Johann Strauss - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Music, Works



No matter how surprisingly, but dance music two centuries ago were considered a genre of frivolous, causing indulgent smiles at best. Pereomil the situation Austrian composer and conductor Johann Strauss, no wish, named by the king of the Waltz.

Childhood and youth

When it comes to Johanne Strauss, next to the surname is usually indicated by explanation - son or father. The ancestor of the dynasty, also Johann Strauss - an equally well-known composer and virtuoso violinist and also composed the waltzes. Sons went to his footsteps and chose life in music. The father rehearsed at home, but, oddly enough, it categorically objected that the children repeat his fate.

Portrait of Johann Strauss

In Johanne-younger, the man saw a banker, in Josef - an officer. Conductor art and violin game Senior Son learned almost secret from a harsh parent. Amazingly did not yet be rebored in the house playing the piano and singing in the church choir. The mother insisted on it, which considered that under these conditions, the secular education of children would be full.

By the way, to own the bow Strauss-Jr. studied by Franz Amon, the first violin in the Strauss-senior orchestra. In parallel with this, the young man submitted to the will of his father and entered the Polytechnic School. Economic education in the future played a musician in the future.

Johann Strauss in youth

At the peak of popularity, Johann created several orchestras who spent around the city. Having encouraged one work, the composer moved to another place, and there the trick was repeated. Thus, the wishes of the public were satisfied to hear the maestro, and the income increased at times.

The support of the young man received only from the mother, Anna Strenim. Fearing that the Father will destroy his sown career who has already turned into a decent competitor, Anna divorced her husband. Especially since the older Strauss lived in fact in another family, with the fan of Emily Trambush. The angry head of the family deprived Anna and her children inheritance.

Johann Strauss

Father and Son did not coincide and in the adoption of revolutionary trends of the 1840s. The eldest rose to the side of the Habsburgs. The younger wrote the "march of the rebels", who received the name of the "Vienna Mosselease". After the suppression of the uprising, the Johann-Son came under the trial. However, the public cooled to the Father.

Positive changes in the biography of Johann began only after the death of the Father. Strauss-younger did not hold evil, dedicated to the Father Waltz and published the score of his musical works. Subsequently, six of his brothers born in two families chose the composer's path.


Already in 19 years, Strauss has acquired his own orchestra and successfully performed. The debut took place in a casino not far from the Austrian capital of Vienna. Father connected all his connections so that the talented son did not get solid platforms like salons and especially - the imperial palace.

Composer Johann Strauss

After the death of his father, uniting groups, Strauss went through the country with concerts, played at the courtyard of Emperor Franz Joseph. The young man conducted the execution of his own waltz, the poles, marches, but did not forget the heritage of his father.

The popularity of Johann gained momentum, he was not afraid to divide the fame with the brothers Edward and Josef. The elder brother considered the youngest talented, and simply popular. Very soon the glory of the composer and the conductor went beyond the limits of Native Austria. Triumphal tour of Germany, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia followed. Strauss turned out to be unusually apparent melodically, according to his own admission, the music "was far like water from the crane."

Eduard Strauss, Johann Strauss and Joseph Strauss

Johann Strauss-Son is considered the founder of the Vienna Waltz - works consisting of the entry, four or five melodic constructions and conclusion. Peru of the composer belongs to 168 waltzes, which for centuries enjoy music lovers.

Especially for court ballots, the musician creates the pearls of the collection - the longest waltz "Tales of the Vienna Forest", "Rejoice in Life", "on the beautiful Blue Danube." Folklore motifs are clearly sounded in the first one. The latter, referred to as the "Blue Danube" and first sounded at the World Exhibition in Paris, is considered an unofficial anthem of Austria.

Among the most popular waltz Johann Strauss are called "Spring Voices". For the first time, the work was performed at a charity concert in the theater "An der Win", remains the mandatory attribute of secular rounds and balls. In Europe, the XX and XXI centuries "Spring Voices" - a symbol of the New Year celebration.

In the twentieth century, ballets were created on the basis of the closer wals. Johanna's masterpieces are not just music for dancing. They are considered specialists and simple fans as independent, possessing the artistic value of the work.

In the 1870s, Johann passed the court functions of Brother Eduard and began to compose operetta, again, being the founder of a separate classic genre. There were 15 of them 15, as well as ballet and comic opera. Not one generation of artists won star status, fulfilling the party from the "bat", "Gypsy Barona", "Goddess of Razua".

At the same time, the composer visited the US tour. There, the Strauss gave 14 concerts and established a world record, conducted by the orchestra in a thousand people. For the sake of this single overseas trip, the musician refused a contract with Tsarskoye railways and an incredible at the time of the fee of 22 thousand rubles. In the future, Johann abandoned such giganty for the needs of the public, despite the fact that the impresario promised the big fees.

Personal life

The composer visited Russia five times, where he spoke with the orchestra at the Summer Pavlovsky seasons. There, Johann became acquainted with Olga Smirnitskaya and asked the hands of the girl. However, Olga's parents did not want to give a foreigner's daughter. The musician dedicated to the Russian muse the waltz "Farewell to St. Petersburg".

Olga Smirnitskaya, Russian Sweetheart Johann Strauss

After the conductor found out that his beloved married, he comforted in the arms of the opera singer Henrietta Hulepal. A woman brought up seven children from different men, while never being married. Henrietta became not just his wife, she supported her husband in creativity and came to writing operetta.

Henrietta Halupetskaya, the first wife of Johann Strauss

After the death of Henrietta in the 1878th Strauss, barely withstanding the fraction of decency for the mournful widow, went under the crown with Angelica Dietrich. Five years later, the marriage collapsed.

Angelica Dietrich, the second wife of Johann Strauss

The last wife of the musician is Adelie Doych, a banker widow, raising the daughter of Alice. For the sake of spouse-Jewish, Johann changed faith - moved from Catholicism to Protestantism, as well as citizenship. On the rattles of formalities, it took five years, only in 1887 the strays were able to turn into her husband and his wife. None of the marriages of children did not profit the composer.

After the death of Johann, Adel devoted the life to perpetuating his memory. In the apartment where the family lived, the widow created a strauss museum, where the situation, musical instruments, wiring scores, personal belongings of the composer and conductor are preserved.


In recent years of life, Strauss has become a voluntary retention, he sat down at home, did not give concerts. I agreed only to one speech - in honor of the anniversary, the operetta "bat". The decision turned out to be Fatal: Returning from the theater, Johann was cold.

The grave of Johann Strauss.

Heavy pneumonia Plus Age did not give a chance composer. Ingenious Austrian died in June 1899. The grave is located on the central cemetery of Vienna, next to the graves of Johannes Brahms and Franz Schubert.


  • 1867 - "On the Beautiful Blue Duna"
  • 1868 - "Tales of the Vienna Forest"
  • 1869 - "Wine, Women and Songs"
  • 1874 - "Bat"
  • 1877 - "Beautiful May"
  • 1881 - "Kiss"
  • 1883 - "Spring Voices"
  • 1885 - "Gypsy Baron"
  • 1888 - "Imperial Waltz"
  • 1892 - "Knight Puman"
  • 1897 - "Goddess of Mind"

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