Javier Fernandez - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Olympics 2018 2021



Figure skating in Spain is an unpopular sport, even the national championships began to spend only in the twentieth century, and even then not every year. Perhaps it is possible to interrupt such an indifference will succeed in the singurist Singleman Javier Fernandez.

Childhood and youth

In April 1991, the postal officer enrichet Lopez and the mechanic of the military unit Antonio Fernandez presented the daughter of the laure of the younger brother. The boy was given the name of Javier.

Figure Javier Fernandez

Parents encouraged the passion of children with sports, despite the fact that a third of the family's income was leaving for the payment of training. Like the majority of Spanish boys, Fernandez preferent with considered men's football, to tennis, skates. Sister chose figure skating. Subsequently, Laura will try to the main tournament grid of European championships and the world as a single chair.

The appearance on the rink Fernandez is obliged to a laure. Although in seven years, on the standards of figure skating it is already considered to begin late, the boy showed non-foul hard work. Later, due to the lack of financial support, the sister threw the sport and went into medicine, but still motivated Javier to continue training.

Javier Fernandez as a child

In one of the interviews, Fernandez will say that Laura made a noble act, deliberately putting a cross on his own sports career. In the family, simply lacked funds for the payment of coaches for both children.

In the 2008th-gifted young man, by the time of the already champion of Spain and the Bronze winner of the NRW Trophy tournament, Nikolay Morozov said Russian coach. Before Javier, a prospect of training in the United States has opened. The only thing that overshadowed the situation is a financial question: only the services of the legendary coach were free, and a considerable amount of money was required to accommodate and accompanying moments.

Javier Fernandez

Parents have invested the latest accumulations in his career, the father even got a job on the second job. Fernandez had to periodically come for a mentor to Russia in order not to interrupt the training process. So it lasted until frosts have lost interest in free lessons.

Figure skating

During the period of cooperation with Nikolai Morozov, Fernandez has established itself at the European Championships and the world, although he started from seats in the second ten. On the first in the athletic biography of the Olympiad in Canadian Vancouver, Javier turned out to be the first for half a century of Spain.

Spanish Figure Javier Fernandez

In 2010, the skater moved to the world champion and Olympic winner Brian Orser. Under the leadership of the new coach, the athlete began to bring the first victories. The titled mentor follows his own philosophy of raising champions - to act strictly according to plan. The student learned to truly work on ice, make five-hour rentals every day and not complain.

On the first adult tournament - the Merano Cup - Javier first performed a jump in four turns in an arbitrary program. Then Fernandez won the Spanish Championship for the fourth time, however, he had no serious competitors there.

Javier Fernandez on the rink

The next season, two silver medals were shone at the Spaniard's chest from the Grand Prix stages and bronze - from the final. In the finals of the Grand Prix, twice Javier became second, seven times - the winner at different stages. If you believe the statistics, from the moment of the start of the speeches in the "adult" the Grand Prix without awards the figure skater remained once - at the very beginning of 2011.

Starting from 2013 Fernandez is not inferior to the palm of championship in the European Championships. Ahead of it by the number of medals of the highest standard only Yevgeny Plushenko. At the same time, the skater argues that each new victory for him is a separate event.

Suddenly, from the 9th place in 2012 and immediately on the 3rd in 2013, a single championship raised on the podium. Later, at this tournament, Javier won another bronze and two gold medals, passing records on the amount of scored points. For Spain, Fernandez - the first world champion in this sport. At one time, Patrick Chan and Judzur Khan lost him. In the country's championship, for the past eight years, an athlete is a unconditional leader.

The Olympics in Sochi ended for the Spanish single room on a hurt fourth place. Javier sensationally lost to the young Russian Denis Ten. For incomprehensible reasons, the fourth jump, the judges took the triple, the second triple Salkhov did not count at all.

Patrick Chan and Javier Fernandez

However, the defeat, according to the recognition of a figure, served as an impulse to further improve riding. Brian Orser, who said that life continues and without medals and tomorrow the sun would rise again.

Javier Fernandez entered the history of figure skating as the second one, who gained over 100 points in the short program (after Michael Kolyada), over 200 - in an arbitrary and more than 300 - for a total amount (after all the same ingenious Japanese Yudzuru Khani).

Javier Fernandez

Two dozen years of the achievements of Javer Fernandez, finally recognized his homeland, handing the Gold Medal of the Royal Order. Spanish channel Eurosport has released a film about the preparation of the National Hero to the 2018 Olympics.

Personal life

Javier does not make secrets from personal life. Back in 2013, the skater officially confirmed that he supports relations with a colleague from Japan, the two-time world champion Mika Ando. Photo with recognition of athletes posted on their pages in "Instagram".

Javier Fernandez and Mika Ando

The news was a lot surprised by fans, since rumors were investigated in the network that Ando lives with a coach, and Fernandez and adheres to a non-traditional orientation at all. Without a smaller wave of surprise, and somewhere and joy aroused the news that the Spanish athlete married a Russian girl. And the authorship of the words attributed to the coach Tatyana Tarasova.

However, in the summer of 2017, Miki confirmed that skaters are still together. The absence of a couple in public events, the girl explained by the fact that he does not want to distract Javier from preparation for the Olympic season.

Javier Fernandez and Mika Ando

As a true Spaniard Fernandez is a big fan of football, a fan of "Real", on the social network, it periodically posts video from the matches. For quite understandable reasons, the skater loves Japanese cuisine, does not refuse to enjoy sweets. In her free time plays video games, riding a bike.

Javier Fernandez now

Judging by the latest news that appeared on the eve of the Olympiad in Korea, these games, no matter how sorry, the last in a skill's career. Perhaps, therefore, the main idea of ​​his programs was the inclusion of Spanish motives, so that the audience saw something related to his country. Moreover, despite the presence of such an outstanding representative of figure skating, in Spain, this sport is still not popular. Javier thus wanted to make it clear that you need to appreciate what you have.

Javier Fernandez in 2018

It takes an eminent athlete because no longer feels energy and strength to sneak out for young people coming to the heels. According to him, figure skating stepped far forward, and it is necessary to soberly assess their strength. The same fourth jumps, without which it is difficult to submit a competitive program, are harder with each tournament. And I do not want to make mistakes.

On the other hand, experienced Javier does not see the meaning of inserting two or three-four-first jumps in the programs, if in the end it is successful to land only with one. Against this background, no worse looks worse, but a purely executed program looks like.

As Fernandez says, you can be mistaken at the Grand Prix Level Competitions, but not at the World Championships and especially - not at the Olympic Games.

Awards and achievements

  • 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 - Champion of Spain
  • 2012,2014, 2015, 2016 - Golden Grand Prix Stage Medal
  • 2013,2014 - Bronze Medal of the World Cup, Gold Medal of the European Championship
  • 2015, 2016 - Gold Medal of the World Championship, Gold Medal of the European Championship
  • 2015 - two gold medals of the Grand Prix Stages
  • 2017 - the Gold Medal of the European Championship, two gold medals of the Grand Prix Stages
  • 2018 - Gold Medal of the European Championship

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