Paul Anderson - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Paul Thomas Anderson - American Director, Writer, Producer and Actor. In his piggy bank, there are not so many full-length work, but what: "Oil", "Love, knocking down", "Master" and others.

Director Paul Anderson

Infrequently film critics indulge directors such flattering statements as "one of the most attractive and bright talents that appeared in cinema lately", "one of the highest talents of modernity" or even "one of the most dynamic producers who declared themselves in the last 20 years" But Paul Anderson deserved it. His work with delight is accepted by the public and collect record checks.

Childhood and youth

Paul Thomas Anderson in the USA was born, in Studio City (California), March 26, 1970. Father Paul, Ernest, worked as a DJ and TV presenter in the horror genre "Gowlardi". In the family, Edwina Goegch and Ernest Anderson were nine children, the sixth of which was the floor. The mother relations with the son were not easy, his passion, she had never perceived seriously. But the father, on the contrary, supported the floor in his desire to become a film director or writer.

Paul Anderson in youth

It was Ernest who presented his first camcorder to the boy. It was his 12th anniversary. Studying at school did not attract the floor before, but now it was completely absorbed by the filming. The boy changed a lot of schools, in the graduation class parallel worked in a pet store. There he had to remove animal cells. Already then, Paul wrote a scenario with Mights and dreamed of filming his first full-fledged film. For this reason, he went to work to accumulate to the film.

His first work was the tape that was performed in the genre of mokumentari (documentalistics with elements of fiction and falsification) and had the name "Ding's History of Diggler". The picture is devoted to the biography of a representative of porn films, the prototype of which was the real actor from the films for adults of the 70s and 1980s, John Holmes. Later, he inspired the director at the shooting of another painting - "Nights in the style of the Bugs".

Paul Anderson

Anderson never had any special aspirations for education, in the film school at the New York University was delayed exactly two days. His father sent him there. He gave him $ 10,000 and blessed. As a result, Anderson put this money to the film. So in 1992, a short film "Cigarettes and Coffee" was published, presented in 1993 at the American National Film Festival of the Sandrence, where he received the recognition of critics and audience.

Novice director Paul Anderson

So without having received an education, Anderson began to work as an assistant on the shooting platforms. Participated in the creation of films, clips and television shows in New York and Los Angeles.


In 1996, Paul Anderson was already removed the "Rock Eight" filmmaker (Sidney's working name), presented at the Cannes Film Festival. Main roles played Philip Baker Hall, John Reilie and Gwyneth Paltrow.

In October 1997, a picture dedicated to the life of a porn actor called "night in the style of boobies" was published. Filmists highly appreciated the director's work of Paul Anderson, but she did not receive the audience at the rental of success. But the main role performers were among the highly paid Hollywood actors.

Paul Thomas Anderson and Heather Graham on the filming of the film

In 1999, the most successful, according to the author, work entitled "Magnolia", devoted to the suicide of the fictional character of Ronald Opus and the relationship between the residents of the Native Town of the Director. The film received the main prize of the film festival in Berlin. In addition, Tom Kroz was given the "Golden Globe" for the best minor role, and the film itself was nominated for Oscar, including for the best scenario.

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In 2002, the light was seen by the comedy "Love, knocking from the legs" with the comic Adam Sandler in the lead role. At the Cannes Film Festival, the floor received a second prize for the best director's work.

In the period from 2003 to 2007, another 3 more film fees were released, but the most famous film director took off in 2007. At the box office, he appeared called "Oil" (the working name of the tape sounded as a quotation from the Bible - "And there will be blood") and gathered a record amount of $ 76 million. The entire film was put forward in 8 nominations for the Oscar.

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And in September 2012, the premiere of the new film "Master" at the Film Festival in Venice, where the floor received the "Silver Lion" award for the director. According to the plot, simple veteran of World War II finds a strange friend - hypnotist, intellectual and founder of a new religion, similar to Scientology. The main role appeared Philip Seymour Hoffman - a big friend Anderson. He starred in all the films of the director, except for the "congenital vice" and "Ghost Night", which came out after the death of Hoffman. The actor died in February 2014.

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In 2014, Anderson shielded the work of Thomas Pinchon "Congenital vice". Financed the work of the daughter of the American billionaire Megan Ellison. The comedy drama received two nominations for the Oscar premium - for the adapted script of Anderson and the design of the costumes of Bridges Mark.

The press compares Paul Anderson with the Quentin Tarantino, whom he, by the way, considers something to be another. Tarantino also did not receive a special education, but it did not prevent him from becoming one of the best directors of modernity.

