Gabriella Papadakis - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Guillaume Sizeron 2021



Four-time world champion, five-time European champion and two-time winner of the final of the Grand Prix Gabriella Papadakis - a star of figure skating in his homeland. The athlete 6 times became the champion of France and together with a partner ranked 1st step in the ranking of the International Skaters Union for January 2018.

Childhood and youth

Gabriella was born in the central part of France, in the commune of Clermont-Ferrand, in the spring of 1995. The girl turned out to be the first child in a large family of the Greek Emmanuel Papadakis and French francs of Catherine. The attitude to the sport had a mother - the mentor of young skaters and the fan of their business. The morning of the day, when Gabi appeared on the world, the woman spent on the ice.

Skates Gabriella Papadakis got up at 4 years: Mothers-coach had to take a girl to work. She learned in a matter of months to stay on slippery surface, and Catherine realized that the daughter had excellent prospects in sports. Leaving on the maternity leave, Mom puts Gabriella to a couple with an equally capable Gieoma Sizeron. So in 2004, a brilliant dance duet was formed.

A year later, the 9-year-old Gabriella Papadakis with elder for a year partner was leading in four tournaments and became the champions of the country in the younger group. The tragic chance barely put the cross on the sports biography of a young figure skater: a colleague in a fall damn the tendon on the leg of Gabi. After the complex operation and the recovery period, Papadakis returned to ice.

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The adolescent period of Gabriella passed difficult: the young Frenchwoman attracted the forbidden fruits and bad companies. Therefore, when the daughter fell into the hands of another French mentor Muriel Zazui and moved to Lyon, his parents sighed with relief.

In childhood and youth, Gabriella Papadakis in short intervals between workouts on the rink managed incredibly a lot. The girl learned to play a violin, later replacing it on the guitar. The player with headphones was its constant attribute: Gaby listened to jazz, blues, rock and swing. And another young Frenchwoman sang in four languages, having learned but native, Italian, Spanish and English. In her arsenal there was several phrases in Greek.

And on the table of figure skater there were always several books with bookmarks: the girl at the same time read the writings of the favorite authors of the Apolliner Guillaner, Albert Cami and Jean-Field of Sartre.

In 2013, the Frenchwoman became a bachelora in literature, but the university had to end in absentia due to moving to Montreal. French universities, according to figure skaters, do not make discounts with successful athletes.

Personal life

Slender blonde Gaby (height 167 cm, weight 50 kg) in everyday life wears jeans and leather jackets. The girl is active in social networks, dreamed and does not like to argue on trifles.

Papadakis's subscribers in "Instagram" are watching the news in the personal life of the figure skater: it satisfies the curiosity of fans together with the boyfriend - Italian ex-skater, and now Stefano Caruso coach. In the summer of 2017, Gabi with a civil husband visited Greece, where the roots of her ancestors on the paternal line go.

The parent has long been living in Texas, but communicating with the eldest daughter supports. Emmanuel Papadakis - the owner of the mobile diner. Gabriella is proud of the Father, at one time to build a children's home in Uganda for children with HIV infection. Dad is also incredibly proud of the achievements of the daughter and come to support in competitions.

In the Montreal apartment, Gabriella Papadakis reminds nothing about sports and figure skating: all the awards are hung on the walls of the mother's house.

The cumier bright Frenchwoman with Greek roots calls Artist Frido Kalo. The girl says that the famous Mexican focused all the qualities that Gaby appreciates in people. Another guide star for the dancer is a poet and singer Serge Gensbour.

Figure skating

In a pair with Giyome Sizeron, the athlete rapidly made a career in the dance on the ice. Three times the French participated in the Junior world championships, won the silver medal in 2013.

In the same year, the couple passed from juniors in the adult category and in 2014 won 2nd place at the country championship, for which Papadakis and her partner were invited to the national team. Then, at the European Championship, young dancers were replaced with the colleagues from the championship Natalie peshal and Fabian Burza. But the debutants could not overcome the excitement and on the results of the competition fell into the middle of the table.

But the candidates of Gabriella Papadakis and her permanent companionship were introduced to the Sochi Winter Olympiad. But the federation of the country decided to send them to Japan, where at the end of March the global figure skating championship took place.

In the offseason, the athletes moved to Canada, where they called their coach Romain Gagenauer. In Montreal, there was a couple with him to train Marie-France Dubrey and Patrice Lozone, former skaters. Here, athletes started in the post-Polmpic season, pulling out leadership in an arbitrary program.

Triumph Gabriella Papadakis and the Dance Partner on Ice expected in Shanghai. The couple participated in the Grand Prix and the sum of the points was leading, ahead of the Italian couple Anna Capellini and Luka Lanotte. The rivals were won by European and world championships. The French managed to leave the reserve bench and become leaders.

On the fifth domestic stage of the Grand Prix in Bordeaux, which took place in November 2014, Papadakis and Sieron won, raising the previous indicators in two types. In the final of the Grand Prix, which was held in Barcelona, ​​the French got bronze. Soon Gabriella celebrated a new victory: the figure skater with a partner for the first time became winners of the country championship.

