in the Koran of wine, he falls on the shoulders of Adam. By the way, in Islam there is no concept of primary sin, and the act of a man is his personal choice, the consequences of which do not affect the descendants.

The new life of Adam was filled with suffering from diseases and grave labor. The hero became Father Abel, Cain and Sif. The latter offense was honored to be honored to become a source of modern humanity, because the offspring of the senior brothers disappeared into the era of the World Flood.

In culture

The writers and artists are famous for this character and the plot as a whole, who gave several bright symbols at once, opening a wide field for fantasy. Writers and poets are pleased to use Eden, forbidden fruit, the tree of life, the Snake, the tempter.

To capture the image on paper and interpret the fate of Adam was taken by Dante Aligiery in the "Divine Comedy", the German playwright Hans Sax in the "Tragedy about the creation of Adam and Exile from Paradise" and the German poet Friedrich Klophtkt, who made the first earthly person in the tragedy "Death of Adam" to repent In sins before God.

In the 16th century, the poet and playwright from the Netherlands Yost Vondel surprised the literary world with an unusual look at the fall of Adam: in the drama "Adam in Exile" angel consoles the Eden of Eden of Eden, which they will now find the "paradise", which is lighted in the depths of the soul. And perhaps the most famous creation belongs to Peru John Milton - the author became famous for the poem "Lost Paradise".

Adam and Eve on Triptikha Albrecht Dürer

In Russian literature, the work of "Dairy" is a mansion, in which the writer Daniel Sharpener in the severe fate of Adam Vinit Eve.

Above the biblical plot, where the adam appears, representatives of artistic and literary circles of vita melted, creating anti-religious works with a humorous tint. To afford the blasphemy was able to Jean Effelt, submitting a funny collection of drawings "Adam to know the world." Satira's genre chose Mark Twain to create stories under the general name "Adam's diaries".

Fine art is also proud of a piggy bank of the cauldron on Adam suffering and life in Eden. Artists are mainly choosing four iconographic scenes - this is the creation of Adam and Eva individually, the fall of the characters and exile from Paradise.

Adam and Eva fountains in Peterhof

The works of the Italian painter of the Mazacho and the German Graphic of Albrecht Dürer are considered curious paintings. And the most famous canvas was the fresco of the Great Buonaroti Michelangelo "Creation of Adam", which decorates the ceiling of the Sistine Capella. The picture is depicted lying on the Emerald Rock by the progenitor of the human race, in which life is gradually awakened.

Admires art lovers rich sculptural heritage. Adam Fountain enters the palace and park ensemble Peterhof. Dane Karl Bonnes donated the world the composition "Adam and Eve mourn the death of Abel." A masterpiece with biblical heroes performed by German Johann Gotfried Shadov is widely known.

Modern artists also do not remain aside. In 2013, near the registry office of Kramatorsk (Donetsk region), a sculpture dedicated to Adam and Eve has grown. The author of the steel monument is the artist Vyacheslav Gutyir. The sculpture of human progenitors weighing 700 kg appeared on the eve of the family day.


Adam also got into the circle of interests of the virgin industry. On the account of the character - a pair of sensational decrees:

"Bible" (1966)

Director John Houston borrowed a film plots from the Book of Genesis. As a basis, the events of the life of the first people on Earth, the milestones of the fate of Abraham and the stories about the Noah's ark are taken.

The tape includes "short films" about Sodom and Gomorra and the Babylonian Tower. Adam plays Michael Parks, and his offspring Richard Harris (Cain) and Franco Nero (Abel).

"Noah" (2014)

Epic film created by Darren Aroneal with Russell Crowe in the lead role (actor plays Noah), tells about an important event for the planet - the worldwide flood. In the picture there was a place for Adam, the image of which was reincarnated by Adam M. Griffith.

Adam M. Griffith in the role of Adam

The film caused anger from the Islamic Community for incorpority of the presentation of religious teachings, so it was banned in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, and even China. But in Russia, the formulation aroused the audience delight - in the first weekend, kinomans gave for viewing on the big screen of 600 million rubles.

Interesting Facts

  • In various exercises, their own options for the creation of Adam are presented. Some are very curious, for example, in the mold religion first appeared a lifeless body of a person and only then from the world of light they brought the soul. In the Gnostic representation of Adam-Androgina, divided into two halves - male and female.
  • In Islam Adam is not just the first person. The man heads the Pleiad of the prophets of Allah.
  • Regarding the origin of the name there are legends. So, it is believed that the word Adam is an abbreviation of the four sides of the world. It turns out that a man is a real cosmopolitan.
  • According to legend, Adam's body is buried on the mountain of Calvary, where the Jesus later crucified.

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