Gennady Gladkov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Not a latter role in the success of the declared artistic work is played by the correctly selected accompaniment. Composer Gennady Gladkov, who wrote music to "Gentlemen of Good luck", "Bremen Musicians", "12 chairs", became a real find for Russian cinema. His music inhabitants of the post-Soviet space will learn from two notes, like a film where she sounded.

Childhood and youth

Gennady Igorevich Gladkov grew up in the family of musicians. His grandfather played on the varieties of Russian harmony with the bells, which folk songs were performed by the famous Soviet singer Lydia Andreyevna Ruslanov. Father consisted in the jazz ensemble of Alexander Naumovich Tsfasman, where he was playing on the bayan.

Composer Gennady Gladkov

February 18, 1935, shortly after the wedding of Igor Ivanovich Gladkova and Elena Stepanovna, they had a first-mentioned Gennady. The house where Gladkovy lived, was near the Art Theater, and the little Gennady repeatedly revised his entire repertoire.

Inspired by the performance of actors on stage, the boy began to give his own concerts with the accordion on family holidays and courtyard events before the neighbors. In parallel with the high school, the boy studied at a music school at the Moscow Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Gennady Gladkov in youth

But, given that Gennady became the eldest son in the smooth family, and the post-war years were economically and socially difficult for the Soviet people, there was no time to develop musical abilities at the young man.

After graduating from the 7th grade of the school, Gennady went to master the specialty of the chemist in the technical school, and then got a job at the research institute of organic intermediates and dyes. But even in the evenings after work, he played for his colleagues, participated in musical competitions and evenings of amateur.

Gennady Gladkov

Realizing the need for self-expression through musical art, Gennady entered the conservatory, where he studied at the composer. Vladimir Georgievich Feroes became the head of the young man. After graduating from a conservatory and graduate school with her, Gennady tied his life with teaching: first in the choir school them. A. V. Sveshnikova, then in the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic.


Locked to work as a teacher, Gennady simultaneously wrote music to theatrical productions. His first composition was the music that sounded in the play "childhood friend." With development in the Soviet Union, Gladkov became in demand in the central studio of scientific and popular and educational films, where he wrote melodies for documentary films "Mystery of the past".

Composer Gennady Gladkov

The full-fledged career of the composer in the film industry began with cooperation with actor and screenwriter Vasily Borisovich Livanov. Finishing the Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin, Livanov prepared the graduate performance "Three fathers", the music for which wrote just smooths. Soon, Vasily Borisovich appealed to Gennady with a request to write musical accompaniment to his cartoon "most, most, most".

The main work in the biography of Gladkov was the music, sounding in the "Bremen Musicians". Songs familiar from childhood to all residents of the post-Soviet space, became so memorable thanks to the talent of Gladkov and the poet of Yuri Entin. And the rock and role notes in the melodies gave a cartoon dynamism.

By the way, Gennady Igorevich became both the composer, and the performer, although not specified in the credits. It was smooths that he voiced the king in the royal security song, a better known called "Oh, early the guard arises!".

Acquaintance with Mark Zakharov marked the beginning of the work of Gennady Igorevich over theatrical productions. The plays "Dulcinea Tobos", "Brutal Games" passed invariably accompanied by musical compositions from Gladkov. Periodically, he even was part of the orchestra personally.

In 1983, Muscovites heard the first opera from the scene, the Libretto to which I wrote Gladkov - "Senior Son." In the 80s of the twentieth century, smooths wrote music for ballets ("Viya", "12 chairs"), operetta ("Dog on Seine") and musicals (Don Juan). And modern musicals composer calls "technicians" for an excess of decorations and technical bellows and a shortage of art and soulfulness.

Gennady Gladkov for Piano

At the turn of the 70s - 80s. The twentieth century of Gladkov and Zakharov worked on the films "Ordinary Miracle", "Formula of Love", "Gentlemen of Good luck" and others. In some films, Gladkov spoke not only by the composer, but also performed his songs.

In 2002, Gennady Igorevich for outstanding merits in the field of music received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. And after 10 years, in 2012, the film directed by Tatyana Malova "Ordinary Wizard" directed by the biography of the composer was released on the screens.

Few of Gennady Igorevich's fans know that he writes not only music, but also poems: the text of almost folk holling "Uno Momento" from the film "Formula of Love" belongs to Peru Gladkov. In 2005, he planned to release a collection of poems, but incognito - under the pseudonym, because he does not consider himself a poet, but with his own photo on the cover.

Gennady Gladkov

In one of the interviews, Gennady Igorevich Gladkov revealed to journalists the secret of success of his work - in each melody, the composer invests humor and love. The special audience of Gennady Igorevich considers children: this viewer is always more demanding, according to the composer. And considering that he is 9 years old (since 1992) wrote musical accompaniment for the children's New Year holidays, held in the Kremlin, the composer managed to unmistakably find an approach to children's hearts.

Personal life

About the personal life of Gennady Igorevich does not like to speak. It is known only that the composer is married to Svetlana Nikolaevna Gladkovka, in marriage they had a son Andrei.

Gennady Gladkov and his family

Andrei Gennadyevich in the footsteps of the Father did not go and became a designer. The composer brought up his son not on his work. Andrey grew on the Beatles songs, but the grandchildren of Nikita and Katya are happily listening to the songs from the "Bremen Musicians" and "Song about Wizards" from the movie "New Year's Adventures of Masher and Viti."

Gennady Gladkov now

Gennady Igorevich who had previously said that he had planned to live at least up to 2000, recently celebrated his 80th anniversary and continues to create. In February 2018, on the scenes of the Palace of Culture of Trade Unions and the Palace of Culture, veterans will be held by the musicals "Blue Puppy" and "Dog on Seine", music for which I wrote smooth.

Gennady Gladkov in 2017

In addition to musical career, Gennady Gladkov became the head of the management of language training and the Bologna MGIMO process. In this position, the composer talks about the importance of learning Chinese, which has every chance to take a dominant place in the hierarchy of international languages.

Despite age, the composer visits international festivals. So, in September 2017, Gladkov visited California, and also drove in San Diego, where he wanted to spend in the hospital Vladimir Yakovlevich Shainsky.


  • 1976 - "Masha and Vitya against" Wild Giters "
  • 1995 - "Blue Puppy"
  • 1995 - "Bremen Musicians"
  • 1996 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1996 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 1996 - "Dog on Seine"
  • 1996 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1998 - "On a Boykoe Place"
  • 2001 - "New Bremen"
  • 2010 - "Ordinary Wizard"
  • 2011 - "From the performances"
  • 2011 - "People and Passion: Anniversary Concert"

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