Sergey Baburin - biography, photo, personal life, news, presidential candidate 2021



Sergey Baburin at the political arena since 1989. He worked at Gorbachev, and at Yeltsin, and at Putin. In his eyes "collapsed" the Soviet Union, he was one of the 7 deputies who voted against the cessation of the existence of the USSR.

Politician Sergey Baburin

In addition to politics, Sergey Nikolayevich is a successful scientific figure. Currently, he is the President of the Association of Laws and Legal University and the leader of the Russian Union Soyuz Party. In December 2017, he announced his intention to participate in the presidential race. In February 2018, was officially registered with the CEC as a candidate for the President of Russia in the 2018 elections.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Nikolaevich Baburin was born in the Kazakh SSR, in the city of Semipalatinsk, in the average Soviet family. Father Sergey - Nikolai Naumovich - worked as a school teacher. Valentina Nikolaevna's mother - Surgeon. Sergey has a brother Igor, who, at the end of school, went in the footsteps of the mother and became a doctor. Currently, he works as the head of the institute's department. Bekhtereva in St. Petersburg.

Sergey Baburin

Sergey Baburine's childhood was held in the provincial town of Omsk region - Tara. His father was from Tara. Ros boy extremely curious, since childhood showed leadership qualities. The school studied well, also attended art school. Back in school years, began to work as a batpent concrete.

Having received secondary education, I decided to enter the lawyer to the Omsk State University. Diploma received in 1981, in the same year joined the CPSU, and a little later was called upon service. Baburin participated in hostilities in Afghanistan. He was awarded the medal "Warrior by an internationalist from the grateful Afghan people."

Sergey Baburin in youth

Returning from the army, Baburin moved to Leningrad, he entered the graduate school. In 1987 he defended his dissertation. After that, returned to Omsk again, where he was offered the position of Deputy Dean at the Law Faculty, and after a year he became a dean. By the way, it was the youngest dean of the law faculty in the entire Soviet Union.

Sergey Nikolaevich worked over his doctoral dissertation and defended it in 1998. The subject of its research was the territorial, legal and geopolitical problems of the state.


The first steps in Politics Sergey Baburin did back in student. He wrote a letter to Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, which reports to the necessary rehabilitation of Bukharin, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov. But the letter remains unanswered. In 1988, the article "Sovetskaya Russia" comes out the article "I do not want to enter the principles", with which Baburin categorically disagrees. He sends a refutation to the editor, thus demonstrating its liberal views on the political situation in the country.

Sergey Baburin in youth

In 1989, Sergey Nikolaevich is running into people's deputies, but his candidacy was rejected. Next year, he was still elected by the People's Deputy from the Omsk District.

Baburin became the leader of the parliamentary opposition Boris Yeltsin. He was the only deputy that spoke on December 12, 1991 at the parliamentary session, who spoke out against the destruction of the Soviet Union and the approval of "Belovezhskaya" agreements. In September 1993 Sergey Nikolayevich condemned the actions of Yeltsin, he remained in the House of Tips until the last day. Babururium there miraculously was not shot.

Deputy Sergey Baburin in youth

After these events, he returned to Omsk, where he decided to take a pause, which was short. After two months, Sergey Nikolaevich returned to politics. In 1993 he was elected to the State Duma of the first convocation. During this period, Babinin created the Deputy Group of Russian Way, which was focused on opposition to Boris Yeltsin and the Government of Chernomyrdin.

In 1995, Baburin again fell into the State Duma. In the same year he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia. Sergey Nikolayevich participated in the settlement of international conflicts. Since 1992, he worked on the recognition of the independence of Abkhazia, Transnistria, South Ossetia.

Sergey Baburin in the State Duma

Since 2001, Sergey Baburin combined political and scientific activities. He became the leader of the Party "People's Volia", and also headed the Russian State Trade and Economic University.

In 2014, he participated in the elections to the Moscow City Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but did not pass. Since 2015, the President of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture is president. Cares the post of chief editor of the Slavs magazine. Currently, Sergey Baburin is the leader of the Russian Public Union Party. As a party, the organization has been registered since 2011.

Personal life

With his wife, Tatiana Nikolaevna met while studying at the university. Immediately after the wedding, a young man called on the army. Upon his return, they were moved to Leningrad to Leningrad, where in 1984 their firstborn was born - Konstantin.

Sergey Baburin with family

In the family baburine four children. In 1990, their second son Eugene was born, in 1991 - Yaroslav. And in 1998 their fourth son Vladimir appeared.

In September 2016, Baburin's spouses were awarded the Order of Parental Glory.

Sergey Baburin now

At the end of December 2017, at the congress of the Russian International Union party, it was unanimously accepted that Sergey Nikolaevich Baburin would be put forward president of the Russian Federation. On the official website, the policy is represented by its political program with which anyone can familiarize themselves. Sergey Baburin also leads Twitter, where he regularly publishes records of his election campaign.

Sergey Baburin in 2017

On January 27, 2018, the politician passed over 120 thousand signatures in the centrist. And Baburin, and his election headquarters were confident in the reliability of the documents filed. After the signatures were checked, the minimum percentage of chosen was revealed - 3.18%. Thus, Baburin received permission to participate in the elections.

Of course, Sergey Nikolaevich is significantly lagging behind his rivals. At the moment, its rating is low, and the chances of victory are extremely small. But he continues to hold meetings with voters, record video performances.

Presidential Candidate Sergey Baburin

Baburin has been in politics for many years, but for all this time it has never been seen in any scandalous situation. Only once he got into the "opala", and then the Moldovan authorities. Sergei Nikolayevich rode a conference in Tiraspol, but was detained and declared a person of non-grad in Moldova.

Not without the intervention of Russian diplomats. By the way, the information had previously appeared that Sergey Baburin was planning to participate in the presidential election of Transnistria. But he himself personally did not confirm this information.


According to the rules of the presidential election, the candidate must provide information about its financial condition in the CEC. As a result, the total amount of Baburine's income in six years amounted to 11,401,518, 97 rubles. His spouse has already retired - her income amounted to 2,246,545, 40 rubles.

Sergey Nikolayevich also owns Share (1/3) in the Moscow apartment of 182.6 sq.m. and machinery. He has only 130,996,07 rubles on accounts. The spouse owns a land plot in the Moscow region, with a total area of ​​1,619 sq.m. and residential house in 414.9 sq.m.

Like a husband, Tatiana Nikolaevna has a share in the apartment, and she is also the owner of an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​32.5 sq.m. Three accounts are open to her name, their total amount is 537,454, 77 rubles.

Awards and achievements

  • 1999 - Honor of the community of Zemun Gorda Belgrade (Serbia)
  • 2005 - Order "Honor and Glory" II degree (Abkhazia)
  • 2005 - Congress Medal Philippines "For Achievements"
  • 2006 - Kavaler of the Order of Friendship (Russia)
  • 2008 - Honorary Citizen Abkhazia
  • 2009 - Order of Friendship (Republic of South Ossetia)
  • 2009 - Honored Lawyer of the Republic of North Alania
  • 2009 - the Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow III degree
  • 2000 - Order "For Personal Courage" (Transnistrian Moldavian Republic)
  • 2010 - Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
  • 2011 - Order of the Belarusian Orthodox Church of St. Cyril Turgovsky II degree
  • 2012 - Order of Friendship (Transnistrian Moldavian Republic)
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit" I degree (Transnistrian Moldavian Republic)
  • 2014 - Medal "For the Liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol" - for a personal contribution to the return of the Crimea to Russia
  • 2016 - Order "Parent Slava"

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