Evgeny Vesterger - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Evgeny Vesterger - an extraordinary personality. In addition to the fact that the Soviet and Russian film actor worked fruitfully on the theater scene, he voiced the films, wrote the book, spoke on the radio, put the performances. Late on cinema standards Success does not diminish the advantages of a magnificent artist, as evidenced by an extensive list of awards and audience love.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Yakovlevich Vesterger - from St. Petersburg, born at the beginning of the winter of 1923 in the family of a housewife and official of the Soviet industry. Yakov Ilyich's father from merchants, in 1917 joined RPK (b), fought at the fronts of the Civil War, was awarded two orders of the Red Banner. With the mother of the future actor, Evgenia Kistrankova, met in the hospital in Baku. Eugene graduated from a conservatory, served in the Opera House.

Actor Evgeny Vesinger

At the end of senior engineering courses, Yakov worked in Sweden, the USA, Germany as a sales representative, supervised the supply of equipment and equipment for metallurgical plants. One of them - Krivorozhstal - was soon appointed director. He was awarded the Order of Lenin. In order to keep up with her husband, Eugene graduated from poultry courses, headed by a poultry farm, was among the organizers of the movement for the improvement of the life of workers.

Evgeni's father was shot at the height of Stalin's repression. Mother spent nine years in camps. Son of the enemies of the people waited for the fate of the orphanage. But the boy escaped during the move, came to Kharkov and turned for help to Mikhail Kalinin, with whom his father was friends. "All-Union Older" helped the boy register in the parent apartment. There was a muster for money from the sale of things, then settled on the plant for the production of gas masks.

Evgeny Vesterger in youth

With the scene the future star of the cinema introduced the teacher in literature Anna Dmitrievna Tyutchev. Being a lonely woman, the greatness of the Russian poet surrounded the meanness of the mother's care. The teacher advised the disciple to enter theatrical, and later Anna Dmitrievna wrote detailed reviews for each work job.

Before the beginning of the war, Evgeny Vesinger filed documents immediately to MCAT, Gityis, School of Schepkin and Vakhtangov. In the Theater School named after Schepkin at the Small Theater, he entered. In the autumn of the 1941th, the School and the theater were evacuated to Chelyabinsk. The following year, the See for the army. After graduating accelerated artillery courses, Evgeny fought at the Karelian and Belarusian fronts, under Königsberg. For the manifestation of the courage, the Hero "Trembit" was awarded two medals "for the courage" and the Order of the Red Star.

Evgeny Vesterger in youth

And even during his studies in the artillery school, Vestecka found time for amateur amateur. Interactiveness of art, one can say, came out sideways: Evgenia, the only course assigned the title "Junior lieutenant", while his fellow students left the School by Lieutenants.

Demobilized in 1946, the See returned to the student bench and graduated from the school with honors. However, in the reception of the Small Theater, where the young actor has already played, he was refused. The notorious brand "Son of the enemy of the people" said. Eugene settled in the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky.


On the stage of the Stanislavsky DramaTheater, the now called "Electro Stanislavsky", the young artist began with the roles of old men. To such fact, the Seener was even glad, because a real reincarnation school was held. At the same time, the actor tried the forces in the director: put on the scene of the native Pieces Theater Herman Matveev "Flash" and the play Maxim Zhzhury-Kalinovsky and Lev Ustinov "True about his father."

Evgeny Vesterger in the role of Ostap Bender

The scene of the Theater of Stanislavsky Evgeny went out for seven seasons. Then his house became the Moscow Theater of Satira, to whom the artist dedicated nine years. An icon in the creative biography of the See Bender took the Ostap Bender in the production of the "Golden Calf" and "Twelve Chairs". In the role of a charming passing, the artist appeared almost 600 times.

In 1963, Eugene Seefter, finally, falls into the troupe of his beloved small theater. This temple Melpomen's artist served until 1992. We remember fans of performances with the participation of Evgenia Yakovlevich "Wedding of Krechinsky", "Macropulosity", "Lord Golovy". In the "Auditor", the actor embodied the ideas of Yuri Solkin and their own interpretations of the play.

