Barry Keogan - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The name of the young actor Barry Keogan little says a wide range of cinema fans. However, the ascending star of Hollywood - namely, the guy states lately - in 2017 he became the owner of the Prize of the Dublin Association of Film Crims, along with recognized authorities Natalie Portman, Christopher Nolan, Isabelle Yupper.

Childhood and youth

The details of the biography are only part of the life of the actor to be found to find out the chroniclers. It is known that Barry by the Nationality of Irishman was born in Dublin in October 1992. The boy's childhood was very sad. The father has not survived about the father, and the mother died from the overdose of drugs.

Actor Barry Keogan

The child under 12 years old wandered at the receptional families until he finally took her grandmother. The actor with warmth responds about a close person, calling a strong woman who does not give him to relax. Grandmother encouraged the sports interests of the grandson, the boy was especially addicted to the boxing, which was fascinated to this day. In addition, Barry loved to draw and crash something.


In the cinema Keogan got very young. At the age of 17, he learned that the films of the film "Between Channels" begin. I called, but not in order to light up on the screen, but to simply work out. However, the guy was lucky - the director answered the call and spoke about the picture.

"Between the channels" - a dramatic narration about the attempts of former drug dealer to start a new life. But the protagonist is a member of the gang, which not only does not understand his aspirations, but also in every way hampered in the choice of life path. Barry got the role of one of the gang members. Show the ability of the young man helped the experience of participating in school productions. The film was released on the screens in 2011.

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A year later, the actor played one of the leading roles in the psychological thriller "Stalker" with Peter Kunan. With this actor Barry met on the set of drama "King of travelers" ("King of streets"), in which hero investigated the murder of his father. Keogan appeared in an episodic role.

The next picture was completely different, "Life is a wind" - a comedy telling about the search for a mattress, in which the elderly lady hid cash accumulations.

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Simultaneously with this film, Barry embodied the character of Sean Mikhan in the joint work of Canadian and Irish directors called "Stay". In the creation of melodramas, Aidan Quinn also participated ("Eclipse", "Autumn Legends"), Taylor Shilling ("Operation" Argo ").

With Peter Kunan Keogan again met in the acting ensemble of the series "Love / Hate". The criminal drama went to the screens for five seasons. Then the secondary and episodic roles in films and short films "North", Norfolk, "Break", "Traders" followed. The actor and the film "71" was shot on the events in Northern Ireland - conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Belfast.

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The picture received nine nominations for the British Independent Cinema Prize, three nominations for the BAFTA Award, one-to-award of the European Film Academy. In addition, the work of acting and stage ensembles is marked by the prizes of the Maenaki Brothers Film Festival, "Golden Athena", Philadelphia Festival.

A criminal fighter "Scam in English", shot by Adam Smith, was not just a story about the hijacker, but conflict generations of fathers and children. Talented Irish managed not to get lost among the high-profile names of Michael Fassbender ("Hunger", "Snowman"), Lindsay Marshal ("Poiro", "Pure English killings") and Brendan Glison ("Raven", "Future Future").

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The main role of the homeless guy received Keogan in the painting of Rebecca Dale "Mammal". The tape gathered on the set of Rachel Griffiths ("Cocaine", "Wedding Muriel"), Michael McAlhatton ("Game of Thrones"). The film brightly manifested the feature of Irish cinema - narration in combination with a little climb. Barry and at all called the dream of scenarios, which bet on the transfer of the plan through the silence of heroes.

Personal life

Barry lives in a suburb of Dublin. Close to do not consider the actor star, and he himself would not want the attitude of relatives somehow changed. And on the streets of the hometown of Keogan until they learn very much.

Barry Keogan and his grandmother Patricia

The first assistant in the work on scenarios is a grandmother, and the actor spends only 2-3 hours a day on the working role. And on the site has already learned not to strain. Keogan does not hide that he wants to cooperate with the directors who remove unusual cinema, make something new and non-standard. In dreams - to fulfill Robin's role in Fantasy about Batman.

Judging by the photo in the Instagram account, the actor's heart is busy with a pretty blonde named Sean.

Barry Keogan and his girl Sean

Irish loves to get acquainted with new people. Barry noted that, removing recognized stars, did not feel awkward or lack of professionalism. At the set of "murder of a sacred deer", Colin Farrel and at all in a friendly worked as a young colleague. Tactical attitude to inexperienced actors and Nicole Kidman struck.

If it were not for the cinema, the artist would probably give preference to professional boxing. Barry is also chosen by the ambassador of the Dior House.

Barry Keogan now

Talking about yourself, the actor forced the works in Dunkirk projects and the "murder of a sacred deer."

Dunkirk is a military drama based on the events of the Second World War, tells about evacuation from the environment of 300 thousand soldiers. Baria, with delight, responded not only about special effects used in the filming, but also the "Spitfire" aircraft. Young Irishtan divided the platform with Kenneth Warrant, Tom Hardy, Killian Murphy. In the frames of the film sounded the voice of the Oscar laureate Sir Michael Kane.

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The film is already awarded the awards of numerous American and British professional unions. The American Institute of Cinema has included the picture in the top ten of the best films of the year. Barry received a premium in the nomination "Acting breakthrough of the year."

In a detective thriller "Murder of Sacred Deer" Barry Keogan adopted the experience of Hollywood's recognized stars Nicole Kidman, Alisia Silverstone and Colin Farrell. The joint work of American, British and Irish cinematographers participated in the main competition of the Cannes Festival of 2017, where he received a prize for the best scenario.

Keogan fulfilled the role of a teenager who sheltered the family of the cardiac surgeon. But Martin was not a simple boyfriend, but the son of a man who deceased on the operating table. On trouble, this doctor was the hero Farrell. And Martin grew up and set out the goal of revenge.

At the Sandomin Film Festival in January 2018, a new picture was presented with the participation of Barry Keogan - the criminal drama "American animals". The film is based on real events of the Robbery of the University of Transylvanian library.


  • 2011 - "between the channels"
  • 2012 - "Stalker"
  • 2013 - "Stay"
  • 2014 - "Love / Hate"
  • 2015 - Norfolk
  • 2016 - "Mammal"
  • 2017 - "Murder of Sacred Deer"
  • 2017 - "Dunkirk"
  • 2018 - "American Animals"

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