Tomasa Anderson Paul is compared with Quentin Tarantino

An individual directorial style of the floor is a special visual style, plans delay and deployment. The film is developing, as a rule, in the vicinity of the native city of the director, and the characters of the characters reflect all sorts of human vices.

In July 2015, it became known that Paul Anderson joined the new project Warner Bros. "Pinocchio". It has been reported that he will write a script for the film with a classic fairy tale and may take the director's chair. But in the autumn of the same year the director of the project for unknown reasons left.

Director Paul Thomas Anderson with awards

At this point, the Warner Studio has already tried to launch him into operation, but each time everything ended in the same way. Bryan Fuller worked on the script, then Jane Goldman took this case. Interest in Pinocchio showed Tim Burton, but in the end, too, refused to participate in it.

Since 2015, Anderson is filmed in the TV series "Docugnistics today", which is a parody of serious documentary paintings.

Paul Thomas Anderson and Johnny Greenwood

In the interruptions between the work on the film, the director removes video clips. So, in 2016, he worked with the Radiohead Musical Rock Group, removing the rollers on the "Daydreaming" and "Present Tense" composition. The fact is that with the Radiohead guitarist Johnny Greenwood, acquaintance and cooperation is calculated for years. Greenwood is the person who wrote soundtracks to the majority of Anderson paintings.

On December 25, 2017, the world premiere of the movie "Ghost Thread" took place. In addition to the director, Anderson is also a screenwriter, producer, actor and even the operator of this picture.

Tomas Anderson film

She talks about the life of a talented couturier Reynolds Woodcock, working for the Royal Family of Great Britain. Sir Daniel Michael Blake Day Lewis, famous viewers on the films "Gang New York" and Lincoln film. This is the only actor in the history of the American Film Academy, three times awarded the Oscar premium for the best male role. Anderson has already worked with Daniel earlier, he played a major role in his painting "Oil".

Paul Thomas Anderson on the set of paintings

The film is devoted to perfectionism - the feature, extremely important for the very floor of Thomas Anderson. The creation of this picture began with the unexpected hobbies of Anderson - at first he was interested in the life and creative way of the Spanish fashion designer of Cristobal Balenciagi, and soon the whole era of high fashion 1950-1970s. The floor reread a lot of books on the topic, studied world museums and atelier, and then "lit" with this idea and Daniel Dei Lewis. By the way, this is the last role of the actor. In the summer of 2017, he stated that he leaves movies.

Personal life

Floor's wife, Maya Rudolph, has a TV presenter of evening music and humorous transfer "Saturday night in the literal air." Maya is also an actress and singer, but Anderson never starred. Star couple raises four children: three daughters and son.

Paul Anderson and his wife Maya Rudolph

Before marriage marriage had romantic relationships with the Apple Fiona, the American singer. For her, he at one time took off several musical video clips. In his free time, Anderson is fond of baseball. For his years (in 2018 he was 48) he looks tightened and vigorously (its height is 179 cm, and the weight is about 75 kg).

By the way, the director has a tradition - in front of each premiere of his work, he shakes sleep.

Paul Anderson is not particularly active in social networks, but once in an interview confessed that he liked the "Instagram" more than the rest. True, he does not indulge in photographs. In 2015, it was disappeared for a long time from the network, and only in May 2017 published a photo by presenting the clip of the group "Haim" to the composition "Right Now", the director of whom he became. After he again lost interest in "instagram" and returned only in August 2018.

Paul Anderson now

In 2018, the film "Ghost Thread" was nominated for the Oscar Award immediately in six categories, among them the nomination "Best Movie" and "The Best Director".

In February 2018, Paul Thomas Anderson announced that he was working on a new project. And this film will be designed for family viewing. The director admits that he was asked for his children. So the next picture will be careless, it is possible that it will become a fairy tale at all. Over the script, the floor works along with the younger daughter Lucy. He admits that the girl monitors the dad to turn from the "right" path and did not write a "dark" story.

Paul Thomas Anderson in 2018

In June 2018, the Metacritic portal published a list of the most successful directors whose account there is no unsuccessful films. Paul Thomas Anderson got into this cherished top 30. Along with him, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, Jay Jay Abrams, and others entered it.


  • 1996 - "Rock Eight"
  • 1997 - "Nights in the style of bugs"
  • 1998 - "Special flagpole"
  • 1999 - "Magnolia"
  • 2000 - "Fanatic"
  • 2002 - "Love, knocking down"
  • 2003 - "Sofa"
  • 2007 - "Oil"
  • 2012 - "Master"
  • 2014 - "Congenital Pulk"
  • 2017 - "Ghost Thread"

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