Louis XIII - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Board



Louis XIII is the king of France and Navarre from May 14, 1610. The history of France entered the nickname "fair."

Portrait of Louis XIII.

His personality is repeatedly mentioned in the fiction, especially in the works of eminent French writers, for example, Alexander Duma and Alfred De Vinya. But even the French themselves believe that the image of Louis XIII in these novels is very distorted.

Childhood and youth

Louis XIII was born on September 27, 1601. His father Heinrich IV was the first king from the Bourbon dynasty. Mother - Maria Medici, originally from Florence, Daughter of the Great Duke Tuscany Francesco I. The marriage of Heinrich and Mary was concluded solely to preserve the influence of France in Italy.

Maria Medici, in addition to Louis, gave birth to five more sons, but before the majority they lived only Louis XIII and his brother Gaston Orleans.

Louis XIII in childhood

Childhood Louis lived in the Castle of Saint-Germain-An-Lee, Albert De Luin was engaged in his upbringing - the congestion of Heinrich IV. He taught him the hunt, training of dogs, skipping falcons, playing musical instruments. Already in three years, the boy played on Little. Mother did not feel any special feelings for his son, explaining this by the fact that the future king should be raised in rigor and discipline.

Louis was extremely stubborn. Therefore, right up to marriage on Anna Austrian main instrument of education Mary Medici was a whip, and Henry IV himself favorably belonged to the strain.

Louis XIII in youth

In 1610, Louis debuted in Dofina's ballet. In 1615 he participated in Madame ballet. And for the famous "Merleson Ballet" he himself composed and music, and dances, and even created suits. He also appeared in this ballet in the episodic roles of the peasant and merchant. The boy had a great memory, he loved to listen to fairy tales and historical stories, consider geographic maps.

When Louis was 8 years old, his father of King Heinrich IV was killed, and the authorities moved to Mary Medici and her favorite of Konchino. The king was recognized as an adult in 1614, but even after that the power remained in the hands of the Queen Regent.

Louis XIII.

Soon, Louis on the advice of Luin decided to remove the end from his way. The favorite of the mother was killed, the Medici referred to the castle of Blois, and Louis becomes a full king. But he is only 16 years old, therefore, on the fact of rules by the state, Albert de Line.

By the way, Louis grew by a melancholic and painful child. There were hormonal failures, until 23 years old did not grow bristles on his face, so he did not use the merchandise for a long time. But when the beard began to grow, he learned to shave himself, and soon he shaved all his officers who did all his officers, while he did everything on a new way. It is believed that it was he who invented a special "royal" beard with a clina.

Governing body

During Regency, Mary Medici in the Palace, Cardinal Richelieu appears. During this period, France is in decline. The country is threatened by the powerful powers of Europe - Spain and Austria. In the courtyard weave intrigues and conspiracies.

Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu

The young king of Louis XIII and Richelieu do not find a common language, and after the murder of the death, he refers Cardinal in Luzon. Of course, Louis notices the reform abilities of Cardinal Richelieu, so after the death of Alber de Lune he returns to the courtyard and soon becomes the first minister.

The main objectives of Richelieu are the crushing of Huguenots and the reduction of the power of nobility. His policy is inextricably linked with denunciations, spying, forgery. But Louis did not be brutal solutions. Many representatives of the French aristocracy ended their lives on the scaffold, and their requests for pardon before the king remained unanswered.

Louis XIII crown goddess Victoria

In 1628, King Louis XIII authorizes a military campaign against the Huggenic opposition, which was in the fortress of La Rochelle. In 1627, the English fleet landed there. He headed this military campaign itself Cardinal Richelieu.

Of course, many decisions of the Prime Minister King closed his eyes, in some questions, did not want to understand at all. But, in fact, all state affairs conducted by Richelieu. Louis such a guard was not to taste. Once, complaining about Cardinal to his favorite and lover Marquis de Saint-Maru, he suggested to kill him. But the conspiracy against a person with his own espionage system was not crowned with success. As a result, Saint-Mar was executed. Soon, Louis learned about the death of his mother.

King Louis XIII

These tragic events were upset the king, but there was no time to indulge in grieving. His health is rapidly deteriorating, as well as the domestic political situation in the country, and he has a lot of incomplete affairs. Richelieu leaves for December 4, 1642. After his death, Louis for the first time gets the opportunity to edit on their own.

Personal life

Since 1612, Louis has already been engaged with Anna Austrian, the daughter of the Spanish king. His mother Maria Medici took care of this, which was striving for rapprochement with Spain. But Louis XIII himself was not located to women. In some sources, for example, the work of Emil Mag is described by its favorable attitude towards the near servants-men.

Wedding Louis XIII with Anna Austrian

The wedding with Anna took place in November 1615. The spouses were young, so their first marriage night was postponed for two years. Anna Austrian rushed to Paris with hope for a happy marriage and a fun life, but soon realized that marriage with the king was doomed on boredom and loneliness. Louis was not located for communication, all the time was a sullen and preferred to her society music and hunting.

Albert de Lüin understood that France need a heir, and literally put Louis in bed to the spouse, but the experience turned out to be unsuccessful, and the young king did not fit the queen's bedroom for another 4 years. After such a break, the joint night still gave its fruits. Anna became pregnant, but, unfortunately, she had a miscarriage. This again removed Louis from the spouse.

Duke Beckingham and Anna Austrian

In May 1625, Paris arrives with the diplomatic mission of Duke Beckingham. And Anna falls in love, it is difficult for her to hide his feeling, it leads to the fact that her behavior is discussed at the Royal Council.

In 1628, Beckingham, along with a military campaign, landed under La Rochele, where he was killed. Anna Austrian, having learned about it, was extremely saddened. But the king on the contrary. A few days after this news, he ordered Anna to participate in the court spectacle and received a lot of pleasure from her mental suffering.

Louis XIV, Son Louis XIII

During this period, the King of Louis appears a new favorite - Francois de Barrada. For six months, the charming young man "grows" in the captain of the residence of Burbones. But the young man was quick-tempered and unnamed, so he soon falls in love with the queen's Freillina, and the king is dismissed.

In a series of bets, lovers and favorites, many thought that the Union of the King and Queen would remain fruitless, but in 1638, Anna Austrian was born a son - Louis XIV, the future "King Sun". In 1640, their second son was born - Philip I Orleans.


In March 1643, King Louis XIII began to suffer inflammation of the stomach. He was tormented by endless attacks of vomiting, alternating with diarrhea. Soon he became so weak that he did not even go outside.

The grave of Louis XIII

The queen was undeveloped at the bed of his spouse. On May 14, 1643, the king died. A year and a half, he was buried in the royal tomb of Saint-Denis next to his mother.


  • 1610 - Picture "Portrait of Louis XIII", France Junior Purbus
  • 1624 - Painting "Birth of Louis XIII", Peter Paul Rubens
  • 1625 - Picture "Louis XIII", Peter Paul Rubens
  • 1639 - Painting "Large front portrait of King Louis XIII", Philip de Champagne
  • 1824 - Painting "Ven Louis XIII", Jean Auguste Dominic Engr
  • 1974 - Book "Entertaining stories. Louis thirteenth ", Tallemander de Circle
  • 2001 - French Yearbook "Noble Surroundings of Louis XIII", Shishkin V. V.
  • 2002 - Book "Casual Life in the Epoch of Louis XIII", Emil Mag

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