Ivonne Insurance - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Australian actress of Polish origin, made a career in Hollywood, known to the audience roles in the detective drama "Dexter" and the comedy TV series "Chuck".

Actress Ivonne Insurance

In 2017, Ivonne Stravski reminded themselves: the serial lovers saw the blonde artist in the multi-stage drama "Major's story", where she got a key role. She is again at the peak of popularity.

Childhood and youth

Yvonn Jacqueline Strozhovski was born in the south-east of the green continent - in the new South Wales in the summer of 1982. Here, in the suburb of Sydney - Marube, her parents stopped, emigrants from Polish Tomashawa-Mazovsky. In Australia, Peter and God, the Strozhovsky arrived in search of a better place under the sun shortly before the birth of her daughter.

There were no artists or people of a different type of art in the family of a future Hollywood actress. Father - Electrical Engineer, Mom worked with a laboratory man.

Ivonne Insurance in Youth

Inspiration and the desire to reincarnate the Ivonn for the first time in grade 9: on the stage of the Catholic school for girls, where she studied, put the "twelfth night" on the play of the British classic. Drowning in the appelodisments of the audience, the girl realized that he knew where to move after her after graduating from Santa Sabina college.

In 2003, Ivonn was awarded a diploma of the University of West Sydney: Strozhovski received a degree of bachelor of arts. On the stage and in the center of spectator attention, Ivonn felt confidence: the student repeatedly went on the stage of the Nepina theater.


Career Ivonne on television began in 2004 by the role of the Suzy in the Satyric Show "Double Kulak". From 2005 to 2006, the actress played in the Australian soap opera "Part of the Earth", starred in episodes of several TV shows.

In 2007, the actress appeared in the Anglo-Australian thriller "Missing", the adventure TV series "Sea Patrul", and next year the audience of the green continent saw Ivonne in the Network Comedy. The growing army of fans and film critics noted that insurance is organic in all genres.

Ivonne Insurance in the series

In American TV projects, Australian appeared in the mid-2000s and was spotted by producer Josh Schwarz. His project "Chuck" turned Ivonne Insurance to Hollywood star. On his initiative, she changed the difficult-acting Polish surname to the one under which is known in cinema and occurs in the credits.

In the role of Agent Sarah Walker Actress appeared in the 5 seasons of an adventure-comedy project. On the set "Chuck", Ivonne met from Zakari to Levy and Joshua Gomez, with whom appeared in keywords. The series glorified the girl, and six months later she moved to America. Parents of the Yvonne moved to the USA, for which she missed.

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In the cinematic biography of Ivonne Insurance, the Schwartz project played a turning point. The artist was willingly invited American directors, but also the compatriots of Australian did not refuse, taking off between the two continents.

In October 2009, the premiere of the American thriller Richard Harrach "Canyon" took place in the United States, and in 2010 the Australian comedy "I love you too" came to the screens. In these projects, insurance was starred in chief roles.

Ivonne Insurance in the film

In 2011, the premiere of an action-thriller "Professional" was held, which was based on the Roman Ranulf Fains "Men". In the island film, Ivonne Insurance appeared in the form of a charming Anna, a killer's beloved International class Danny Brys. The latter played charismatic Jason Statham. Bright roles in the thriller received Clive Owen and Robert de Niro.

To hear and see an animated Ivonne Insurance fans were able, when the computer game Mass Effect 2. The actress voiced Miranda Lawson, the image of which "sketched" from the actress.

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After the filming of filming in "Chuck" in 2012, insurance was not left without work: in the same year the comedy was published by Ann Fletcher "Curse of My Mother", where Ivonne appeared in the star company Barbara Streisand.

In 2012, the shooting of the detective drama "Dexter" started, the creator of which was made by the screenwriter and the cozer of the 1st season "Clan Soprano" James Manos. The story of Serge Maniac Dexter Morgan (Michael Hall), who settled by a forensic expert in Miami police, came to the audience and stretched to 8 seasons. The project was nominated at EMMI and Saturn, but the US parents condemned the tape for excessive cruelty.

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In 2013, the final season of Dexter was released. Ivonna Insurance, spectators learned in the mysterious heroine Hanne McCay. Hannah is a key character of the 7th season.

Next year, charming Australian appeared in 3 projects. In the urban fantasy "I, Frankenstein" she played the main female character, adama beloved (Aaron Echard). Having friendly during filming with a partner, the actress congratulated him with the nomination at Emmy from the page of his "Twitter" a humorous post.

Ivonne Insurance and Jason Statham

The artist appeared in the 4th season of the Black Comedy "Louis" in the role of heroine Blake, rich in supermodel, which starts a novel with the main character in the execution of the comic of Louis Si Kay. Sitkom turned out to be quite popular in the United States thanks to a non-standard plot and celebrity participation, such as Joan Riverz, David Lynch, Chloe Sevigny, Robin Williams.

