Kuzma Scriabin - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Andrei Kuzmenko, better known as Kuzma Scriabin, the creator of the same musical team, is considered the founder of Ukrainian pop rock. The will of the case of Andrei fell into music, visited a hated music school, and becoming an adult, collected ten-thousand concert venues with his songs.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Viktorovich Kuzmenko (famous under the pseudonym Kuzma Scriabin) was born on August 17, 1968 in the city of Sambor Lviv region of Ukraine on the bank of the Dniester. Mom boy, Olga Mikhailovna, worked as a music teacher, and at the time of the student, folklore was collected in the surrounding villages. After the end of the Pedagogical Institute in Dragobych, a woman created a children's folk ensemble that performed songs that recorded Olga Mikhailovna on the old cassette tape recorder.

Kuzma Scriabin

And Viktor Kuzmich was still in his youth, he received a serious specialty and worked as an engineer at a plant associated with the chemical industry. The family Kuzmenko always connected the common creative vein. When Andrei turned 20 years old, the family was fascinated by the manufacture of clay bells, which were then painted by folk patterns. This is an interesting craft family adopted from Lithuanians after a tourist trip to Vilnius.

Realizing the importance of learning foreign languages, parents gave the Son to school with an emphasis in English. At the same time, the little Andrei learned the game on the piano in the music school at the insistence of the mother. The boy himself did not interest music at all.

Kuzma Scriabin in childhood

The first step towards a brilliant musical career became a happy accident. Andrei somehow heard the song "Lady Madonna" sounded from the speakers, then not knowing that they performed her legendary the beatles. The boy liked the melody so much that he cut out from a piece of plywood guitar, painted strings and "played" on her loved by a melody. And later Andrei tried to play music on piano. I was surprised by my own success, the boy began to compose the author's music.

In 1978, Viktor Kuzmich at work received a ticket to a sanatorium on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. On vacation, Kuzmenko's family met the famous Soviet film director Nikita Sergeyevich Mikhalkov and his son Stepan. An enterprising Andrei filed the son of the director's ball, while he played tennis, thereby earning his first money.

Kuzma Scriabin in childhood

Soon the family moved to the small town of Novoyavorovsk. There Andrei ended school all with the same in-depth study of English, continued to master the game on the piano and began to attend a sports school. There, the future singer earned and confirmed the title of CMS in Biathlon. In his free time, the young man was fond of volleyball and swimming in the pool.

In adolescence, Andrei, who was freely spoken by Polish, gladly listened to the radio station broadcasting from Poland. That period, the singer later mentioned in the text of the song "Stari Photographer". Scriabin himself recalled in an interview that during the Communism period, Polish radio stations served the youth by the window into the outside world. To hear in the speakers of rock music, Andrei with friends often climbed on the roof of 9-storey, where there was less interference on the air.

Kuzma Scriabin in youth

Given the fashion trends of Polish music, in the mid-1980s, Andrei was seriously carried away by punk rock, which in time transformed into New Vave. Nevertheless, Kuzmenko's life has not yet planned to communicate with music. Having received a certificate of average (full) general education, Andrei went to Lviv to enter medical. He was attracted by a neuropathologist's career. But with medicine, Andrei did not work out - in Lviv National Medical University named after Danil Galitsky, a young man did not do.

Andrei's upset went to study in the school, where she mastered the specialty plaster. But the purposeful Kuzmenko did not want to say goodbye to the dream of medicine and after the school was still enrolled in Petrozavodsk State University for the Medical Faculty. Having finished 1 course, Andrei went to the army, and then transferred to Lviv, where he received a dentist diploma.


Andrei Kuzmenko's music career began with Igor Yantyshin. The guys created a "chain reaction" duo, which performed songs in the style of punk rock. Texts of songs wrote mainly Andrei himself. Often he wrote words in English, and then already translated them into Russian and Ukrainian.

Singer Kuzma Scriabin

In a short period of time, Andrei performed as part of another 4 beginner music teams, where he acted as vocalist, guitarist, the author of songs and composer. Parallel Andrei performed on experimental scenes and as a solo artist. In the free time, the young man often traveled in Europe - visited Poland, Germany.

The creation of the Scriabin group in its first composition is dated June 1989. Then Andrei with Rostislav Domyshevsky (guitar, author of texts and music), Sergey Hero (keyboards), Igor Yantyshin (drummer) and Alexander Skryabin (sound engineered) created the Scriabin group, the face and heart of which Andrei Kuzmenko himself became.

