Vladimir Danilec - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



In the 90s phrase "rabbits not only valuable fur" became a winged. She belongs to the participant of a colorful duet founded in 1987. The miniature received such a wide popularity that the permanent duet participant Vladimir Daniec and today at the audience is associated with the way Ivan Ocanasovich from the collective farm "Revenge Ilyich".

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Danilets originally from the Chernigov region. Father of the future artist worked as a teacher. Mother worked in sobes. In the family reigned mutual understanding, love. Vladimir claims that the start that allowed him to make a successful career, he received in childhood. Parents pledged hardworking, dedication and other qualities necessary in any profession.

Artist Vladimir Daniec

Vladimir has an older sister. She advised his brother to flow after school in a pop-circus school. On the scene, Vladimir came out for the first time in seven years. The boy performed a song, while I did not experience fear and was not confused.

As the debut turned out to be successful, Vladimir and were now invited to regional-level concerts. Since childhood, the artist plays on several tools. As a schoolboy, he became famous in his native village of his solo on the drum.

Vladimir Daniec

In the pop-circus school Vladimir entered from the second attempt. After graduation, the year worked for a bricklayer. In the second year, students handed over the vocal exam. Vladimir was so confused that the Commission recognized him unsuitable for pop. After the exam, the teacher approached him, advised to abandon the artistic career and return to the construction site.

Although the work at the construction site guaranteed a stable salary and the possibility of obtaining an apartment in Kiev, Vladimir did not refuse dreams and did not go to the mason. The student continued to work much and stubbornly. Not bad results demonstrated in acting classrooms.

Vladimir Danielenc and Vladimir Moiseenko

Scenic skill teacher, learning about the possible exclusion of Danitz, supported him. However, noted that Vladimir will be able to make a successful career only in a conversational genre. Thanks to persistence, abilities and support of the teacher, who sometimes engaged in Vladimir to eight hours a day, the school managed to successfully end.

The famous duet has developed after attempts to build a solo career. It is impossible to say that they were unsuccessful. The Biography of Danitz includes participation in republican and all-union competitions. But the glory and the love of the audience to the humorist came in the duet "Rabbits". With Vladimir Moiseenko, the artist is familiar from student times.

Humor and creativity

Once, before creating miniatures of "rabbits", during the competition, the administrator approached the young artist and offered to reduce the performance. Daniec did not agree. Instead of five minutes I stayed on the stage fifteen. It was the "Wedding" number, which included dancing and songs written by Danitets. Miniature had a stunning success. The artist was twice caused to bis. Since then, the humorist gave himself a journey: never retreat from planned plan.

Vladimir Danielenc and Vladimir Moiseenko

In 1987, Danilec first went on stage in Tandem with Moiseenko. Four years later, the artists got acquainted with Evgeny Interruption. In the repertoire of the duet there was a miniature composed by Vladimir Perstems once for other artists.

This is a small scene with the participation of two characters: a rustled and infertility chairman of a collective farm and a hot-tempered journalist. The content of the thumbnail is uncomplicated. However, the sparkling humor, the artistry of Danitz and Moiseenko brought an incredible audience success.

The nickname of "rabbits" was entrenched for artists, from which they first tried to get rid of. Then they humble and called the duet in honor of the popular number. For 15 years, Danilec and Moiseenko pronounced the same dialogue on stage, which the audience knew already by heart.

In 2006, "rabbits" decided to take a break. For six years have not demonstrated a scene, which has become a classic of pop art. In 2012, at a concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Duet, again appeared before the audience in the old, but not forgotten images.

Vladimir Danilets and Vladimir Moiseenko on stage

For 30 years, Daniec received countless rabbits as a gift: alive and plush. The latter brought home to children. Living Daniec gave good hands. With all the benefits and quality of dietary meat of cute animals, the artist never gave to slaughter.

The success of the duet is in the comic external contrast of artists: high and tightened Moiseenko (growth 195 cm) and charming, continued, but at the same time mobile and plastic Daniec. The latter, by virtue of growth and weight, had to play women.

Vladimir Danilets in a female image

The scene on Indian motifs was loved by the audience in the 90s. But years have passed, the requests of the public have changed. Today the fans of Indian cinema is much less. Artists have to adapt to the realities of time. Now in the repertoire of "rabbits" over 300 rooms.

Vladimir Danilec speaks on Russian television, participates in Evgenia Petrosyan projects. The artist plays the guitar, recorded several of his songs, sometimes starring in the cinema. Danilec often rides a tour, but in an interview once admitted that only at home was comfortable, in Kiev. Danitz and Moiseenko binds a forty-year friendship. On a joint page in "Instagram", humorists stay photos made in both concerts, and inoperative time.

Personal life

With his wife Lyudmila, the artist met in the late 70s. In 1980, the daughter of Lily was born. 12 years later - Angelina. The younger daughter Daniltsa went in the footsteps of the Father: graduated from a pop-circus school. Angelina works in a conversational genre, starred in the series.

Vladimir Daniec and his wife Lyudmila

According to the recognition of the artist, his personal life has developed as well as professional. The family relationship is based on mutual understanding. Happy daughters is convened daily. Vladimir Danilla has grandson.

Vladimir Daniec now

At the end of 2017, Rabbits came to tour to Russia. Concert halls were not overflowing. Thus, at the ticket office of Pavlovsk sold a little more than two hundred tickets. Came mostly senior viewers.

The questions of journalists about the influence of events in Ukraine on his work, Danilec answered concisely:

"There are difficulties, but I will not talk about it."

Danilla's participation in Russian television projects caused the perturbation of Ukrainian activists. In addition, in Odnoklassniki blocked the artist's wife's page: Lyudmila Danilec made repost of records of supporters of the DPR.


  • 1987 - Based Duet "Rabbits"
  • 1994 - "Anshang"
  • 2006 - "Elalash"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2007 - "Curve Mirror"
  • 2009 - "funnier than rabbits"
  • 2010 - "Morozko"
  • 2011 - "New Adventures of Aladdin"
  • 2012 - "Red Cap"
  • 2013 - "Three heroes"

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