Evgeny Mesign and Anatoly Papanov in the theater

At the same time, the spectators could watch the audience on the workout of the "Sphere" theater ("Theater Romance" on Mikhail Bulgakov, "Letters to the Stranger" Andre Morua), and the Theater of the Mossoveta ("Evening Light" Alexey Arbuzov). The Seener left the theatrical scene when he left the generation of old actors with whom he started when the atmosphere was replaced and lost in love with his profession.


When they talk about Evgenia See Movie, the first thing that comes to mind is the role of Mathematics Teachers in the "Adventures of Electronics" and the White Officer in "New Adventures of Elusive".

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However, the debut is considered to be the role of Rodrigo in the film "Othello", lifted back in 1955. For the embodiment of the character of Peter Grunina in the picture "Case No. 306" Evgenia awarded the title "Honorary Policeman".

The main characters in the artist rarely were rarely, but the secondary memorable were remembered by Grotesque, a specific reprimand, a gait or some other "chip". Such finds of the reincarnation was surprised by the audience in the old man of Hottabic, "seven old men and one girl", "bat", "Pivik club".

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Unique intonations of Voice of Eugene Yakovlevich are heard in the artistic and animated paintings of the "favorite of New Orleans" with Mario Lance, "Age of Love" with Lolita Torres, "Adventures of Buratino", "Spartak", "Cat in Boots". And films with Marcello Mastroanni are simply inconceivable in another voice acting.

Personal life

On the personal life of Evgeny Vester, the legends in theatrical and film circles go. The first wife of Claudia Shinkina is a classmate. A happy marriage was prevented by a meeting with a singer, Gypsy Lyalya black.

Evgeny Mesign and Lyal Black

With the soloist of the Roman Theater, the actor was not officially painted. Certain freedom contributed to a new passion, this time a colleague on the theater of satire by the Demidova. Roman caused envy in the theater. Nick presented the Son Mester, who was named after Father - Eugene. Seven years later, Demidov left her husband to a football player of the Moscow "Spartak".

A charming artist who knows how to be funny and touching, in bachelors walked for a short time. The next lady of the heart was called Galina Zenkina, an employee is not a few of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union. The son of Anton was born in marriage. But the family nest existed only a year.

Evgeny Seener and Galina Zenkina

In 1971, the former wife of Friend of Nonna (Susanna) of Kamenev with his daughter came to listen to the verdare. Methyl girl in artists. Evgeny Yakovlevich dissuaded Marina from a non-permanent career. And Nonna Gavrilovna 40 years accompanied the actor in life.

Evgeny Seener and his wife Nonna

The children of Evgeny Vesterfaow argued that the last wife of the Father during his life prevented them with communication, did not even report the death of the artist to the closest relatives. In turn, Nonna Kamenev said that the sons and their mother were problematic, so Eugene did not live in those families.

Anton and Evgeny Vesterner Jr. made a career, far from cinema and theater. The eldest son is a successful builder, the younger chose a photo.

Children Eugene Vestecka: Evgeny and Anton

Descendants respect the artist for creativity, beating over the edge. Having left the scene, Evgeny Yakovlevich plunged into writing books and the author's program on the radio. From under his feather there were 19 books, among which I will not lie, "curiosities", "I give, I remember." On the TV channel "Culture" conducted the transmission of "acting bikes" - stories about theatrical life, funny cases with people with whom fate brought.


People's Artist of the USSR died in Moscow. Before that, the Seeminger suffered pneumonia, suffered from attacks of asthma.

The grave of Evgenia Vestefstan

In April 2009, Yevgeny Yakovlevich was hospitalized with suspicion of stroke, but as a result, a vascular spasm was called the cause of death. Actor is buried on the Trocerovsk cemetery.


  • 1964 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1968 - "New adventures of elusive"
  • 1970 - "Adventures of Yellow Suitcase"
  • 1974 - "Three days in Moscow"
  • 1978 - "Macrofulosity"
  • 1979 - "Adventures Electronics"
  • 1982 - "Wizard"
  • 1987 - "Other Solgar"
  • 1990 - "Cap"
  • 1992 - "On Deribasovskaya, good weather, or on Brighton Beach again come rain"
  • 1994 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"

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