Kuzma Scriabin - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death 15898_6

The first album of the team became the Anglo-Ukrainian Plate "Chuєsh Bil", which is now considered lost. At the same time, in 1989, the guys were filmed the first video in his creative biography into the title composition of the album. The name of the group was born already after entering the light of the first album and is not connected with the composer Alexander Nikolayevich Skryabin. The group is named after its member - the names of the composer.

The first concert of the young group was held in 1991 to military personnel who accepted the guys are quite indifferent. Serious work at Scriabin began in 1992 after the conclusion of the contract with the producer center. But here the musicians are not lucky. The center closed soon, and the album over which they worked, remained only in virtual space.

Kuzma Scriabin on stage

Only moving to Kiev and entering the light of the album "Ptakhi" in 1995 finally brought the popularity of "Scriabin". Songs from this plate were significantly different from previous works of musicians, they became youth and dance.

Creativity Kuzma Scriabine gradually gained popularity, although the children's solo concerts have not yet been given, but they already performed "heated" from other recognized stars of Ukrainian show business. And Andrei himself unexpectedly became a television leading.

A real exterior in Ukrainian music produced an album "Kazaki", published in 1997. In May of the same year, the first solo concert of the group took place, after which Scriabin took its place in the Ukrainian show business. The guys have repeatedly recognized as the best group, and their albums diverged by millions of circulation. Soon about "Skryabin" learned in Russia, and the geography of their concerts was significantly expanded.

In 2000, conflicts began within the group. The group's style changed again, the further albums were recorded in the style of pop rock, and the lyrics were generously squeaked with a cynical humor and a mockery.

Kuzma Scriabin

Since 2002, the Group has been working closely with political forces. So the album "winter people" comes out with the support of the election block "The Lamp Generation Team", then the Roy Domyshevsky left the team, and in a year she left another member - Shura.

In the fall of 2004, during political events in Ukraine, the guys from the first composition "Scriabin" finally broke the relationship (including friendly). And in November 2007, and Kuzma Scriabin himself thinks about the solo career outside the team. In the period from 2007 to 2015, the group released another 4 albums, rather diverse in mood and sound.

Personal life

In 1994, Andrei married a girl from the parallel class Svetlana Babichuk, and after 3 years later, a daughter was born, which Maria Barbara called. The second name of the girl gave his father due to the fact that he adored the work of Barbara Brylet. Andrew more than once emphasized the external similarity of the spouse and daughter with his beloved actress.

Kuzma Scriabin and his wife Svetlana

In his free time, Andrei loved to travel: traveleling with his wife Polmir, the singer reflected it in the text of the song "Places of Happy People". In addition, the singer loved to read, respected philosophy and was often saturated with the philosophical meaning of a song, for example, "People like ships."

The death of Kuzma Scriabin

In February 2015, Kuzma was given a concert dedicated to the anniversary of the group. And in the morning on February 2, an accident occurred from Krivoy Horn to Kiev on the highway. Andrei Kuzmenko, who was driving a car, died at the scene. The cause of death became injuries. On February 5, the funeral of the singer took place in Lviv.

Funeral Kuzma Scriabin

The driver of the truck, with whom Jeep Scriabin, suffered, but survived. In an interview with journalists, a man told that the road was slippery after the rain, and Kuzmenko rushed at a huge speed. In the photo from the scene of the accident, the car Andrei reminds a chear of the fused metal - the singer simply had no chance to stay alive.

Already after the death of the wife Svetlana Babichuk, he told in an interview that there were lyrics on political topics among her husband's personal belongings. And several songs with sharp statements Andrei have already managed to sing: "Bitch Vijna", "Sheet to President" and others. Given the complex military-political situation in Ukraine during this period, versions began to appear in the media regarding the murder of a singer for political reasons.


  • 1989 - "Chuєsh Bіl"
  • 1992 - "Mova Rib"
  • 1993 - "Tehnofit"
  • 1995 - "Ptakhi"
  • 1997 - "Villas"
  • 1998 - "Tanny Pіngvіna"
  • 1999 - "Coffic"
  • 2000 - "Fashionable Krasyna"
  • 2001 - Striptease
  • 2002 - "Winter people"
  • 2003 - "Natura"
  • 2005 - Tango
  • 2006 - "Glamor"
  • 2007 - "About Love?"
  • 2009 - "My Evolutskіya"
  • 2012 - "Radio Love"
  • 2013 - "Dobryak"
  • 2014 - "25"

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