Konstantin Poist - biography, photos, personal life, stories, books



Konstantin Paustovsky has highlighted against the background of Soviet Prosaikov. He did not join the power, wrote at the deck of heart. And the heart of the paustic belonged to ordinary people. He considered her talent to trade the most disgusting act for the artist.

Childhood and youth

The future chanting of the nature of Russian was born in 1892 in the family of a retired officer, who served many years on the railway. The father was the descendant of Peter Sagaidakaya - the fearless leader of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. He recalled about relationship with hetman often, but not without irony.

Writer Konstantin Powesty

Grandma on the mother line was polished, zealous Catholic. With a son-in-atheist, a person impractical and freedom, she often occurred in ideological soil. The grandfather of the father's line served once the king, participated in the Turkish-Russian war, thanks to which he met with a strict eastern woman who later became his wife.

In the pedigree pausto, there are Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, and the Turks, and Poles. Nevertheless, he became a deep Russian writer, devoted the life to chanting the beauties of his native land. In adolescence, he, like many of his peers, read the poverty. A deep impression on him made a romantic story about the dreamy girl Assol. But already in the gymnasium years, Konstantin attracted not only reading, but also writing. The first essay of the young Prosaik was the story "On the water".

Konstantin Powesty in youth

Early years Konstantin spent in Moscow, then he studied in Kiev, not long in Bryansk. The family often moved. Space in 1908, after which the son rarely seen her father. The gymnasister, having received a telegram about the parent disease, immediately went to the White Church. On the way, I reflected about the father, a quick-tempered, proud, but good man. Shortly before the death, that for unknown reasons threw the service on the railway road and left for the estate owned by once grandfather.

On the death of the father later, the writer will write in the "Tale of Life". The book reflects other events from Prosaik's biography. Powesty's youth passed in Kiev. After the gymnasium entered the Faculty of Philology. In the second part of the autobiography, the author recalls a professor of philosophy, externally resembling Emil Zol. At the lectures of the eccentric teacher Paustovsky suddenly realized that the only life path for him was a writhe.

Konstantin Powesty in youth

Powesta had a sister and two brothers. The eldest did not approve of the literary hobbies of Constantine, believing that the prose and poetry are needed solely for entertainment. But he did not listen to his brother's instructions and continued to read and write to exhaustion every day.

Serene youth ended in 1914. Konstantin threw his studies, went to Moscow. Mother and sister lived in the city center, on a big plenty, later renamed red. Paustovsky was transferred to the capital university, but he studied for a long time. Worked for a while a tram conductor. At the front, the former student did not get due to myopia. Both brothers died, and in one day.


The first stories appeared in the magazine "Lights". A year before the Revolution, Pouustovsky went to Taganrog. In the hometown of Anton Chekhov began work on the book "Romance". Only in 1935 this novel saw the light. Completed at the beginning of the 20s in Odessa, where the writer spent several months, after which he returned to Moscow.

Writer Konstantin Powesty

In the capital, Paustovsky settled to work as a correspondent. It was necessary to attend rallies that were in the post-revolutionary years by an ordinary phenomenon for Moscow. The impressions of those years the writer reflected in the third part of the "Tale of Life". Here the author tells in detail about prominent politicians and revolutionaries, including Alexander Kerensky. The statement of the writer about the head of the Provisional Government:

"It was a sick person suffering from a dostoevshchina who believed in his high appointment."

Powesty where only did not happen: in the Donbas, and in Siberia, and Baltic, and in Central Asia. The writer tried many professions. Each period of his life is a separate book. Especially Prosper loved the nature of the Vladimir region. He liked the deaf forests, and blue lakes, and even abandoned roads.

Konstantin Powesty in war

The nature of these places the writer was dedicated to the stories "Côte brew", "Ballochy Nose", "Blue Merin", "Snow". In the second half of the 20th century, the mandatory program for schoolchildren entered short works of Powesta. Among them, "disheveled sparrow", "hare paws", "residents of the old house." Tales of the Soviet writer instructive, kind. "Warm bread" is a story about how residents of the village suffered punishment for the rigidity of a selfish boy.

