Duramar - Biography, Description, Actors and Equipment


Character History

Charlatan and the greedy man of durraar from the fairy tale about the exciting adventures of Pinocchio enters the quartet of the main negative heroes. The seller of leeches is an excellent marketer in the field of pharmacology. And this is his only talent.

History of creation

Stripping on a new way the magic story of the Italian writer Carlo Collodi "Adventures Pinocchio. The story of a wooden doll ", Alexei Tolstoy left only the idea of ​​the original. The fairy tale of the "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" turned out to be at all like a overseas source, both a set of heroes and plot lines.

Alexey Tolstoy

Part of the characters the writer although the European colleague borrowed from the European colleague, but did change them to be unrecognizable. So, Pinocchio is made of Plino, as well as Pinocchio, but in appearance and character little reminds of its predecessor. The "Russian" boy does not grow nose from the lies, and the results of adventures do not depend on the funny trial. Some heroes are at all the fruit of Alexei Nikolayevich's imagination. These include, for example, Karabas Barabas and Piero. Duramar is also exclusively the author's idea.

The prototype of Durramar is considered to be an eccentric contemporary Alexei Tolstoy. At the end of the 19th century, Dr. French Jacques Kulemard was settled in Moscow, which was used non-standard treatment method in those days. Medicine from 100 diseases, the healer considered leeches.

Durramara had a prototype - Dr. Jacques Boopleard

These unpleasant worms are a funny old old man in a summer course, I caught myself in a swamp, having a long Balahon, saving from mosquitoes, - in such a robe his leaning figure acquired a comicness.

An unusual appearance invariably attracted the attention of the defeats, for which the children, reinforcing the name of the doctor, teased him by Durramar. The man became a real city landmark and a permanent guest of secular salons: the public was rolled with a laughter when Jacques showed the rules of treatment with leeches.

However, part of the researchers of Tolstoy's creativity is confident that the details of the story are a parody of the opposition of two theaters and directories of Constantine Stanislavsky and Vsevolod Meyerhold, which is opposed to the stake in the early 20th century.

Vladimir Solovyov (Voldemar Lyticinius)

Duramar is very much reminded by the appearance of the assistant Meyerhold Vladimir Solovyova, who was hiding behind the pseudonym Voldemar Lycinius, is the same thin, high and wears a long-oil coat. According to this analogy, the meaning of the word "Duramar" is guessed: allegedly it happened as a result of the merger named Voldemar and the offensive "fool."

Today, the word "Duramar" became a nominable for people who love to keep a fool, clogging around the head, "there are meaningless fool."

Image and plot

The flattering duplicate from "Buratino" perfectly owns sales skills. The hero catches leeches in the marshy ponds and advertises their therapeutic power of patients. Ethics for the character - the thing is an unknown, the healer does not see the unsubstantial boundaries between good and evil, putting the ministry to the first place to those who are stronger.


For them, he is ready to provide mortgage services without bending to commit meanness. However, none of the case takes under his leadership - Durireman of the Nepitential and is distinguished by reinforced concrete calm. Laconic assessment of this grinding character gave Pierrot in his poem, where he calls him the "ugly curl".

In the fairy tale, Alexei Tolstoy Catcher of Leawas is conquered by the will of Karabas-Barabas and not forgets to mark itchingly: "I'm glad to serve." The director of the puppet theater, albeit the services of a dubious doctor, but the specificity of treatment suggests horror on bearded.

Duramar and Puratino

The clerger and the diamospher turns out to be a traitor: when smelled fried and it became clear that Karabas defeats, Durirem instantly moves to the side of yesterday's opponent. The seller of leeches asked for a service to Dad Carlo to a new theater, but the author of the work did not open the secret - they believed the renounced bastard or not.

In the fairy tale, Durramar appears only for the fifth day (the entire plot took six days). The fools escaped from the country of Pyratino on the way met Pierro, who also escaped, but from the theater. It turned out that at night the sad doll overheard the conversation of the owner of the temple Melpomenen with Durramar. The seller of leeches told about the golden key, resting at the bottom of the pond at the turtle of Tortila.

Duramar and Karabas Barabas

After the fight with Pinocchio, Duramar drank from the tree with a beard of Karabas-Barabas and went to Harchevna "Three Pescar" with him. Thoroughly rebuild, they planned to make a chase for escaped dolls.

When the road is almost saved by heroes blocked the quartet consisting of Karabas, Foxia Alice, Cat Basilio and Durrara, Pope Carlo came to the rescue. The maler of swamp versions flew back and fell from Kosoyra in his element - a froggy pond.

Actors and roles

Characters of the work of Tolstoy came to life thanks to the Soviet film industry, and today the directors do not cease to turn to the plot of fairy tales to please the viewer with bright projects.

The creative piggy bank of the director Alexander Ptushko decorates the unusual formulation of the "Golden Key". The film in 1939 is involved both dolls and actors, disguised into "puppet" costumes. The film is notable for the fact that Alexey Tolstoy himself worked on the script. Dramrara played Sergey Martinson in this picture.

Sergey Martinson as Durramar

Sign screening belongs to "Peru" directed by Leonid Nechayev - a two-seater musical film "The Adventures of Pino" became a sensation in 1976. Vladimir Etush (Karabas-Barabas), Rolan Bykov (Basilio Cat) and Elena Sanaeva (Fox Alisa) were brilliantly played by the main villains.

Under the description of the book Durrara, Vladimir Basov was ideal - the same thin and lanky. Although he managed to add the hero touching features. And as the actor sang a song "Duramara's song", created on the music of Alexey Rybnikov and the words of Yuri Entin! Today, Russian audiences are joking that this composition could serve as a hymn to the disseminisers of the Balds.

Vladimir Basov as Durramar

Since the end of the 90s, the adventures of a wooden boy became the basis for fantasies of directors of show projects. The amazing interpretation of the fabulous plot was presented by the TV viewer Dean Mahamatdinov. In the film "The newest adventures of Buratino", a wooden boy suddenly turned into a singer's girl (Christina Orbakaite), Karabas became a criminal authority (Bogdan Titomir), and Durramar - Producer (Arkady Ukcupnik).

In the New Year's musical "Golden Key", which entertained the spectators of the channel "Russia-1" in 2009, in Dramrara reincarnated with Efim Shifrin.

Efim Shifrin as Durramar

The leech also appears in two cartoons. In the hand drawn picture of the "Adventures of Buratino" (1959) the character tells Grigory Spiegel by the voice. In 2013, the Catherine Mikheilov multiplier created a continuation of the Soviet cartoon, calling him the "Return of Pinocchio". According to the author's idea, the heroes found themselves in modern Moscow, while some of the characters changed the names and even classes. For example, Duramara is now Mavero Maidur - a former charlatan-vehicle left a cuckoo with him and trampled toys. Voiced antagonist Actor Boris Smallkin.


"And I have nothing to do with it. Very here, nothing to do with it! OP! Out! "" Another five thousand buckets, and consider the most respectable, that you have a key in your pocket! "" Enough appetite, Signor! I swear with leeches, Spaghetti beautiful! "" What did you do, the old floating suitcase! "" Karabas: - There is something white black.

Duramar: - There is something black there whine. "

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