Kristina Keep - biography, photo, personal life, news, biathlon 2021



Kristina Rube is a Russian athlete, biathlonist who has achieved, despite the young age, high success in Russian and world sports. In addition, the girl is famous for hairpad on the track in lace underwear in 2013, which shocked and at the same time hesitated the public.

Christina Krottsky.

The competitors have long gossiped that all the merits of Christina actually belong to her mothers - the two-time Olympic Biathlon champion Anfishe Anatolyevna Colevaya, while the girl did not prove his own sporting professionalism.

Childhood and youth

Christina Leonidovna Krowzova was born on April 27, 1996 in Moscow in a sports family. Christina's mother Anfisi Anatolyevna The Cottskyova became the Olympic champion immediately in two winter sports, and Father Leonid Kratstsov - Master of Sports of the USSR International Class on Biathlon, trained Anfisa Anatolyevna. In the marriage of Anfisa and Leonid, 4 daughters were born: Daria, Christina, Vasilisa and Maria.

Christina Keeps and her mother Anfisa Moldsova

The eldest daughter of Daria Virlainen (in marriage) received the title of Master of Sports of Russia of the International Class Biathlon. Having such parents and older sister, Christina did not even doubt what she would become in the future. Although in an interview, the girl notes that if not a sports family, probably her profession would be related to the design of women's clothing.

Christina Rube in his youth

Christina's character went to the mother: both ladies are emotional and impulsive, unlike Leonid Vasilyevich - calm and balanced. At the same time, at home, in the family circle the theme of sports near the cutting rises quite rarely. Only at the beginning of the career of the daughter Anfisa Anatolyevna gave the daughter of the tips not to be sprayed and not to spend energy in front of the starts.


The first steps in the biathlon young athlete did in a sports school in the Moscow region, and in 2014 it began to train in Khanty-Mansiysk.

In 2013, the National Biathlon Championship was held in Murmansk, where Christina surprised the judicial jury and the audience an unusual equipment. The girl came out on the track in lace pink underwear, put on top of the traditional shape. Already later, Christina told in an interview, which explains the soothing behavior of the young athlete.

Cristina Biathlete Krisov

Christina, then another newcomer in biathlon, before the race in the framework of the Spartakiada told his friends and colleagues on the team that in the event of a victory would be released in underwear. The victory in the race was a surprise even for the girl himself, but the girlfriends reminded the cutting about this promise, and Christina could not help but hold the word.

It was planned to appear in the underwear, the girl planned on the last relay of the Olympics, but disqualified not only personal, but also the team as a whole, and to bring all Christina could not afford.

Christina Keeps came out on the track in underwear

But at the championship in Murmansk Christina did not shy away from the fulfillment of promises and appeared on the line of the start in the charming pink underwear on top of the costume. Of course, in this form, the girl attracted the attention of absolutely all those present. At first, the surrounding simply could not understand what happened, but the audience removed the tension, translating the incident to the joke. According to the athlete, the mood of its appearance raised to all those present.

Good luck smiled again Christine, when the girl won in such a caller. But after the intersection of the finish line, the condemnation was sprinkled against the cutch, Christine even seriously thought that she was deprived of gold in the race, but fortunately did not reach it.

Christina Rube on the finish

The biathlonist itself emphasizes that before the start was interested in the opinion of other athletes, whether their so-noise appearance of Christina will not insult, but not a single enemy found, the girl was supported. After the renewal of Judges, Christine stressed that such a situation would never happen again.

Two years later, the cutter went to Belorussia to participate in the World Biathlon Championship among juniors, where he ranked second in the relay, and in the individual race came the thirteenth. In the next 2016, the girls' results declined: the eighth and ninth place, respectively.

Personal life

On the personal life of young biathletes little is known. Almost all his free time, the girl devotes sport, on young people there is no time or forces. About creating a family girl is not thinking yet.

Even the photo on the personal page in Vkontakte girls reflect mainly her professional activities. Public resonance provoked the screenshot located in the media from the smartphone, where the SMS message was depicted about the accrual of salary in the amount of 6 rubles. According to the network, the girl ironically commented on the photo to the question where to spend such an amount.

Christina Krottsky.

Nevertheless, sporting achievements are not the only strong side of Christine cutch. In an interview, the athlete read the poem of his own essay, admitting that he was fond of poetry. Cristina's summer vacation, judging by the photos, prefers to spend on the sea coast, enjoying the sun and water.

Christina Krugstov now

After the Junior World Championship in 2017, where Christina Krisovova received a bronze medal for the relay, and in the race pursuit only finished the thirteenth, the girl began serious preparations for the World Summer Biathlon Championship. The athlete showed brilliant results at these competitions, receiving 6 medals, 2 of which for the first places.

Christina Krugstov in 2018

In the winter of 2017, the cuttsword participated in the national championship, where he won the bronze medal in the relay among women's 4x6 km, and finished in mass starts finished the fourth. In the summer of the same year, Christina received a gold medal over the summer biathlon.

In the 2017-2018 season, the athlete for the first time went to the Swiss city of Lenzerheide to participate in competitions at the Open Cup of Europe, where he won the bronze medals.

Christina Keeps and Alexey Volkov

In January 2018, the cutsword paired with Alexey Volkovov took fourth place in the relay at the European Championships in Ridnown. In an interview, the athlete said that due to weather conditions, the participants of the competition showed mediocre results, as well as Russian athletes.

On the question of plans for the Future of Christina, it would be that the most important event in the sports biography of biathletes would be a performance at the Olympiad, to which the girl seeks, like other athletes.


  • 2013 - Gold Medal at All-Russian Competitions for Valery Kiriyenko and Anna Bogly Titov
  • 2015 - Silver Medal at Junior World Cup
  • 2017 - Bronze Medal at the Junior World Cup
  • 2017 - Gold Medal at the World Summer Biathlon Championships among juniors
  • 2017 - Bronze Medal at the Russian Biathlon Championship
  • 2017 - Gold Medal at the Russian Biathlon Championship

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