In January 2015, the ice dancers participated in the European Championship, which was held in the capital of Sweden, and returned home with gold medals. Success secured at the World Cup at the end of March in China. In the short program, Gabriella and Guillaume turned out to be fourth, but finished first, perfectly fulfilled an arbitrary number under the musical accompaniment of Vladimir Horowitsa and Adazhio Wolfgang Mozart.

A beautiful feature under the 2014/2015 season Papadakis and Sieron were summed up in April: the athletes successfully performed in both types of programs at the international team competition in the country in the country at the International Command Competition.

Summer 2015 turned out to be sad for Gabriella: the girl fell on the training session and got a concussion. The forecasts for its recovery were unclear, and in November the Federation announced that the skaters would miss the Grand Prix. Gaby recovered and next year she pleased the fans and mentors: the couple won the France championship.

In the capital of Slovakia, the French called favorites: after an arbitrary program, the couple was leading, becoming a two-time champion of Europe.

Another victory did not make himself wait: at the US US Championship Gabriella Papadakis with a partner, improving all the previous indicators, was leading and won the second championship rank. In an arbitrary program athletes installed the world record.

The pre-air season dancers began in Paris, won gold at the home Grand Prix. At the final stage, the Japanese Sapporo Gabriella and Guillaume won silver and reached the final tournament, which was held in Marseille. According to the results they received the second silver medal.

Under the 2016 finale, the dancers participated in the country championship, which was held in the north-west of France, in Cana. The piggy bank of the skaters replenished with another gold.

In January 2017, Gabriella Papadakis with a partner participated in Czech Ostrava and became champions. And in March, the French performed on the ice of the Finnish World Cup and produced Furore: in arbitrary dance, the guys set the world record and took the 2nd step on the pedestal.

The Olympic season for a couple began in Finland in October 2017. In Espoo, the French were leading. In November, at the stage of the Grand Prix of skaters won gold in Beijing. At the home stage in Grenoble confirmed star status, introducing the existing gold medals. Video performances looked at thousands of fans and couple fans.

In January 2018, in the European Championship in the capital of Russia, the French in arbitrary dance exceeded the world record. The music of Genial Ludwig Van Beethoven and Choreography Jeffrey Sirio helped them in this. The number under the lunar sonatoo is still considered one of the best pairs in the repertoire.

At the Olympics in Pytenchhan Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Sieron went for the main award. Their main rivals - a couple from Canada, who won gold at the Olympics in Vancouver, Tissa Test and Scott Moir.

A dramatic confrontation unfolded between the skaters: both pairs were engaged with one group of coaches in Montreal. Nevertheless, the preparation of the French allowed them to wait for the competitions with confidence: Gabriella and Guillaume learned the program so good that they could roll her away with her eyes closed.

However, during the rental of a short program there was an unexpected: Papadakis unbuttoned a dress. Confuez occurred at the moment when the couple was already approaching the final of his dance. The misunderstanding influenced the quality: the skaters rolled themselves flawlessly, having committed a number of misses.

Papadakis and Sieron with alarm awaited results announcements. The fears were justified: because of the annoying mistake during the speech, the couple lost to his rivals a few tenths of the score. The brilliant rental of an arbitrary program also helped. As a result - silver medal. As Gabriella recalled in an interview, in the village she gave free to the feelings and burst out.

Failure fucked the skaters. At the World Championships in Milan, athletes beat world records in a short, arbitrary dance, as well as by the amount of points.

Gabriella Papadakis now

Gabriella and Guillaume The public loved not only for emotionality and impeccable rental, but also for the original selection of programs and musical accompaniment.

In 2019, the couple surpassed himself by putting a brilliant rhythm dance under Konstantin Kinchev's track. This number was already called scandalous and ambiguous, one thing is clear: he did not leave anyone indifferent. As a proof: on NHK Trophy, figure skaters became record holders.

In December, athletes waited for a victory in the Grand Prix Finals in Turin. The second place won the American duet Madison chock and Evan Bates, their compatriots Madison Habbell and Zahari Donohye became the third.

At the beginning of 2020, the Russian couple bypassed the Russian couple at the European Championships in the Grace. Victoria Sinitina and Nikita Katsalapov rolled out the limit of their capabilities, while Papadakis and Sieron made a small mistake during the performance.

Now the skaters are preparing for the following contests that promise to be hot. And the quarantine period due to the pandemic of coronavirus infection athlete spends with benefits: in the "Instagram" a video of the incendiary dance of Gabi under Track Jenifer Lopez appeared.


  • 2014 - Bronze Medal in the final of the Grand Prix in Barcelona
  • 2015 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Shanghai
  • 2016 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Boston
  • 2017 - Gold Medal in the Grand Prix Finals in Naked
  • 2017 - Gold Medal at the European Championships in Ostrava
  • 2018 - Gold Medal at the European Championships in Moscow
  • 2018 - Silver Medal at the Olympics in Phenchhan
  • 2019 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in the site
  • 2019 - Gold Medal at the European Championships in Minsk
  • 2020 - Silver Medal at the European Championships in Graz

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