Ivonne Insurance in the film

In the 9th season of the dramatic series "24 hours: live another day", Ivonne is reincarnated in the Central CIA Agent, which participates in the capture of a runaway ex-agent who Jack (Santorland Kiefer). In 2015, the premiere of the mini-series "Club of Women of Astronauts" was held on the ABC TV channel, where Strahchski again shone in the foreground.

In 2016, the actress played a key role in the Mystical Thriller "Manhattan Night", where appeared in Tandem with Adrian Brody. The premiere of the film took place in May.

Personal life

In 2009, insurance ranked 94 lists in the list of "hot women of the world" according to the version of the "Maxim" publication. In 2012, Ivonn rose to the 35th step. Help of beauty 1.76 m, weight - not higher than 59 kg. On the pages of the rating magazine were presented a photo of an actress in a bathing suit of a bodily color.

For a long time, Ivonne was not solved for serious relationship, limited to fleeting novels. Having moved to the United States, the girl in a comic form reported in an interview, which will become a Patriotka of America even with respect to guys.

Ivonne Insurance and Tim Lodan

Changes in the personal life of Ivonne Insurance occurred in 2017: the Hollywood Star went under a crown with a colleague Tim Lodan. The wedding became an unemployed event, only relatives and friends of the couple attended the celebration. By the time of marriage, the novel lasted 6 years. Ivonne and her husband - not the best candidates for the paparazzi and journalists of yellow tabloids: never the actors did not give an occasion for wovers and scandalous publications.

Ivonne insurance without makeup

The star adores animals and supports the organization of a retail speaking for the rights of the smaller brothers. In 2010, the actress was filmed for a record with a call not to buy cats or dogs, but to take from shelters of animals, which euthanasia awaits. The artist places photos of animals in social networks, which are in a critical state due to the fault of their people. She calls on the owners of four-legged pets to be more responsible in relation to helpless beings. The actress itself is the owner of two charming pieces.

Ivonne Insurance in a swimsuit

Insurance is fond of mountaineering and dancing. Having a tourism actress is paying all his free time. Ivonne hiking goes to the company of his spouse Tim.

Ivonne insurance now

In the spring of 2017, the premiere of the American Drama Bruce Miller "Major Story" took place. This is an adaption of the novel of Margaret Evwood about the fictional totalitarian state, where women have lost the ability to give birth: one of the hundred is capable of making a child. In order to reproduce the offspring, camps were created, where women from common people are preparing to give birth to officers of heirs.

Ivonne Insurance received the role of the spouse of the Commander - Serena. Movie-husband actresses became the British colleague Joseph Fains, famous for the world viewer, in the drama "Shakespeare in love". Ribbon received a warm auditorium. With colleagues in the TV series Ivonne visited the studio of the popular evening television show NBC "Late Night with Conan O'Brien". In the spring of 2018, the premiere of the 2nd season, after which 3 part of the television was announced.

In May 2018, it became known about the pregnancy of Ivonne Insurance. The girl placed the corresponding post at his page in "Instagram". The photo was captured by the changed figure of the actress. Fans congratulated the star with the expected replenishment in the family and wished the spouses of healthy children and happiness in marriage. Now the actress together with her husband went on a trip in America. She publishes snapshots of American prairies and mountain landscapes. In the photo, the actress often appears without makeup.

About pregnancy Ivonne Insurance first recognized subscribers

In addition to changes in family life, the Filmography of Insurance continues to replenit. The actress tried her strength in the horror genre, starring in the movie "He's there." Yvonn embodied on the screen the image of a mother of two children, the family of which becomes an object of attacking a mentally unbalanced person. Also, the actress lit up in the Thriller "Predator", the release date of which was held on September 7, 2018.

In addition to the released films, the celebrity concluded a contract for participation in the film project "My Angel". The main character in which Ivonne is to be reincarnated - a woman who has lost the child and the deprived of mind. In the new film, the actress will again have to show their outstanding dramatic abilities.


  • 2007 - "Missing"
  • 2007 - Sea Patrol
  • 2008 - "Network"
  • 2009 - "Canyon"
  • 2010 - "Jack's compliance"
  • 2011 - "Professional"
  • 2007-12 - "Chuck"
  • 2012-13 - Dexter
  • 2014 - "I, Frankenstein"
  • 2014 - "Louis"
  • 2014 - "24 hours: live another day"
  • 2015 - "Wives of Astronauts"
  • 2016 - "Manhattan Night"
  • 2017-2018 - "Major Story"
  • 2018 - "He is there"

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