Characters "Baskets with fir bumps" - Norwegian musician Grieng and forester's daughter. This is an uncomplicated good fairy tale for children. In 1989, the cartoon was created by telling. A total of 13 paustovsky works are shielded.

Konstantin Powesty

In the 50s, the fame of the paustovsky spread beyond the limits of the USSR. Tale and stories transferred to all European languages. Konstantin Georgievich not only wrote, but also taught. In the Literary Institute, the Proseca walked the talented teacher. Among his students are the classics of Soviet prose.

After the death of Stalin, the writer visited various countries. He was in Turkey, and in Poland, on the homeland of the ancestors. I visited Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden. Paustovsky advanced to the Nobel Prize, but the reward, as you know, received the author of the "quiet don". According to the rules, only 50 years later, the reason for failure is revealed. In 2017, it became known: "The merits of the Soviet Prose Proser do not outweigh its shortcomings." This opinion was expressed by members of the Swedish Commission.

Konstantin Powesty and Marlene Dietrich

A dedicated fan of creativity of the paustovsky became Marlene Dietrich. In the book of memories of "reasoning" she devoted him a separate chapter. The poetic prose of the paustovsky German actress rated after reading the "telegrams". This story made such a strong impression on Dietrich that since then she has remembered the work, and the name of the author who did not hear before.

At the end of the 50s, the actress came to Moscow. Then she met in the first and last time with the writer. Dietrich gave a pass to the memory of several photos. One depicts a paustic and famous actress on the scene of the house of writers.

Personal life

In 1915, Pouustovsky met his future wife. The name of her Ekaterina Zagorskaya. Wedding took place in the summer of next year under Ryazan, in a small village church. So wished Catherine. In these parts, the children of the Son of the writer Vadim, who appeared in 1925 passed.

Konstantin Powesty and Ekaterina Zagorskaya

With the first wife, Powntsky lived 20 years. According to the memoirs of the Son, the marriage remained durable until everything obeyed the work of Konstantin Georgievich. In the 30s, recognition came to the paustovsky. By that time, the spouses were tired of each other, which a considerable role was played by heavy posture-revolutionary years.

Konstantin Powesty and Valeria Navashina

When Powesta has a novel with Valery Navashina, Catherine was submitted for divorce. Later, the memoirists in their writings referred to the personal correspondence of the ex-wife of Pozaika, in which there were words "I can not forgive him a connection with that Polick."

The second wife is a daughter of the Polish painter popular in the 20s. Valeria Navashina became a writer's muse. He he devoted many works of late 30s. However, Paustovsky inspired on creativity and third spouse.

Konstantin Powesty and Tatyana Arbuzov with son

The last decisive event in the writer's personal life occurred in 1948. Pouustovsky met Tatyana Watermelova. At that time she was married to a popular playwright. Alexey Arbuzov dedicated his wife's play "Tanya." Powers married Tatiana in 1950. In this marriage, Alexey was born, who lived for only 26 years.


Powers suffered from asthma. Despite the disease, aggravated by the end of life, led active social activities. He performed in defense of the OPON writers, never participated in the injury of "dissent."

The grave of Konstantin Powesty

Once he publicly did not give the hands of the famous criticism, who was against the creator of the "Dr. Zhivago" - the book, which only the most bolds did not swear in those days. The writer died after another infarction in 1968. The name of the prose is wearing a planet, open in the late 70s.


  • 1928 - "Counter ships"
  • 1928 - "Shine clouds"
  • 1932 - "Kara-Bugaz"
  • 1933 - "The Fate of Charles Lonsievil"
  • 1933 - "Kolkhida"
  • 1935 - "Romance"
  • 1936 - "Black Sea"
  • 1937 - "Isaac Levitan"
  • 1937 - "Orest Kiprensky"
  • 1939 - "Taras Shevchenko"
  • 1963 - "Tale of Life"

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