Jane Birkin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs, Filmography 2021



Jane Birkin is a famous English-French actress. It became famous for the long-term creative and personal union with Serzh Genzburg. Hippie in the 70s considered Jane to their sex symbol.

Childhood and youth

The future actress and singer was born in winter, on December 14, 1946, in London. Girl's father - David Birkin - was an officer of the fleet and the hero of World War II. Mother of the baby - Judy Campbell - Cinema and Musiclov Artist. In the family, the eldest son Andrew was raised. Subsequently, Brother Jane became director and screenwriter. Later, another daughter appeared in the family, which Linda was called.

Jane Birkin in youth

Birkin House was located in the prestigious area of ​​Chelsea. The money in the family was found: the parents allowed gorgeous things to buy and Chadam, and they sent children on vacation.

In the sixties of the last century, London became the capital of the arts. Such an event did not pass by a bold girl, and at the age of 16 she threw school and went to conquer the world of movies.


Young beauty walked around the castings and tried on the role. The future star was lucky: at the age of 17 she debuted on the stage of the theater in the play "Carved Statue". During this period, an important event occurred in the biography of a young actress: John Barry appeared on the life path of the girl, who was older Jane for 13 years. John became famous for writing music to the famous "Bondian" and later became the laureate of five Oscars.

Jane Birkin and John Barry

The next achievement in the career of the artist was the role in the Barry Musicle "Passion of the Flower Hotel". But Jane Birkin wanted more than roles in the theater, and rushed into the cinema. The first appearance on the screen happened in 1965. The girl lit up in the film Richard Leicester "Snorzka".

In 1966, the artist was offered to be held naked in the episode of the film Michelangelo Antonione "Photo Environment". The actress agreed and, appearing naked on the screen, caused a resonance of the public. In 1967, the film was awarded the Golden Palm Branch.

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A year later, the new star went to France to samples in the picture of Pierre G. Slogan. Jane was able to interest the director, although he did not know French, and the role went to her. The partner on the site was the singer and musician Serge Genzburg already famous at that time. There was an attraction between the artists, which turned into a stormy novel.

In 1969, the couple appeared together in two films. Later, Jane starred in the ribbon of Jacques the "Pool". Although Henzburg wrote for his new muse a lot of songs, she dedicated her cinema. In 1973, the actress appeared in the same film with a former Girl Serzh Genzburg - Berdo. Women starred in the film of the former husband Bardo "Don Juan-73".

Jane Birkin and Brick Bardo

The love of the public has discarded the ridiculous on-screen couple Jane Birkin - Pierre Richard. Beauty Jane and ridiculous Pierre looked harmoniously in comedies. The following films "He starts to be angry" and "do not miss sight of" Claude Zidi collected on the premieres of the crowd.

In 1976, Birkin and Genzburg were again in the value of the scandal. The reason was the ribbon of Serzh Genzbourg "I love you - I no longer", in which the guilty director played the main role. Critics were unhappy with frank scenes in the picture. Erotic photos of Jane flashed everywhere.

Jane Birkin and Pierre Richar

In the filmography of the actresses, two films shot on the detectives of Agatha Christie. In the first, released in 1978, "death on the Nile", the artist played the maid. But in the second in 1981, Jane appeared as a central character.

After breaking the relationship with the Genzburg Artist, they gave a role in a serious dramatic film "Prodigal Daughter".

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In the eighties, Jane lit up in comedies "Go around, there is nothing interesting here", "pirate", "Master Kung Fu". In the mid-80s came to the French scene. Critics and viewers were delighted.

In 1991, Serzh Genzburg died. In the same period, the artist carried out a long-time dream - played in the musical. Jane dedicated to the performance of the memory of Hombourg.


The relationship between Jane Birkin and Serzh General Genzburg gave rise to a famous musical couple for the whole world. In 1969, they recorded the Je T'aime Joint Song ... Moi Non Plus. Initially, Serge devoted the composition of his previous beloved Breast Bardo, who even recorded the duet. But Bordeaux said that the song is too erotic for her, and after the breaking of relations, Genzburg suggested "Zhene" Jane as a debut in a musical career. The artist did not refuse.

As a result, the scandal broke out. The Vatican put forward an official statement that the song is immoral, and the radio stations refused to broadcast the composition. However, the scandalous story just interested in the public: in the coming months they sold several million copies of singles, and the song herself kept on the top of the charts.

In 1980, Jane completed relations with Serzh, but musical cooperation continued. In 1983, the musician wrote a new album "Baby Alonein Babylone" for the singer. It is considered the best in Jane's musical career. In 1985, Serge created a duet song for Birkin and their daughter Charlotte.

Jane Birkin with a guitar

In the late eighties, the singer spoke with solo concerts. The debut view took place in the hall of the former Paris Music Hall "Le Bataclan". Then the artist was already forty. But, by owning the natural talent and charm, the woman quickly found emotional contact with the audience. Therefore, soon the singer appeared a schedule of performances. The best songs were produced in albums.

In 1994, the artist made a concert in London. The show was devoted to Serge Genzbourg. Now before the fans stood not the scandalous person, but a matured woman.

In 1996, the singer recorded Popourry from the songs of Henzburg "Version Jane", with which he went to the European tour. In 1998 he released Long Play "A La Legere".

In 2004, Jane presented a new selection of songs that musicians from all over the world wrote for her. The compositions were combined into the album "Rendez-Vous".

Personal life

At 19, Jane married Composer John Barry. In marriage, the daughter of Kate, who became photographer and actress appears. Three years later, the marriage union broke up.

Jane Birkin and Serzh Genzburg

In 1969, Birkin met Serzh Genzburg, from which he gave birth to Charlotte's daughter in 1971. The girl became a singer and actress. Union with Serge lasted 12 years. They were considered the most scandalous and stylish pair of the last century.

Jane Birkin and Jacques Dolidon

With the film director Jacques Dilon Jane met shortly before the gap with Serge. They got married, and in 1982, a woman gave birth to a third daughter Lou, also subsequently became an artist.

In 2004, Jane was awarded the "National Order of Merit". The "Hermès" brand named the name of the artist's bag.

Jane Birkin and her daughter Kate

In 2013, tragedy occurred in the life of the artist: the senior daughter Kate committed suicide, having thrown out of the window of the 4th floor.

Jane Birkin now

Now the former icon of the style raises four grandchildren and continues to engage in creativity. She went to Bosnia and took off the film about the Philippine political prisoner. Participated in campaigns against AIDS.

Jane Birkin in 2017

Birkin lives in a house in the French province, but most of the time loves to spend in Paris.


  • 1966 - "photo ending"
  • 1973 - "Don Juan-73"
  • 1974 - "He begins to be angry (mustard beats in the nose)"
  • 1975 - "Do not miss sight of"
  • 1976 - "I love you ... I don't have you too"
  • 1978 - "Death on Nile"
  • 1981 - "Evil under the Sun"
  • 1984 - "Pirate"
  • 1990 - "These nonsense"
  • 2003 - "Meet your widow"


  • 1969 - Je T'aime ... Moi Non Plus with Serge Gainsbourg
  • 1973 - Di Doo Dah
  • 1975 - LOLITA GO HOME
  • 1987 - LOST SONG
  • 1990 - Amours Des Feintes
  • 1992 - Integral Au Casino de Paris
  • 1998 - Best of
  • 2002 - Arabesque
  • 2008 - Enfantsd'hiver.
  • 2009 - Au Palace (Live)

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